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PHP Cross Reference of MyBB




/inc/mailhandlers/ -> smtp.php (summary)

MyBB 1.6 Copyright 2010 MyBB Group, All Rights Reserved Website: http://mybb.com License: http://mybb.com/about/license

File Size: 535 lines (11 kb)
Included or required: 1 time
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 1 class

SmtpMail:: (11 methods):

Class: SmtpMail  - X-Ref

__construct()   X-Ref
Whether to use TLS encryption.

send()   X-Ref
Sends the email.

return: true/false whether or not the email got sent or not.

connect()   X-Ref
Connect to the SMTP server.

return: boolean True if connection was successful

auth($auth_methods)   X-Ref
Authenticate against the SMTP server.

param: string A list of authentication methods supported by the server
return: boolean True on success

get_data()   X-Ref
Fetch data from the SMTP server.

return: string The data from the SMTP server

connected()   X-Ref
Check if we're currently connected to an SMTP server

return: boolean true if connected

send_data($data, $status_num = false)   X-Ref
Send data through to the SMTP server.

param: string The data to be sent
param: int The response code expected back from the server (if we have one)
return: boolean True on success

check_status($status_num)   X-Ref
Checks if the received status code matches the one we expect.

param: int The status code we expected back from the server
param: boolean True if it matches

close()   X-Ref
Close the connection to the SMTP server.

get_error()   X-Ref
Get the last error message response from the SMTP server

return: string The error message response from the SMTP server

set_error($error)   X-Ref
Set the last error message response from the SMTP server

param: string The error message response

Generated: Tue Oct 8 19:19:50 2013 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1