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PHP Cross Reference of MyBB |
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MyBB 1.6 Copyright 2010 MyBB Group, All Rights Reserved Website: http://mybb.com License: http://mybb.com/about/license
File Size: | 6549 lines (158 kb) |
Included or required: | 4 times |
Referenced: | 4 times |
Includes or requires: | 8 files inc/class_core.php inc/mailhandlers/php.php inc/class_plugins.php inc/settings.php inc/mailhandlers/smtp.php inc/class_moderation.php inc/class_mailhandler.php inc/class_datacache.php |
output_page($contents) X-Ref |
Outputs a page directly to the browser, parsing anything which needs to be parsed. param: string The contents of the page. |
add_shutdown($name, $arguments=array() X-Ref |
Adds a function or class to the list of code to run on shutdown. param: mixed The name of the function. param: mixed An array of arguments for the function return: boolean True if function exists, otherwise false. |
run_shutdown() X-Ref |
Runs the shutdown items after the page has been sent to the browser. |
send_mail_queue($count=10) X-Ref |
Sends a specified amount of messages from the mail queue param: int The number of messages to send (Defaults to 10) |
parse_page($contents) X-Ref |
Parses the contents of a page before outputting it. param: string The contents of the page. return: string The parsed page. |
my_date($format, $stamp="", $offset="", $ty=1, $adodb=false) X-Ref |
Turn a unix timestamp in to a "friendly" date/time format for the user. param: string A date format according to PHP's date structure. param: int The unix timestamp the date should be generated for. param: int The offset in hours that should be applied to times. (timezones) param: int Whether or not to use today/yesterday formatting. param: boolean Whether or not to use the adodb time class for < 1970 or > 2038 times return: string The formatted timestamp. |
my_mail($to, $subject, $message, $from="", $charset="", $headers="", $keep_alive=false, $format="text", $message_text="", $return_email="") X-Ref |
Sends an email using PHP's mail function, formatting it appropriately. param: string Address the email should be addressed to. param: string The subject of the email being sent. param: string The message being sent. param: string The from address of the email, if blank, the board name will be used. param: string The chracter set being used to send this email. param: boolean Do we wish to keep the connection to the mail server alive to send more than one message (SMTP only) param: string The format of the email to be sent (text or html). text is default param: string The text message of the email if being sent in html format, for email clients that don't support html param: string The email address to return to. Defaults to admin return email address. |
generate_post_check() X-Ref |
Generates a unique code for POST requests to prevent XSS/CSRF attacks return: string The generated code |
verify_post_check($code, $silent=false) X-Ref |
Verifies a POST check code is valid, if not shows an error (silently returns false on silent parameter) param: string The incoming POST check code param: boolean Silent mode or not (silent mode will not show the error to the user but returns false) |
get_parent_list($fid) X-Ref |
Return a parent list for the specified forum. param: int The forum id to get the parent list for. return: string The comma-separated parent list. |
build_parent_list($fid, $column="fid", $joiner="OR", $parentlist="") X-Ref |
Build a parent list of a specific forum, suitable for querying param: int The forum ID param: string The column name to add to the query param: string The joiner for each forum for querying (OR | AND | etc) param: string The parent list of the forum - if you have it return: string The query string generated |
cache_forums($force=false) X-Ref |
Load the forum cache in to memory param: boolean True to force a reload of the cache |
get_child_list($fid) X-Ref |
Generate an array of all child and descendant forums for a specific forum. param: int The forum ID param: return Array of descendants |
error($error="", $title="") X-Ref |
Produce a friendly error message page param: string The error message to be shown param: string The title of the message shown in the title of the page and the error table |
inline_error($errors, $title="") X-Ref |
Produce an error message for displaying inline on a page param: array Array of errors to be shown param: string The title of the error message return: string The inline error HTML |
error_no_permission() X-Ref |
Presents the user with a "no permission" page |
redirect($url, $message="", $title="") X-Ref |
Redirect the user to a given URL with a given message param: string The URL to redirect the user to param: string The redirection message to be shown |
multipage($count, $perpage, $page, $url, $breadcrumb=false) X-Ref |
Generate a listing of page - pagination param: int The number of items param: int The number of items to be shown per page param: int The current page number param: string The URL to have page numbers tacked on to (If {page} is specified, the value will be replaced with the page #) return: string The generated pagination |
fetch_page_url($url, $page) X-Ref |
Generate a page URL for use by the multipage function param: string The URL being passed param: int The page number |
user_permissions($uid=0) X-Ref |
Fetch the permissions for a specific user param: int The user ID return: array Array of user permissions for the specified user |
usergroup_permissions($gid=0) X-Ref |
Fetch the usergroup permissions for a specic group or series of groups combined param: mixed A list of groups (Can be a single integer, or a list of groups separated by a comma) return: array Array of permissions generated for the groups |
usergroup_displaygroup($gid) X-Ref |
Fetch the display group properties for a specific display group param: int The group ID to fetch the display properties for return: array Array of display properties for the group |
forum_permissions($fid=0, $uid=0, $gid=0) X-Ref |
Build the forum permissions for a specific forum, user or group param: int The forum ID to build permissions for (0 builds for all forums) param: int The user to build the permissions for (0 will select the uid automatically) param: int The group of the user to build permissions for (0 will fetch it) return: array Forum permissions for the specific forum or forums |
fetch_forum_permissions($fid, $gid, $groupperms) X-Ref |
Fetches the permissions for a specific forum/group applying the inheritance scheme. Called by forum_permissions() param: int The forum ID param: string A comma separated list of usergroups param: array Group permissions return: array Permissions for this forum |
check_forum_password($fid, $pid=0) X-Ref |
Check the password given on a certain forum for validity param: int The forum ID param: boolean The Parent ID |
get_moderator_permissions($fid, $uid="0", $parentslist="") X-Ref |
Return the permissions for a moderator in a specific forum param: fid The forum ID param: uid The user ID to fetch permissions for (0 assumes current logged in user) param: string The parent list for the forum (if blank, will be fetched) return: array Array of moderator permissions for the specific forum |
is_moderator($fid="0", $action="", $uid="0") X-Ref |
Checks if a moderator has permissions to perform an action in a specific forum param: int The forum ID (0 assumes global) param: string The action tyring to be performed. (blank assumes any action at all) param: int The user ID (0 assumes current user) return: bool Returns true if the user has permission, false if they do not |
get_post_icons() X-Ref |
Generate a list of the posticons. return: string The template of posticons. |
my_setcookie($name, $value="", $expires="", $httponly=false) X-Ref |
MyBB setcookie() wrapper. param: string The cookie identifier. param: string The cookie value. param: int The timestamp of the expiry date. param: boolean True if setting a HttpOnly cookie (supported by IE, Opera 9, Konqueror) |
my_unsetcookie($name) X-Ref |
Unset a cookie set by MyBB. param: string The cookie identifier. |
my_get_array_cookie($name, $id) X-Ref |
Get the contents from a serialised cookie array. param: string The cookie identifier. param: int The cookie content id. return: array|boolean The cookie id's content array or false when non-existent. |
my_set_array_cookie($name, $id, $value, $expires="") X-Ref |
Set a serialised cookie array. param: string The cookie identifier. param: int The cookie content id. param: string The value to set the cookie to. |
my_unserialize($data) X-Ref |
Verifies that data passed is an array param: array Data to unserialize return: array Unserialized data array |
get_server_load() X-Ref |
Returns the serverload of the system. return: int The serverload of the system. |
get_memory_usage() X-Ref |
Returns the amount of memory allocated to the script. return: int The amount of memory allocated to the script. |
update_stats($changes=array() X-Ref |
Updates the forum statistics with specific values (or addition/subtraction of the previous value) param: array Array of items being updated (numthreads,numposts,numusers) |
update_forum_counters($fid, $changes=array() X-Ref |
Updates the forum counters with a specific value (or addition/subtraction of the previous value) param: int The forum ID param: array Array of items being updated (threads, posts, unapprovedthreads, unapprovedposts) and their value (ex, 1, +1, -1) |
update_forum_lastpost($fid) X-Ref |
Update the last post information for a specific forum param: int The forum ID |
update_thread_counters($tid, $changes=array() X-Ref |
Updates the thread counters with a specific value (or addition/subtraction of the previous value) param: int The thread ID param: array Array of items being updated (replies, unapprovedposts, attachmentcount) and their value (ex, 1, +1, -1) |
update_thread_data($tid) X-Ref |
Update the first post and lastpost data for a specific thread param: int The thread ID |
update_forum_count($fid) X-Ref |
No description |
update_thread_count($tid) X-Ref |
No description |
update_thread_attachment_count($tid) X-Ref |
No description |
delete_thread($tid) X-Ref |
Deletes a thread from the database param: int The thread ID |
delete_post($pid, $tid="") X-Ref |
Deletes a post from the database param: int The thread ID |
build_forum_jump($pid="0", $selitem="", $addselect="1", $depth="", $showextras="1", $showall=false, $permissions="", $name="fid") X-Ref |
Builds a forum jump menu param: int The parent forum to start with param: int The selected item ID param: int If we need to add select boxes to this cal or not param: int The current depth of forums we're at param: int Whether or not to show extra items such as User CP, Forum home param: boolean Ignore the showinjump setting and show all forums (for moderation pages) param: array Array of permissions param: string The name of the forum jump return: string Forum jump items |
get_extension($file) X-Ref |
Returns the extension of a file. param: string The filename. return: string The extension of the file. |
random_str($length="8") X-Ref |
Generates a random string. param: int The length of the string to generate. return: string The random string. |
format_name($username, $usergroup, $displaygroup="") X-Ref |
Formats a username based on their display group param: string The username param: int The usergroup for the user (if not specified, will be fetched) param: int The display group for the user (if not specified, will be fetched) return: string The formatted username |
build_mycode_inserter($bind="message") X-Ref |
Build the javascript based MyCode inserter return: string The MyCode inserter |
build_clickable_smilies() X-Ref |
Build the javascript clickable smilie inserter return: string The clickable smilies list |
build_prefixes($pid=0) X-Ref |
Builds thread prefixes and returns a selected prefix (or all) param: int The prefix ID (0 to return all) return: array The thread prefix's values (or all thread prefixes) |
build_prefix_select($fid, $selected_pid=0, $multiple=0) X-Ref |
Build the thread prefix selection menu param: mixed The forum ID (integer ID or string all) param: mixed The selected prefix ID (integer ID or string any) return: string The thread prefix selection menu |
gzip_encode($contents, $level=1) X-Ref |
Gzip encodes text to a specified level param: string The string to encode param: int The level (1-9) to encode at return: string The encoded string |
log_moderator_action($data, $action="") X-Ref |
Log the actions of a moderator. param: array The data of the moderator's action. param: string The message to enter for the action the moderator performed. |
get_reputation($reputation, $uid=0) X-Ref |
Get the formatted reputation for a user. param: int The reputation value param: int The user ID (if not specified, the generated reputation will not be a link) return: string The formatted repuation |
get_colored_warning_level($level) X-Ref |
Fetch a color coded version of a warning level (based on it's percentage) param: int The warning level (percentage of 100) return: string Formatted warning level |
get_ip() X-Ref |
Fetch the IP address of the current user. return: string The IP address. |
get_friendly_size($size) X-Ref |
Fetch the friendly size (GB, MB, KB, B) for a specified file size. param: int The size in bytes return: string The friendly file size |
get_attachment_icon($ext) X-Ref |
Get the attachment icon for a specific file extension param: string The file extension return: string The attachment icon |
get_unviewable_forums($only_readable_threads=false) X-Ref |
Get a list of the unviewable forums for the current user param: boolean Set to true to only fetch those forums for which users can actually read a thread in. return: string Comma separated values list of the forum IDs which the user cannot view |
fix_mktime($format, $year) X-Ref |
Fixes mktime for dates earlier than 1970 param: string The date format to use param: int The year of the date return: string The correct date format |
build_breadcrumb() X-Ref |
Build the breadcrumb navigation trail from the specified items return: The formatted breadcrumb navigation trail |
add_breadcrumb($name, $url="") X-Ref |
Add a breadcrumb menu item to the list. param: string The name of the item to add param: string The URL of the item to add |
build_forum_breadcrumb($fid, $multipage=array() X-Ref |
Build the forum breadcrumb nagiation (the navigation to a specific forum including all parent forums) param: int The forum ID to build the navigation for param: array The multipage drop down array of information |
reset_breadcrumb() X-Ref |
Resets the breadcrumb navigation to the first item, and clears the rest |
build_archive_link($type, $id="") X-Ref |
Builds a URL to an archive mode page param: string The type of page (thread|announcement|forum) param: int The ID of the item return: string The URL |
debug_page() X-Ref |
Prints a debug information page |
send_page_headers() X-Ref |
Outputs the correct page headers. |
mark_reports($id, $type="post") X-Ref |
Mark specific reported posts of a certain type as dealt with param: mixed An array or int of the ID numbers you're marking as dealt with param: string The type of item the above IDs are for - post, posts, thread, threads, forum, all |
nice_time($stamp, $options=array() X-Ref |
Fetch a friendly x days, y months etc date stamp from a timestamp param: int The timestamp param: array Array of options return: string The friendly formatted timestamp |
alt_trow($reset=0) X-Ref |
Select an alternating row colour based on the previous call to this function param: int 1 to reset the row to trow1. return: string trow1 or trow2 depending on the previous call |
join_usergroup($uid, $joingroup) X-Ref |
Add a user to a specific additional user group. param: int The user ID param: int The user group ID to join |
leave_usergroup($uid, $leavegroup) X-Ref |
Remove a user from a specific additional user group param: int The user ID param: int The user group ID |
get_current_location($fields=false, $ignore=array() X-Ref |
Get the current location taking in to account different web serves and systems param: boolean True to return as "hidden" fields param: array Array of fields to ignore if first argument is true return: string The current URL being accessed |
build_theme_select($name, $selected="", $tid=0, $depth="", $usergroup_override=false) X-Ref |
Build a theme selection menu param: string The name of the menu param: int The ID of the selected theme param: int The ID of the parent theme to select from param: int The current selection depth param: boolean Whether or not to override usergroup permissions (true to override) return: string The theme selection list |
htmlspecialchars_uni($message) X-Ref |
Custom function for htmlspecialchars which takes in to account unicode param: string The string to format return: string The string with htmlspecialchars applied |
my_number_format($number) X-Ref |
Custom function for formatting numbers. param: int The number to format. return: int The formatted number. |
convert_through_utf8($str, $to=true) X-Ref |
No description |
my_wordwrap($message) X-Ref |
Replacement function for PHP's wordwrap(). This version does not break up HTML tags, URLs or unicode references. param: string The string to be word wrapped return: string The word wraped string |
get_weekday($month, $day, $year) X-Ref |
Workaround for date limitation in PHP to establish the day of a birthday (Provided by meme) param: int The month of the birthday param: int The day of the birthday param: int The year of the bithday return: int The numeric day of the week for the birthday |
get_bdays($in) X-Ref |
Workaround for date limitation in PHP to establish the day of a birthday (Provided by meme) param: int The year. return: array The number of days in each month of that year |
format_bdays($display, $bm, $bd, $by, $wd) X-Ref |
Formats a birthday appropriately param: string The PHP date format string param: int The month of the birthday param: int The day of the birthday param: int The year of the birthday param: int The weekday of the birthday return: string The formatted birthday |
get_age($birthday) X-Ref |
Returns the age of a user with specified birthday. param: string The birthday of a user. return: float The age of a user with that birthday. |
update_first_post($tid) X-Ref |
Updates the first posts in a thread. param: int The thread id for which to update the first post id. |
my_strlen($string) X-Ref |
Checks for the length of a string, mb strings accounted for param: string The string to check the length of. return: int The length of the string. |
my_substr($string, $start, $length="", $handle_entities = false) X-Ref |
Cuts a string at a specified point, mb strings accounted for param: string The string to cut. param: int Where to cut param: int (optional) How much to cut param: bool (optional) Properly handle HTML entities? return: int The cut part of the string. |
my_strtolower($string) X-Ref |
lowers the case of a string, mb strings accounted for param: string The string to lower. return: int The lowered string. |
my_strpos($haystack, $needle, $offset=0) X-Ref |
Finds a needle in a haystack and returns it position, mb strings accounted for param: string String to look in (haystack) param: string What to look for (needle) param: int (optional) How much to offset return: int false on needle not found, integer position if found |
my_strtoupper($string) X-Ref |
ups the case of a string, mb strings accounted for param: string The string to up. return: int The uped string. |
unhtmlentities($string) X-Ref |
Returns any html entities to their original character param: string The string to un-htmlentitize. return: int The un-htmlentitied' string. |
unichr($c) X-Ref |
Returns any ascii to it's character (utf-8 safe). param: string The ascii to characterize. return: int The characterized ascii. |
get_event_poster($event) X-Ref |
Get the event poster. param: array The event data array. return: string The link to the event poster. |
get_event_date($event) X-Ref |
Get the event date. param: array The event data array. return: string The event date. |
get_profile_link($uid=0) X-Ref |
Get the profile link. param: int The user id of the profile. return: string The url to the profile. |
get_announcement_link($aid=0) X-Ref |
Get the announcement link. param: int The announement id of the announcement. return: string The url to the announcement. |
build_profile_link($username="", $uid=0, $target="", $onclick="") X-Ref |
Build the profile link. param: string The Username of the profile. param: int The user id of the profile. param: string The target frame param: string Any onclick javascript. return: string The complete profile link. |
get_forum_link($fid, $page=0) X-Ref |
Build the forum link. param: int The forum id of the forum. param: int (Optional) The page number of the forum. return: string The url to the forum. |
get_thread_link($tid, $page=0, $action='') X-Ref |
Build the thread link. param: int The thread id of the thread. param: int (Optional) The page number of the thread. param: string (Optional) The action we're performing (ex, lastpost, newpost, etc) return: string The url to the thread. |
get_post_link($pid, $tid=0) X-Ref |
Build the post link. param: int The post ID of the post param: int The thread id of the post. |
get_event_link($eid) X-Ref |
Build the event link. param: int The event ID of the event return: string The URL of the event |
get_calendar_link($calendar, $year=0, $month=0, $day=0) X-Ref |
Build the link to a specified date on the calendar param: int The ID of the calendar param: int The year param: int The month param: int The day (optional) return: string The URL of the calendar |
get_calendar_week_link($calendar, $week) X-Ref |
Build the link to a specified week on the calendar param: int The ID of the calendar param: int The year param: int The week return: string The URL of the calendar |
get_user($uid) X-Ref |
Get the user data of a user id. param: int The user id of the user. return: array The users data |
get_forum($fid, $active_override=0) X-Ref |
Get the forum of a specific forum id. param: int The forum id of the forum. param: int (Optional) If set to 1, will override the active forum status return: array The database row of a forum. |
get_thread($tid, $recache = false) X-Ref |
Get the thread of a thread id. param: int The thread id of the thread. param: boolean Whether or not to recache the thread. return: string The database row of the thread. |
get_post($pid) X-Ref |
Get the post of a post id. param: int The post id of the post. return: string The database row of the post. |
get_inactive_forums() X-Ref |
Get inactivate forums. return: string The comma separated values of the inactivate forum. |
login_attempt_check($fatal = true) X-Ref |
Checks to make sure a user has not tried to login more times than permitted Will stop execution with call to error() unless param: bool (Optional) The function will stop execution if it finds an error with the login. Default is True return: bool Number of logins when success, false if failed. |
validate_email_format($email) X-Ref |
Validates the format of an email address. param: string The string to check. return: boolean True when valid, false when invalid. |
email_already_in_use($email, $uid="") X-Ref |
Checks to see if the email is already in use by another param: string The email to check. param: string User ID of the user (updating only) return: boolean True when in use, false when not. |
rebuildsettings() X-Ref |
No description |
rebuild_settings() X-Ref |
Rebuilds settings.php |
build_highlight_array($terms) X-Ref |
Build a PREG compatible array of search highlight terms to replace in posts. param: string Incoming terms to highlight return: array PREG compatible array of terms |
dec_to_utf8($src) X-Ref |
Converts a decimal reference of a character to its UTF-8 equivalent (Code by Anne van Kesteren, http://annevankesteren.nl/2005/05/character-references) param: string Decimal value of a character reference |
is_banned_username($username, $update_lastuse=false) X-Ref |
Checks if a username has been disallowed for registration/use. param: string The username param: boolean True if the 'last used' dateline should be updated if a match is found. return: boolean True if banned, false if not banned |
is_banned_email($email, $update_lastuse=false) X-Ref |
Check if a specific email address has been banned. param: string The email address. param: boolean True if the 'last used' dateline should be updated if a match is found. return: boolean True if banned, false if not banned |
is_banned_ip($ip_address, $update_lastuse=false) X-Ref |
Checks if a specific IP address has been banned. param: string The IP address. param: boolean True if the 'last used' dateline should be updated if a match is found. return: boolean True if banned, false if not banned. |
build_timezone_select($name, $selected=0, $short=false) X-Ref |
Build a time zone selection list. param: string The name of the select param: int The selected time zone (defaults to GMT) param: boolean True to generate a "short" list with just timezone and current time |
fetch_remote_file($url, $post_data=array() X-Ref |
Fetch the contents of a remote fle. param: string The URL of the remote file return: string The remote file contents. |
is_super_admin($uid) X-Ref |
Checks if a particular user is a super administrator. param: int The user ID to check against the list of super admins return: boolean True if a super admin, false if not |
escaped_explode($delimeter, $string, $escape="") X-Ref |
Split a string based on the specified delimeter, ignoring said delimeter in escaped strings. Ex: the "quick brown fox" jumped, could return 1 => the, 2 => quick brown fox, 3 => jumped param: string The delimeter to split by param: string The string to split param: string The escape character or string if we have one. return: array Array of split string |
escaped_explode_escape($string) X-Ref |
No description |
fetch_longipv4_range($ip) X-Ref |
Fetch an IPv4 long formatted range for searching IPv4 IP addresses. param: string The IP address to convert to a range based LONG |
fetch_ban_times() X-Ref |
Fetch a list of ban times for a user account. return: array Array of ban times |
ban_date2timestamp($date, $stamp=0) X-Ref |
Format a ban length in to a UNIX timestamp. param: string The ban length string param: int The optional UNIX timestamp, if 0, current time is used. return: int The UNIX timestamp when the ban will be lifted |
expire_warnings() X-Ref |
Expire old warnings in the database. |
my_chmod($file, $mode) X-Ref |
Custom chmod function to fix problems with hosts who's server configurations screw up umasks param: string The file to chmod param: string The mode to chmod(i.e. 0666) |
my_rmdir_recursive($path, $ignore=array() X-Ref |
Custom rmdir function to loop through an entire directory and delete all files/folders within param: string The path to the directory param: array Any files you wish to ignore (optional) |
subforums_count($array) X-Ref |
Counts the number of subforums in a array([pid][disporder][fid]) starting from the pid param: array The array of forums return: integer The number of sub forums |
my_ip2long($ip) X-Ref |
Fix for PHP's ip2long to guarantee a 32-bit signed integer value is produced (this is aimed at 64-bit versions of PHP) param: string The IP to convert return: integer IP in 32-bit signed format |
my_long2ip($long) X-Ref |
As above, fix for PHP's long2ip on 64-bit versions param: integer The IP to convert (will accept 64-bit IPs as well) return: string IP in IPv4 format |
verify_files($path=MYBB_ROOT, $count=0) X-Ref |
Processes a checksum list on MyBB files and returns a result set param: array The array of checksums and their corresponding files return: array The bad files |
signed($int) X-Ref |
Returns a signed value equal to an integer param: int The integer return: string The signed equivalent |
secure_seed_rng($count=8) X-Ref |
Returns a securely generated seed for PHP's RNG (Random Number Generator) param: int Length of the seed bytes (8 is default. Provides good cryptographic variance) return: int An integer equivalent of a secure hexadecimal seed |
my_rand($min=null, $max=null, $force_seed=false) X-Ref |
Wrapper function for mt_rand. Automatically seeds using a secure seed once. param: int Optional lowest value to be returned (default: 0) param: int Optional highest value to be returned (default: mt_getrandmax()) param: boolean True forces it to reseed the RNG first return: int An integer equivalent of a secure hexadecimal seed |
trim_blank_chrs($string, $charlist=false) X-Ref |
More robust version of PHP's trim() function. It includes a list of UTF-16 blank characters from http://kb.mozillazine.org/Network.IDN.blacklist_chars param: string The string to trim from param: string Optional. The stripped characters can also be specified using the charlist parameter return: string The trimmed string |
match_sequence($string, $array, $i=0, $n=0) X-Ref |
No description |
gd_version() X-Ref |
Obtain the version of GD installed. return: float Version of GD |
utf8_handle_4byte_string($input, $return=true) X-Ref |
Handles 4 byte UTF-8 characters. This can be used to either reject strings which contain 4 byte UTF-8 characters, or replace them with question marks. This is limited to UTF-8 collated databases using MySQL. Original: http://www.avidheap.org/2013/a-quick-way-to-normalize-a-utf8-string-when-your-mysql-database-is-not-utf8mb4 param: string The string to be checked. param: bool If false don't return the string, only the boolean result. return: mixed Return a string if the second parameter is true, boolean otherwise. |
Generated: Tue Oct 8 19:19:50 2013 | Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1 |