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PHP Cross Reference of MyBB




/install/ -> upgrade.php (source)

   1  <?php
   2  /**
   3   * MyBB 1.6
   4   * Copyright 2010 MyBB Group, All Rights Reserved
   5   *
   6   * Website: http://mybb.com
   7   * License: http://mybb.com/about/license
   8   *
   9   * $Id$
  10   */
  12  define('MYBB_ROOT', dirname(dirname(__FILE__))."/");
  13  define("INSTALL_ROOT", dirname(__FILE__)."/");
  14  define("TIME_NOW", time());
  15  define('IN_MYBB', 1);
  16  define("IN_UPGRADE", 1);
  18  if(function_exists('date_default_timezone_set') && !ini_get('date.timezone'))
  19  {
  20      date_default_timezone_set('GMT');
  21  }
  23  require_once  MYBB_ROOT.'inc/class_error.php';
  24  $error_handler = new errorHandler();
  26  require_once  MYBB_ROOT."inc/class_core.php";
  27  $mybb = new MyBB;
  29  require_once MYBB_ROOT."inc/config.php";
  31  $orig_config = $config;
  33  if(!is_array($config['database']))
  34  {
  35      $config['database'] = array(
  36          "type" => $config['dbtype'],
  37          "database" => $config['database'],
  38          "table_prefix" => $config['table_prefix'],
  39          "hostname" => $config['hostname'],
  40          "username" => $config['username'],
  41          "password" => $config['password'],
  42          "encoding" => $config['db_encoding'],
  43      );
  44  }
  45  $mybb->config = &$config;
  47  // Include the files necessary for installation
  48  require_once  MYBB_ROOT."inc/class_timers.php";
  49  require_once  MYBB_ROOT."inc/functions.php";
  50  require_once  MYBB_ROOT."inc/class_xml.php";
  51  require_once  MYBB_ROOT.'inc/class_language.php';
  53  $lang = new MyLanguage();
  54  $lang->set_path(MYBB_ROOT.'install/resources/');
  55  $lang->load('language');
  57  // If we're upgrading from an SQLite installation, make sure we still work.
  58  if($config['database']['type'] == 'sqlite3' || $config['database']['type'] == 'sqlite2')
  59  {
  60      $config['database']['type'] = 'sqlite';
  61  }
  63  require_once MYBB_ROOT."inc/db_{$config['database']['type']}.php";
  64  switch($config['database']['type'])
  65  {
  66      case "sqlite":
  67          $db = new DB_SQLite;
  68          break;
  69      case "pgsql":
  70          $db = new DB_PgSQL;
  71          break;
  72      case "mysqli":
  73          $db = new DB_MySQLi;
  74          break;
  75      default:
  76          $db = new DB_MySQL;
  77  }
  79  // Connect to Database
  80  define('TABLE_PREFIX', $config['database']['table_prefix']);
  81  $db->connect($config['database']);
  82  $db->set_table_prefix(TABLE_PREFIX);
  83  $db->type = $config['database']['type'];
  85  // Load Settings
  86  if(file_exists(MYBB_ROOT."inc/settings.php"))
  87  {
  88      require_once  MYBB_ROOT."inc/settings.php";
  89  }
  91  if(!file_exists(MYBB_ROOT."inc/settings.php") || !$settings)
  92  {
  93      if(function_exists('rebuild_settings'))
  94      {
  95          rebuild_settings();
  96      }
  97      else
  98      {
  99          $options = array(
 100              "order_by" => "title",
 101              "order_dir" => "ASC"
 102          );
 104          $query = $db->simple_select("settings", "value, name", "", $options);
 105          while($setting = $db->fetch_array($query))
 106          {
 107              $setting['value'] = str_replace("\"", "\\\"", $setting['value']);
 108              $settings[$setting['name']] = $setting['value'];
 109          }
 110      }    
 111  }
 113  $settings['wolcutoff'] = $settings['wolcutoffmins']*60;
 114  $settings['bbname_orig'] = $settings['bbname'];
 115  $settings['bbname'] = strip_tags($settings['bbname']);
 117  // Fix for people who for some specify a trailing slash on the board URL
 118  if(substr($settings['bburl'], -1) == "/")
 119  {
 120      $settings['bburl'] = my_substr($settings['bburl'], 0, -1);
 121  }
 123  $mybb->settings = &$settings;
 124  $mybb->parse_cookies();
 126  require_once  MYBB_ROOT."inc/class_datacache.php";
 127  $cache = new datacache;
 129  // Load cache
 130  $cache->cache();
 132  $mybb->cache = &$cache;
 134  require_once  MYBB_ROOT."inc/class_session.php";
 135  $session = new session;
 136  $session->init();
 137  $mybb->session = &$session;
 139  // Include the necessary contants for installation
 140  $grouppermignore = array("gid", "type", "title", "description", "namestyle", "usertitle", "stars", "starimage", "image");
 141  $groupzerogreater = array("pmquota", "maxreputationsday", "attachquota");
 142  $displaygroupfields = array("title", "description", "namestyle", "usertitle", "stars", "starimage", "image");
 143  $fpermfields = array("canview", "candlattachments", "canpostthreads", "canpostreplys", "canpostattachments", "canratethreads", "caneditposts", "candeleteposts", "candeletethreads", "caneditattachments", "canpostpolls", "canvotepolls", "cansearch");
 145  // Include the installation resources
 146  require_once  INSTALL_ROOT."resources/output.php";
 147  $output = new installerOutput;
 148  $output->script = "upgrade.php";
 149  $output->title = "MyBB Upgrade Wizard";
 151  if(file_exists("lock"))
 152  {
 153      $output->print_error($lang->locked);
 154  }
 155  else
 156  {
 157      if($mybb->input['action'] == "logout" && $mybb->user['uid'])
 158      {    
 159          // Check session ID if we have one
 160          if($mybb->input['logoutkey'] != $mybb->user['logoutkey'])
 161          {
 162              $output->print_error("Your user ID could not be verified to log you out.  This may have been because a malicious Javascript was attempting to log you out automatically.  If you intended to log out, please click the Log Out button at the top menu.");
 163          }
 165          my_unsetcookie("mybbuser");
 166          my_unsetcookie("sid");
 167          if($mybb->user['uid'])
 168          {
 169              $time = TIME_NOW;
 170              $lastvisit = array(
 171                  "lastactive" => $time-900,
 172                  "lastvisit" => $time,
 173              );
 174              $db->update_query("users", $lastvisit, "uid='".$mybb->user['uid']."'");
 175              $db->delete_query("sessions", "sid='".$session->sid."'");
 176          }
 177          header("Location: upgrade.php");
 178      }
 179      else if($mybb->input['action'] == "do_login" && $mybb->request_method == "post")
 180      {    
 181          require_once  MYBB_ROOT."inc/functions_user.php";
 183          if(!username_exists($mybb->input['username']))
 184          {
 185              $output->print_error("The username you have entered appears to be invalid.");
 186          }
 187          $query = $db->simple_select("users", "uid,username,password,salt,loginkey", "username='".$db->escape_string($mybb->input['username'])."'", array('limit' => 1));
 188          $user = $db->fetch_array($query);
 189          if(!$user['uid'])
 190          {
 191              $output->print_error("The username you have entered appears to be invalid.");
 192          }
 193          else
 194          {
 195              $user = validate_password_from_uid($user['uid'], $mybb->input['password'], $user);
 196              if(!$user['uid'])
 197              {
 198                  $output->print_error("The password you entered is incorrect. If you have forgotten your password, click <a href=\"../member.php?action=lostpw\">here</a>. Otherwise, go back and try again.");
 199              }
 200          }
 202          $db->delete_query("sessions", "ip='".$db->escape_string($session->ipaddress)."' AND sid != '".$session->sid."'");
 204          $newsession = array(
 205              "uid" => $user['uid']
 206          );
 208          $db->update_query("sessions", $newsession, "sid='".$session->sid."'");
 210          // Temporarily set the cookie remember option for the login cookies
 211          $mybb->user['remember'] = $user['remember'];
 213          my_setcookie("mybbuser", $user['uid']."_".$user['loginkey'], null, true);
 214          my_setcookie("sid", $session->sid, -1, true);
 216          header("Location: ./upgrade.php");
 217      }
 219      $output->steps = array($lang->upgrade);
 221      if($mybb->user['uid'] == 0)
 222      {
 223          $output->print_header("Please Login", "errormsg", 0, 1);
 225          $output->print_contents('<p>Please enter your username and password to begin the upgrade process. You must be a valid forum administrator to perform the upgrade.</p>
 226  <form action="upgrade.php" method="post">
 227      <div class="border_wrapper">
 228          <table class="general" cellspacing="0">
 229          <thead>
 230              <tr>
 231                  <th colspan="2" class="first last">Login</th>
 232              </tr>
 233          </thead>
 234          <tbody>
 235              <tr class="first">
 236                  <td class="first">Username:</td>
 237                  <td class="last alt_col"><input type="text" class="textbox" name="username" size="25" maxlength="'.$mybb->settings['maxnamelength'].'" style="width: 200px;" /></td>
 238              </tr>
 239              <tr class="alt_row last">
 240                  <td class="first">Password:<br /><small>Please note that passwords are case sensitive.</small></td>
 241                  <td class="last alt_col"><input type="password" class="textbox" name="password" size="25" style="width: 200px;" /></td>
 242              </tr>
 243          </tbody>
 244          </table>
 245      </div>
 246      <div id="next_button">
 247          <input type="submit" class="submit_button" name="submit" value="Login" />
 248          <input type="hidden" name="action" value="do_login" />
 249      </div>
 250  </form>');
 251          $output->print_footer("");
 253          exit;
 254      }
 255      else if($mybb->usergroup['cancp'] != 1 && $mybb->usergroup['cancp'] != 'yes')
 256      {
 257          $output->print_error("You do not have permissions to run this process. You need administrator permissions to be able to run the upgrade procedure.<br /><br />If you need to logout, please click <a href=\"upgrade.php?action=logout&amp;logoutkey={$mybb->user['logoutkey']}\">here</a>. From there you will be able to log in again under your administrator account.");
 258      }
 260      if(!$mybb->input['action'] || $mybb->input['action'] == "intro")
 261      {
 262          $output->print_header();
 264          if($db->table_exists("upgrade_data"))
 265          {
 266              $db->drop_table("upgrade_data");
 267          }
 268          $db->write_query("CREATE TABLE ".TABLE_PREFIX."upgrade_data (
 269              title varchar(30) NOT NULL,
 270              contents text NOT NULL,
 271              UNIQUE (title)
 272          );");
 274          $dh = opendir(INSTALL_ROOT."resources");
 275          while(($file = readdir($dh)) !== false)
 276          {
 277              if(preg_match("#upgrade([0-9]+).php$#i", $file, $match))
 278              {
 279                  $upgradescripts[$match[1]] = $file;
 280                  $key_order[] = $match[1];
 281              }
 282          }
 283          closedir($dh);
 284          natsort($key_order);
 285          $key_order = array_reverse($key_order);
 287          // Figure out which version we last updated from (as of 1.6)
 288          $version_history = $cache->read("version_history");
 290          // If array is empty then we must be upgrading to 1.6 since that's when this feature was added
 291          if(empty($version_history))
 292          {
 293              $next_update_version = 17; // 16+1
 294          }
 295          else
 296          {
 297              $next_update_version = intval(end($version_history)+1);
 298          }
 300          foreach($key_order as $k => $key)
 301          {
 302              $file = $upgradescripts[$key];
 303              $upgradescript = file_get_contents(INSTALL_ROOT."resources/$file");
 304              preg_match("#Upgrade Script:(.*)#i", $upgradescript, $verinfo);
 305              preg_match("#upgrade([0-9]+).php$#i", $file, $keynum);
 306              if(trim($verinfo[1]))
 307              {
 308                  if($keynum[1] == $next_update_version)
 309                  {
 310                      $vers .= "<option value=\"$keynum[1]\" selected=\"selected\">$verinfo[1]</option>\n";
 311                  }
 312                  else
 313                  {
 314                      $vers .= "<option value=\"$keynum[1]\">$verinfo[1]</option>\n";
 315                  }
 316              }
 317          }
 318          unset($upgradescripts);
 319          unset($upgradescript);
 321          $output->print_contents($lang->sprintf($lang->upgrade_welcome, $mybb->version)."<p><select name=\"from\">$vers</select>".$lang->upgrade_send_stats);
 322          $output->print_footer("doupgrade");
 323      }
 324      elseif($mybb->input['action'] == "doupgrade")
 325      {
 326          add_upgrade_store("allow_anonymous_info", intval($mybb->input['allow_anonymous_info']));
 327          require_once INSTALL_ROOT."resources/upgrade".intval($mybb->input['from']).".php";
 328          if($db->table_exists("datacache") && $upgrade_detail['requires_deactivated_plugins'] == 1 && $mybb->input['donewarning'] != "true")
 329          {
 330              $plugins = $cache->read('plugins', true);
 331              if(!empty($plugins['active']))
 332              {
 333                  $output->print_header();
 334                  $lang->plugin_warning = "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"from\" value=\"".intval($mybb->input['from'])."\" />\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"donewarning\" value=\"true\" />\n<div class=\"error\"><strong><span style=\"color: red\">Warning:</span></strong> <p>There are still ".count($plugins['active'])." plugin(s) active. Active plugins can sometimes cause problems during an upgrade procedure or may break your forum afterward. It is <strong>strongly</strong> reccommended that you deactivate your plugins before continuing.</p></div> <br />";
 335                  $output->print_contents($lang->sprintf($lang->plugin_warning, $mybb->version));
 336                  $output->print_footer("doupgrade");
 337              }
 338              else
 339              {
 340                  add_upgrade_store("startscript", $mybb->input['from']);
 341                  $runfunction = next_function($mybb->input['from']);
 342              }
 343          }
 344          else
 345          {
 346              add_upgrade_store("startscript", $mybb->input['from']);
 347              $runfunction = next_function($mybb->input['from']);
 348          }
 349      }
 350      $currentscript = get_upgrade_store("currentscript");
 351      $system_upgrade_detail = get_upgrade_store("upgradedetail");
 353      if($mybb->input['action'] == "templates")
 354      {
 355          $runfunction = "upgradethemes";
 356      }
 357      elseif($mybb->input['action'] == "rebuildsettings")
 358      {
 359          $runfunction = "buildsettings";
 360      }
 361      elseif($mybb->input['action'] == "buildcaches")
 362      {
 363          $runfunction = "buildcaches";
 364      }
 365      elseif($mybb->input['action'] == "finished")
 366      {
 367          $runfunction = "upgradedone";
 368      }
 369      else // Busy running modules, come back later
 370      {
 371          $bits = explode("_", $mybb->input['action'], 2);
 372          if($bits[1]) // We're still running a module
 373          {
 374              $from = $bits[0];
 375              $runfunction = next_function($bits[0], $bits[1]);
 377          }
 378      }
 380      // Fetch current script we're in
 381      if(function_exists($runfunction))
 382      {
 383          $runfunction();
 384      }
 385  }
 387  function upgradethemes()
 388  {
 389      global $output, $db, $system_upgrade_detail, $lang, $mybb;
 391      $output->print_header($lang->upgrade_templates_reverted);
 393      $charset = $db->build_create_table_collation();
 395      if($system_upgrade_detail['revert_all_templates'] > 0)
 396      {
 397          $db->drop_table("templates");
 398          $db->write_query("CREATE TABLE ".TABLE_PREFIX."templates (
 399            tid int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
 400            title varchar(120) NOT NULL default '',
 401            template text NOT NULL,
 402            sid int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
 403            version varchar(20) NOT NULL default '0',
 404            status varchar(10) NOT NULL default '',
 405            dateline int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
 406            PRIMARY KEY  (tid)
 407          ) ENGINE=MyISAM{$charset};");
 408      }
 410      if($system_upgrade_detail['revert_all_themes'] > 0)
 411      {
 412          $db->drop_table("themes");
 413          $db->write_query("CREATE TABLE ".TABLE_PREFIX."themes (
 414           tid smallint unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
 415           name varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
 416           pid smallint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
 417           def smallint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
 418           properties text NOT NULL,
 419           stylesheets text NOT NULL,
 420           allowedgroups text NOT NULL,
 421           PRIMARY KEY (tid)
 422          ) ENGINE=MyISAM{$charset};");
 424          $db->drop_table("themestylesheets");
 425          $db->write_query("CREATE TABLE ".TABLE_PREFIX."themestylesheets(
 426              sid int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
 427              name varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',
 428              tid int unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
 429              attachedto text NOT NULL,
 430              stylesheet text NOT NULL,
 431              cachefile varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
 432              lastmodified bigint(30) NOT NULL default '0',
 433              PRIMARY KEY(sid)
 434          ) ENGINE=MyISAM{$charset};");
 436          $contents = @file_get_contents(INSTALL_ROOT.'resources/mybb_theme.xml');
 437          if(file_exists(MYBB_ROOT.$mybb->config['admin_dir']."/inc/functions_themes.php"))
 438          {
 439              require_once MYBB_ROOT.$mybb->config['admin_dir']."/inc/functions.php";
 440              require_once MYBB_ROOT.$mybb->config['admin_dir']."/inc/functions_themes.php";
 441          }
 442          else if(file_exists(MYBB_ROOT."admin/inc/functions_themes.php"))
 443          {
 444              require_once  MYBB_ROOT."admin/inc/functions.php";
 445              require_once  MYBB_ROOT."admin/inc/functions_themes.php";
 446          }
 447          else
 448          {
 449              $output->print_error("Please make sure your admin directory is uploaded correctly.");
 450          }
 451          import_theme_xml($contents, array("templateset" => -2, "no_templates" => 1, "version_compat" => 1));
 452          $tid = build_new_theme("Default", null, 1);
 454          $db->update_query("themes", array("def" => 1), "tid='{$tid}'");
 455          $db->update_query("users", array('style' => $tid));
 456          $db->update_query("forums", array('style' => 0));
 458          $db->drop_table("templatesets");
 459          $db->write_query("CREATE TABLE ".TABLE_PREFIX."templatesets (
 460            sid smallint unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
 461            title varchar(120) NOT NULL default '',
 462            PRIMARY KEY  (sid)
 463          ) ENGINE=MyISAM{$charset};");
 465          $db->insert_query("templatesets", array('title' => 'Default Templates'));
 466      }
 467      else
 468      {
 469          // Re-import master
 470          $contents = @file_get_contents(INSTALL_ROOT.'resources/mybb_theme.xml');
 471          if(file_exists(MYBB_ROOT.$mybb->config['admin_dir']."/inc/functions_themes.php"))
 472          {
 473              require_once MYBB_ROOT.$mybb->config['admin_dir']."/inc/functions_themes.php";
 474          }
 475          else if(file_exists(MYBB_ROOT."admin/inc/functions_themes.php"))
 476          {
 477              require_once  MYBB_ROOT."admin/inc/functions_themes.php";
 478          }
 479          else
 480          {
 481              $output->print_error();
 482          }
 484          // Import master theme
 485          import_theme_xml($contents, array("tid" => 1, "no_templates" => 1, "version_compat" => 1));
 486      }
 488      $sid = -2;
 490      // Now deal with the master templates
 491      $contents = @file_get_contents(INSTALL_ROOT.'resources/mybb_theme.xml');
 492      $parser = new XMLParser($contents);
 493      $tree = $parser->get_tree();
 495      $theme = $tree['theme'];
 497      if(is_array($theme['templates']))
 498      {
 499          $templates = $theme['templates']['template'];
 500          foreach($templates as $template)
 501          {
 502              $templatename = $db->escape_string($template['attributes']['name']);
 503              $templateversion = intval($template['attributes']['version']);
 504              $templatevalue = $db->escape_string($template['value']);
 505              $time = TIME_NOW;
 506              $query = $db->simple_select("templates", "tid", "sid='-2' AND title='".$db->escape_string($templatename)."'");
 507              $oldtemp = $db->fetch_array($query);
 508              if($oldtemp['tid'])
 509              {
 510                  $update_array = array(
 511                      'template' => $templatevalue,
 512                      'version' => $templateversion,
 513                      'dateline' => $time
 514                  );
 515                  $db->update_query("templates", $update_array, "title='".$db->escape_string($templatename)."' AND sid='-2'");
 516              }
 517              else
 518              {
 519                  $insert_array = array(
 520                      'title' => $templatename,
 521                      'template' => $templatevalue,
 522                      'sid' => $sid,
 523                      'version' => $templateversion,
 524                      'dateline' => $time
 525                  );            
 527                  $db->insert_query("templates", $insert_array);
 528                  ++$newcount;
 529              }
 530          }
 531      }
 533      $output->print_contents($lang->upgrade_templates_reverted_success);
 534      $output->print_footer("rebuildsettings");
 535  }
 537  function buildsettings()
 538  {
 539      global $db, $output, $system_upgrade_detail, $lang;
 541      if(!is_writable(MYBB_ROOT."inc/settings.php"))
 542      {
 543          $output->print_header("Rebuilding Settings");
 544          echo "<p><div class=\"error\"><span style=\"color: red; font-weight: bold;\">Error: Unable to open inc/settings.php</span><h3>Before the upgrade process can continue, you need to changes the permissions of inc/settings.php so it is writable.</h3></div></p>";
 545          $output->print_footer("rebuildsettings");
 546          exit;
 547      }
 548      $synccount = sync_settings($system_upgrade_detail['revert_all_settings']);
 550      $output->print_header($lang->upgrade_settings_sync);
 551      $output->print_contents($lang->sprintf($lang->upgrade_settings_sync_success, $synccount[1], $synccount[0]));
 552      $output->print_footer("buildcaches");
 553  }
 555  function buildcaches()
 556  {
 557      global $db, $output, $cache, $lang, $mybb;
 559      $output->print_header($lang->upgrade_datacache_building);
 561      $contents .= $lang->upgrade_building_datacache;
 562      require_once  MYBB_ROOT."inc/class_datacache.php";
 563      $cache = new datacache;
 564      $cache->update_version();
 565      $cache->update_attachtypes();
 566      $cache->update_smilies();
 567      $cache->update_badwords();
 568      $cache->update_usergroups();
 569      $cache->update_forumpermissions();
 570      $cache->update_stats();
 571      $cache->update_moderators();
 572      $cache->update_forums();
 573      $cache->update_usertitles();
 574      $cache->update_reportedposts();
 575      $cache->update_mycode();
 576      $cache->update_posticons();
 577      $cache->update_update_check();
 578      $cache->update_tasks();
 579      $cache->update_spiders();
 580      $cache->update_bannedips();
 581      $cache->update_banned();
 582      $cache->update_birthdays();
 583      $cache->update_most_replied_threads();
 584      $cache->update_most_viewed_threads();
 585      $cache->update_groupleaders();
 586      $cache->update_threadprefixes();
 587      $cache->update_forumsdisplay();
 589      $contents .= $lang->done."</p>";
 591      $output->print_contents("$contents<p>".$lang->upgrade_continue."</p>");
 592      $output->print_footer("finished");
 593  }
 595  function upgradedone()
 596  {
 597      global $db, $output, $mybb, $lang, $config;
 599      ob_start();
 600      $output->print_header("Upgrade Complete");
 602      $allow_anonymous_info = get_upgrade_store("allow_anonymous_info");
 603      if($allow_anonymous_info == 1)
 604      {
 605          require_once  MYBB_ROOT."inc/functions_serverstats.php";
 606          $build_server_stats = build_server_stats(0, '', $mybb->version_code, $mybb->config['database']['encoding']);
 608          if($build_server_stats['info_sent_success'] == false)
 609          {
 610              echo $build_server_stats['info_image'];
 611          }
 612      }
 613      ob_end_flush();
 615      if(is_writable("./"))
 616      {
 617          $lock = @fopen("./lock", "w");
 618          $written = @fwrite($lock, "1");
 619          @fclose($lock);
 620          if($written)
 621          {
 622              $lock_note = $lang->sprintf($lang->upgrade_locked, $config['admin_dir']);
 623          }
 624      }
 625      if(!$written)
 626      {
 627          $lock_note = "<p><b><span style=\"color: red;\">".$lang->upgrade_removedir."</span></b></p>";
 628      }
 630      // Rebuild inc/settings.php at the end of the upgrade
 631      if(function_exists('rebuild_settings'))
 632      {
 633          rebuild_settings();
 634      }
 635      else
 636      {
 637          $options = array(
 638              "order_by" => "title",
 639              "order_dir" => "ASC"
 640          );
 642          $query = $db->simple_select("settings", "value, name", "", $options);
 643          while($setting = $db->fetch_array($query))
 644          {
 645              $setting['value'] = str_replace("\"", "\\\"", $setting['value']);
 646              $settings[$setting['name']] = $setting['value'];
 647          }
 648      }
 650      $output->print_contents($lang->sprintf($lang->upgrade_congrats, $mybb->version, $lock_note));
 651      $output->print_footer();
 652  }
 654  function whatsnext()
 655  {
 656      global $output, $db, $system_upgrade_detail, $lang;
 658      if($system_upgrade_detail['revert_all_templates'] > 0)
 659      {
 660          $output->print_header($lang->upgrade_template_reversion);
 661          $output->print_contents($lang->upgrade_template_reversion_success);
 662          $output->print_footer("templates");
 663      }
 664      else
 665      {
 666          upgradethemes();
 667      }
 668  }
 670  function next_function($from, $func="dbchanges")
 671  {
 672      global $oldvers, $system_upgrade_detail, $currentscript, $cache;
 674      load_module("upgrade".$from.".php");
 675      if(function_exists("upgrade".$from."_".$func))
 676      {
 677          $function = "upgrade".$from."_".$func;
 678      }
 679      else
 680      {
 681           // We're done with our last upgrade script, so add it to the upgrade scripts we've already completed.
 682          $version_history = $cache->read("version_history");
 683          $version_history[$from] = $from;
 684          $cache->update("version_history", $version_history);
 686          $from = $from+1;
 687          if(file_exists(INSTALL_ROOT."resources/upgrade".$from.".php"))
 688          {
 689              $function = next_function($from);
 690          }
 691      }
 693      if(!$function)
 694      {
 695          $function = "whatsnext";
 696      }
 697      return $function;
 698  }
 700  function load_module($module)
 701  {
 702      global $system_upgrade_detail, $currentscript, $upgrade_detail;
 704      require_once INSTALL_ROOT."resources/".$module;
 705      if($currentscript != $module)
 706      {
 707          foreach($upgrade_detail as $key => $val)
 708          {
 709              if(!$system_upgrade_detail[$key] || $val > $system_upgrade_detail[$key])
 710              {
 711                  $system_upgrade_detail[$key] = $val;
 712              }
 713          }
 714          add_upgrade_store("upgradedetail", $system_upgrade_detail);
 715          add_upgrade_store("currentscript", $module);
 716      }
 717  }
 719  function get_upgrade_store($title)
 720  {
 721      global $db;
 723      $query = $db->simple_select("upgrade_data", "*", "title='".$db->escape_string($title)."'");
 724      $data = $db->fetch_array($query);
 725      return unserialize($data['contents']);
 726  }
 728  function add_upgrade_store($title, $contents)
 729  {
 730      global $db;
 732      $replace_array = array(
 733          "title" => $db->escape_string($title),
 734          "contents" => $db->escape_string(serialize($contents))
 735      );        
 736      $db->replace_query("upgrade_data", $replace_array, "title");
 737  }
 739  function sync_settings($redo=0)
 740  {
 741      global $db;
 743      $settingcount = $groupcount = 0;
 744      $settings = $settinggroups = array();
 745      if($redo == 2)
 746      {
 747          $db->drop_table("settinggroups");
 748          switch($db->type)
 749          {
 750              case "pgsql":
 751                  $db->write_query("CREATE TABLE ".TABLE_PREFIX."settinggroups (
 752                    gid serial,
 753                    name varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
 754                    title varchar(220) NOT NULL default '',
 755                    description text NOT NULL default '',
 756                    disporder smallint NOT NULL default '0',
 757                    isdefault int NOT NULL default '0',
 758                    PRIMARY KEY (gid)
 759                  );");
 760                  break;
 761              case "sqlite":
 762                  $db->write_query("CREATE TABLE ".TABLE_PREFIX."settinggroups (
 763                    gid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
 764                    name varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
 765                    title varchar(220) NOT NULL default '',
 766                    description TEXT NOT NULL,
 767                    disporder smallint NOT NULL default '0',
 768                    isdefault int(1) NOT NULL default '0'
 769                  );");
 770                  break;
 771              case "mysql":
 772              default:
 773                  $db->write_query("CREATE TABLE ".TABLE_PREFIX."settinggroups (
 774                    gid smallint unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
 775                    name varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
 776                    title varchar(220) NOT NULL default '',
 777                    description text NOT NULL,
 778                    disporder smallint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
 779                    isdefault int(1) NOT NULL default '0',
 780                    PRIMARY KEY  (gid)
 781                  ) ENGINE=MyISAM;");
 782          }
 784          $db->drop_table("settings");
 786          switch($db->type)
 787          {
 788              case "pgsql":
 789                  $db->write_query("CREATE TABLE ".TABLE_PREFIX."settings (
 790                    sid serial,
 791                    name varchar(120) NOT NULL default '',
 792                    title varchar(120) NOT NULL default '',
 793                    description text NOT NULL default '',
 794                    optionscode text NOT NULL default '',
 795                    value text NOT NULL default '',
 796                    disporder smallint NOT NULL default '0',
 797                    gid smallint NOT NULL default '0',
 798                    isdefault int NOT NULL default '0',
 799                    PRIMARY KEY (sid)
 800                  );");
 801                  break;
 802              case "sqlite":
 803                  $db->write_query("CREATE TABLE ".TABLE_PREFIX."settings (
 804                    sid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
 805                    name varchar(120) NOT NULL default '',
 806                    title varchar(120) NOT NULL default '',
 807                    description TEXT NOT NULL,
 808                    optionscode TEXT NOT NULL,
 809                    value TEXT NOT NULL,
 810                    disporder smallint NOT NULL default '0',
 811                    gid smallint NOT NULL default '0',
 812                    isdefault int(1) NOT NULL default '0'
 813                  );");
 814                  break;
 815              case "mysql":
 816              default:
 817                  $db->write_query("CREATE TABLE ".TABLE_PREFIX."settings (
 818                    sid smallint unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
 819                    name varchar(120) NOT NULL default '',
 820                    title varchar(120) NOT NULL default '',
 821                    description text NOT NULL,
 822                    optionscode text NOT NULL,
 823                    value text NOT NULL,
 824                    disporder smallint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
 825                    gid smallint unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
 826                    isdefault int(1) NOT NULL default '0',
 827                    PRIMARY KEY (sid)
 828                  ) ENGINE=MyISAM;");
 829          }
 830      }
 831      else
 832      {
 833          if($db->type == "mysql" || $db->type == "mysqli")
 834          {
 835              $wheresettings = "isdefault='1' OR isdefault='yes'";
 836          }
 837          else
 838          {
 839              $wheresettings = "isdefault='1'";
 840          }
 842          $query = $db->simple_select("settinggroups", "name,title,gid", $wheresettings);
 843          while($group = $db->fetch_array($query))
 844          {
 845              $settinggroups[$group['name']] = $group['gid'];
 846          }
 848          // Collect all the user's settings - regardless of 'defaultivity' - we'll check them all
 849          // against default settings and insert/update them accordingly
 850          $query = $db->simple_select("settings", "name,sid");
 851          while($setting = $db->fetch_array($query))
 852          {
 853              $settings[$setting['name']] = $setting['sid'];
 854          }
 855      }
 856      $settings_xml = file_get_contents(INSTALL_ROOT."resources/settings.xml");
 857      $parser = new XMLParser($settings_xml);
 858      $parser->collapse_dups = 0;
 859      $tree = $parser->get_tree();
 860      $settinggroupnames = array();
 861      $settingnames = array();
 863      foreach($tree['settings'][0]['settinggroup'] as $settinggroup)
 864      {
 865          $settinggroupnames[] = $settinggroup['attributes']['name'];
 867          $groupdata = array(
 868              "name" => $db->escape_string($settinggroup['attributes']['name']),
 869              "title" => $db->escape_string($settinggroup['attributes']['title']),
 870              "description" => $db->escape_string($settinggroup['attributes']['description']),
 871              "disporder" => intval($settinggroup['attributes']['disporder']),
 872              "isdefault" => $settinggroup['attributes']['isdefault']
 873          );
 874          if(!$settinggroups[$settinggroup['attributes']['name']] || $redo == 2)
 875          {
 876              $gid = $db->insert_query("settinggroups", $groupdata);
 877              ++$groupcount;
 878          }
 879          else
 880          {
 881              $gid = $settinggroups[$settinggroup['attributes']['name']];
 882              $db->update_query("settinggroups", $groupdata, "gid='{$gid}'");
 883          }
 885          if(!$gid)
 886          {
 887              continue;
 888          }
 890          foreach($settinggroup['setting'] as $setting)
 891          {
 892              $settingnames[] = $setting['attributes']['name'];
 894              $settingdata = array(
 895                  "name" => $db->escape_string($setting['attributes']['name']),
 896                  "title" => $db->escape_string($setting['title'][0]['value']),
 897                  "description" => $db->escape_string($setting['description'][0]['value']),
 898                  "optionscode" => $db->escape_string($setting['optionscode'][0]['value']),
 899                  "disporder" => intval($setting['disporder'][0]['value']),
 900                  "gid" => $gid,
 901                  "isdefault" => 1
 902              );
 903              if(!$settings[$setting['attributes']['name']] || $redo == 2)
 904              {
 905                  $settingdata['value'] = $db->escape_string($setting['settingvalue'][0]['value']);
 906                  $db->insert_query("settings", $settingdata);
 907                  $settingcount++;
 908              }
 909              else
 910              {
 911                  $name = $db->escape_string($setting['attributes']['name']);
 912                  $db->update_query("settings", $settingdata, "name='{$name}'");
 913              }
 914          }
 915      }
 917      if($redo >= 1)
 918      {
 919          require  MYBB_ROOT."inc/settings.php";
 920          foreach($settings as $key => $val)
 921          {
 922              $db->update_query("settings", array('value' => $db->escape_string($val)), "name='".$db->escape_string($key)."'");
 923          }
 924      }
 925      unset($settings);
 926      $query = $db->simple_select("settings", "*", "", array('order_by' => 'title'));
 927      while($setting = $db->fetch_array($query))
 928      {
 929          $setting['value'] = str_replace("\"", "\\\"", $setting['value']);
 930          $settings .= "\$settings['{$setting['name']}'] = \"".$setting['value']."\";\n";
 931      }
 932      $settings = "<?php\n/*********************************\ \n  DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE, PLEASE USE\n  THE SETTINGS EDITOR\n\*********************************/\n\n$settings\n?>";
 933      $file = fopen(MYBB_ROOT."inc/settings.php", "w");
 934      fwrite($file, $settings);
 935      fclose($file);
 936      return array($groupcount, $settingcount);
 937  }
 939  function sync_tasks($redo=0)
 940  {
 941      global $db;
 943      $taskcount = 0;
 944      $tasks = array();
 945      if($redo == 2)
 946      {
 947          $db->drop_table("tasks");
 948          switch($db->type)
 949          {
 950              case "pgsql":
 951                  $db->write_query("CREATE TABLE ".TABLE_PREFIX."tasks (
 952                      tid serial,
 953                      title varchar(120) NOT NULL default '',
 954                      description text NOT NULL default '',
 955                      file varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',
 956                      minute varchar(200) NOT NULL default '',
 957                      hour varchar(200) NOT NULL default '',
 958                      day varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
 959                      month varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',
 960                      weekday varchar(15) NOT NULL default '',
 961                      nextrun bigint NOT NULL default '0',
 962                      lastrun bigint NOT NULL default '0',
 963                      enabled int NOT NULL default '1',
 964                      logging int NOT NULL default '0',
 965                      locked bigint NOT NULL default '0',
 966                      PRIMARY KEY(tid)
 967                  );");
 968                  break;
 969              case "sqlite":
 970                  $db->write_query("CREATE TABLE ".TABLE_PREFIX."tasks (
 971                      tid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
 972                      title varchar(120) NOT NULL default '',
 973                      description TEXT NOT NULL,
 974                      file varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',
 975                      minute varchar(200) NOT NULL default '',
 976                      hour varchar(200) NOT NULL default '',
 977                      day varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
 978                      month varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',
 979                      weekday varchar(15) NOT NULL default '',
 980                      nextrun bigint(30) NOT NULL default '0',
 981                      lastrun bigint(30) NOT NULL default '0',
 982                      enabled int(1) NOT NULL default '1',
 983                      logging int(1) NOT NULL default '0',
 984                      locked bigint(30) NOT NULL default '0'
 985                  );");
 986                  break;
 987              case "mysql":
 988              default:
 989                  $db->write_query("CREATE TABLE ".TABLE_PREFIX."tasks (
 990                      tid int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
 991                      title varchar(120) NOT NULL default '',
 992                      description text NOT NULL,
 993                      file varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',
 994                      minute varchar(200) NOT NULL default '',
 995                      hour varchar(200) NOT NULL default '',
 996                      day varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
 997                      month varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',
 998                      weekday varchar(15) NOT NULL default '',
 999                      nextrun bigint(30) NOT NULL default '0',
1000                      lastrun bigint(30) NOT NULL default '0',
1001                      enabled int(1) NOT NULL default '1',
1002                      logging int(1) NOT NULL default '0',
1003                      locked bigint(30) NOT NULL default '0',
1004                      PRIMARY KEY (tid)
1005                  ) ENGINE=MyISAM;");
1006          }
1007      }
1008      else
1009      {
1010          $query = $db->simple_select("tasks", "file,tid");
1011          while($task = $db->fetch_array($query))
1012          {
1013              $tasks[$task['file']] = $task['tid'];
1014          }
1015      }
1017      require_once  MYBB_ROOT."inc/functions_task.php";
1018      $task_file = file_get_contents(INSTALL_ROOT.'resources/tasks.xml');
1019      $parser = new XMLParser($task_file);
1020      $parser->collapse_dups = 0;
1021      $tree = $parser->get_tree();
1023      // Resync tasks
1024      foreach($tree['tasks'][0]['task'] as $task)
1025      {
1026          if(!$tasks[$task['file'][0]['value']] || $redo == 2)
1027          {
1028              $new_task = array(
1029                  'title' => $db->escape_string($task['title'][0]['value']),
1030                  'description' => $db->escape_string($task['description'][0]['value']),
1031                  'file' => $db->escape_string($task['file'][0]['value']),
1032                  'minute' => $db->escape_string($task['minute'][0]['value']),
1033                  'hour' => $db->escape_string($task['hour'][0]['value']),
1034                  'day' => $db->escape_string($task['day'][0]['value']),
1035                  'weekday' => $db->escape_string($task['weekday'][0]['value']),
1036                  'month' => $db->escape_string($task['month'][0]['value']),
1037                  'enabled' => $db->escape_string($task['enabled'][0]['value']),
1038                  'logging' => $db->escape_string($task['logging'][0]['value'])
1039              );
1041              $new_task['nextrun'] = fetch_next_run($new_task);
1043              $db->insert_query("tasks", $new_task);
1044              $taskcount++;
1045          }
1046          else
1047          {
1048              $update_task = array(
1049                  'title' => $db->escape_string($task['title'][0]['value']),
1050                  'description' => $db->escape_string($task['description'][0]['value']),
1051                  'file' => $db->escape_string($task['file'][0]['value']),
1052              );
1054              $db->update_query("tasks", $update_task, "file='".$db->escape_string($task['file'][0]['value'])."'");
1055          }
1056      }
1058      return $taskcount;
1059  }
1061  function write_settings()
1062  {
1063      global $db;
1064      $query = $db->simple_select("settings", "*", "", array('order_by' => 'title'));
1065      while($setting = $db->fetch_array($query))
1066      {
1067          $setting['value'] = $db->escape_string($setting['value']);
1068          $settings .= "\$settings['{$setting['name']}'] = \"{$setting['value']}\";\n";
1069      }
1070      if(!empty($settings))
1071      {
1072          $settings = "<?php\n/*********************************\ \n  DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE, PLEASE USE\n  THE SETTINGS EDITOR\n\*********************************/\n\n{$settings}\n?>";
1073          $file = fopen(MYBB_ROOT."inc/settings.php", "w");
1074          fwrite($file, $settings);
1075          fclose($file);
1076      }
1077  }
1078  ?>

Generated: Tue Oct 8 19:19:50 2013 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1