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PHP Cross Reference of MyBB




/inc/ -> class_custommoderation.php (source)

   1  <?php
   2  /**
   3   * MyBB 1.6
   4   * Copyright 2010 MyBB Group, All Rights Reserved
   5   *
   6   * Website: http://mybb.com
   7   * License: http://mybb.com/about/license
   8   *
   9   * $Id: class_custommoderation.php 5828 2012-05-08 16:06:16Z Tomm $
  10   */
  12  // Disallow direct access to this file for security reasons
  13  if(!defined("IN_MYBB"))
  14  {
  15      die("Direct initialization of this file is not allowed.<br /><br />Please make sure IN_MYBB is defined.");
  16  }
  18  /**
  19   * Used to execute a custom moderation tool
  20   *
  21   */
  23  class CustomModeration extends Moderation
  24  {
  25      /**
  26       * Get info on a tool
  27       *
  28       * @param int Tool ID
  29       * @param mixed Thread IDs
  30       * @param mixed Post IDs
  31       * @return mixed Returns tool data (tid, type, name, description) in an array, otherwise boolean false.
  32       */
  33  	function tool_info($tool_id)
  34      {
  35          global $db;
  37          // Get tool info
  38          $query = $db->simple_select("modtools", "*", 'tid="'.intval($tool_id).'"');
  39          $tool = $db->fetch_array($query);
  40          if(!$tool['tid'])
  41          {
  42              return false;
  43          }
  44          else
  45          {
  46              return $tool;
  47          }
  48      }
  50      /**
  51       * Execute Custom Moderation Tool
  52       *
  53       * @param int Tool ID
  54       * @param mixed Thread ID(s)
  55       * @param mixed Post IDs
  56       * @return string 'forum' or 'default' indicating where to redirect
  57       */
  58  	function execute($tool_id, $tids=0, $pids=0)
  59      {
  60          global $db;
  62          // Get tool info
  63          $query = $db->simple_select("modtools", '*', 'tid="'.intval($tool_id).'"');
  64          $tool = $db->fetch_array($query);
  65          if(!$tool['tid'])
  66          {
  67              return false;
  68          }
  70          // Format single tid and pid
  71          if(!is_array($tids))
  72          {
  73              $tids = array($tids);
  74          }
  75          if(!is_array($pids))
  76          {
  77              $pids = array($pids);
  78          }
  80          // Unserialize custom moderation
  81          $post_options = unserialize($tool['postoptions']);
  82          $thread_options = unserialize($tool['threadoptions']);
  84          // If the tool type is a post tool, then execute the post moderation
  85          if($tool['type'] == 'p')
  86          {
  87              $deleted_thread = $this->execute_post_moderation($post_options, $pids, $tids);
  88          }
  89          // Always execute thead moderation
  90          $this->execute_thread_moderation($thread_options, $tids);
  92          // If the thread is deleted, indicate to the calling script to redirect to the forum, and not the nonexistant thread
  93          if($thread_options['deletethread'] == 1 || $deleted_thread === 1)
  94          {
  95              return 'forum';
  96          }
  97          return 'default';
  98      }
 100      /**
 101       * Execute Inline Post Moderation
 102       *
 103       * @param array Moderation information
 104       * @param mixed Post IDs
 105       * @param array Thread IDs (in order of dateline ascending)
 106       * @return boolean true
 107       */
 108  	function execute_post_moderation($post_options, $pids, $tid)
 109      {
 110          global $db, $mybb, $lang;
 112          if(is_array($tid))
 113          {
 114              $tid = intval($tid[0]); // There's only 1 thread when doing inline post moderation
 115              // The thread chosen is the first thread in the array of tids.
 116              // It is recommended that this be the tid of the oldest post
 117          }
 119          // Get the information about thread
 120          $thread = get_thread($tid);
 122          // If deleting posts, only do that
 123          if($post_options['deleteposts'] == 1)
 124          {
 125              foreach($pids as $pid)
 126              {
 127                  $this->delete_post($pid);
 128              }
 130              $delete_tids = array();
 131              $imploded_pids = implode(",", array_map("intval", $pids));
 132              $query = $db->simple_select("threads", "tid", "firstpost IN ({$imploded_pids})");
 133              while($threadid = $db->fetch_field($query, "tid"))
 134              {
 135                  $delete_tids[] = $threadid;
 136              }
 137              if(!empty($delete_tids))
 138              {
 139                  foreach($delete_tids as $delete_tid)
 140                  {
 141                      $this->delete_thread($delete_tid);
 142                      mark_reports($delete_tid, "thread");
 143                  }
 144                  // return 1 here so the code in execute() above knows to redirect to the forum
 145                  return 1;
 146              }
 147          }
 148          else
 149          {
 150              if($post_options['mergeposts'] == 1) // Merge posts
 151              {
 152                  $this->merge_posts($pids);
 153              }
 155              if($post_options['approveposts'] == 'approve') // Approve posts
 156              {
 157                  $this->approve_posts($pids);
 158              }
 159              elseif($post_options['approveposts'] == 'unapprove') // Unapprove posts
 160              {
 161                  $this->unapprove_posts($pids);
 162              }
 163              elseif($post_options['approveposts'] == 'toggle') // Toggle post visibility
 164              {
 165                  $this->toggle_post_visibility($pids);
 166              }
 168              if($post_options['splitposts'] > 0 || $post_options['splitposts'] == -2) // Split posts
 169              {
 170                  $query = $db->simple_select("posts", "COUNT(*) AS totalposts", "tid='{$tid}'");
 171                  $count = $db->fetch_array($query);
 173                  if($count['totalposts'] == 1)
 174                  {
 175                      error($lang->error_cantsplitonepost);
 176                  }
 178                  if($count['totalposts'] == count($pids))
 179                  {
 180                      error($lang->error_cantsplitall);
 181                  }
 183                  if($post_options['splitposts'] == -2)
 184                  {
 185                      $post_options['splitposts'] = $thread['fid'];
 186                  }
 187                  if(empty($post_options['splitpostsnewsubject']))
 188                  {
 189                      // Enter in a subject if a predefined one does not exist.
 190                      $post_options['splitpostsnewsubject'] = "{$lang->split_thread_subject} {$thread['subject']}";
 191                  }
 192                  $new_subject = str_ireplace('{subject}', $thread['subject'], $post_options['splitpostsnewsubject']);
 193                  $new_tid = $this->split_posts($pids, $tid, $post_options['splitposts'], $new_subject);
 194                  if($post_options['splitpostsclose'] == 'close') // Close new thread
 195                  {
 196                      $this->close_threads($new_tid);
 197                  }
 198                  if($post_options['splitpostsstick'] == 'stick') // Stick new thread
 199                  {
 200                      $this->stick_threads($new_tid);
 201                  }
 202                  if($post_options['splitpostsunapprove'] == 'unapprove') // Unapprove new thread
 203                  {
 204                      $this->unapprove_threads($new_tid, $thread['fid']);
 205                  }
 206                  if(!empty($post_options['splitpostsaddreply'])) // Add reply to new thread
 207                  {
 208                      require_once  MYBB_ROOT."inc/datahandlers/post.php";
 209                      $posthandler = new PostDataHandler("insert");
 211                      if(empty($post_options['splitpostsreplysubject']))
 212                      {
 213                          $post_options['splitpostsreplysubject'] = 'RE: '.$new_subject;
 214                      }    
 215                      else
 216                      {
 217                          $post_options['splitpostsreplysubject'] = str_ireplace('{username}', $mybb->user['username'], $post_options['splitpostsreplysubject']);
 218                          $post_options['splitpostsreplysubject'] = str_ireplace('{subject}', $new_subject, $post_options['splitpostsreplysubject']);
 219                      }
 221                      // Set the post data that came from the input to the $post array.
 222                      $post = array(
 223                          "tid" => $new_tid,
 224                          "fid" => $post_options['splitposts'],
 225                          "subject" => $post_options['splitpostsreplysubject'],
 226                          "uid" => $mybb->user['uid'],
 227                          "username" => $mybb->user['username'],
 228                          "message" => $post_options['splitpostsaddreply'],
 229                          "ipaddress" => $db->escape_string(get_ip()),
 230                      );
 231                      // Set up the post options from the input.
 232                      $post['options'] = array(
 233                          "signature" => 1,
 234                          "emailnotify" => 0,
 235                          "disablesmilies" => 0
 236                      );
 238                      $posthandler->set_data($post);
 240                      if($posthandler->validate_post($post))
 241                      {
 242                          $posthandler->insert_post($post);
 243                      }                    
 244                  }
 245              }
 246          }
 247          return true;
 248      }
 250      /**
 251       * Execute Normal and Inline Thread Moderation
 252       *
 253       * @param array Moderation information
 254       * @param mixed Thread IDs
 255       * @return boolean true
 256       */
 257  	function execute_thread_moderation($thread_options, $tids)
 258      {
 259          global $db, $mybb;
 261          $tid = intval($tids[0]); // Take the first thread to get thread data from
 262          $query = $db->simple_select("threads", 'fid', "tid='$tid'");
 263          $thread = $db->fetch_array($query);
 265          // If deleting threads, only do that
 266          if($thread_options['deletethread'] == 1)
 267          {
 268              foreach($tids as $tid)
 269              {
 270                  $this->delete_thread($tid);
 271              }
 272          }
 273          else
 274          {
 275              if($thread_options['mergethreads'] == 1 && count($tids) > 1) // Merge Threads (ugly temp code until find better fix)
 276              {
 277                  $tid_list = implode(',', $tids);
 278                  $options = array('order_by' => 'dateline', 'order_dir' => 'DESC');
 279                  $query = $db->simple_select("threads", 'tid, subject', "tid IN ($tid_list)", $options); // Select threads from newest to oldest
 280                  $last_tid = 0;
 281                  while($tid = $db->fetch_array($query))
 282                  {
 283                      if($last_tid != 0)
 284                      {
 285                          $this->merge_threads($last_tid, $tid['tid'], $tid['subject']); // And keep merging them until we get down to one thread. 
 286                      }
 287                      $last_tid = $tid['tid'];
 288                  }
 289              }
 290              if($thread_options['deletepoll'] == 1) // Delete poll
 291              {
 292                  foreach($tids as $tid)
 293                  {
 294                      $this->delete_poll($tid);
 295                  }
 296              }
 297              if($thread_options['removeredirects'] == 1) // Remove redirects
 298              {
 299                  foreach($tids as $tid)
 300                  {
 301                      $this->remove_redirects($tid);
 302                  }
 303              }
 305              if($thread_options['approvethread'] == 'approve') // Approve thread
 306              {
 307                  $this->approve_threads($tids, $thread['fid']);
 308              }
 309              elseif($thread_options['approvethread'] == 'unapprove') // Unapprove thread
 310              {
 311                  $this->unapprove_threads($tids, $thread['fid']);
 312              }
 313              elseif($thread_options['approvethread'] == 'toggle') // Toggle thread visibility
 314              {
 315                  $this->toggle_thread_visibility($tids, $thread['fid']);
 316              }
 318              if($thread_options['openthread'] == 'open') // Open thread
 319              {
 320                  $this->open_threads($tids);
 321              }
 322              elseif($thread_options['openthread'] == 'close') // Close thread
 323              {
 324                  $this->close_threads($tids);
 325              }
 326              elseif($thread_options['openthread'] == 'toggle') // Toggle thread visibility
 327              {
 328                  $this->toggle_thread_status($tids);
 329              }
 331              if($thread_options['threadprefix'] != '-1')
 332              {
 333                  $this->apply_thread_prefix($tids, $thread_options['threadprefix']); // Update thread prefix
 334              }
 336              if(my_strtolower(trim($thread_options['newsubject'])) != '{subject}') // Update thread subjects
 337              {
 338                  $this->change_thread_subject($tids, $thread_options['newsubject']);
 339              }
 340              if(!empty($thread_options['addreply'])) // Add reply to thread
 341              {
 342                  $tid_list = implode(',', $tids);
 343                  $query = $db->simple_select("threads", 'fid, subject, tid, firstpost, closed', "tid IN ($tid_list) AND closed NOT LIKE 'moved|%'");
 344                  require_once  MYBB_ROOT."inc/datahandlers/post.php";
 346                  // Loop threads adding a reply to each one
 347                  while($thread = $db->fetch_array($query))
 348                  {
 349                      $posthandler = new PostDataHandler("insert");
 351                      if(empty($thread_options['replysubject']))
 352                      {
 353                          $new_subject = 'RE: '.$thread['subject'];
 354                      }
 355                      else
 356                      {
 357                          $new_subject = str_ireplace('{username}', $mybb->user['username'], $thread_options['replysubject']);
 358                          $new_subject = str_ireplace('{subject}', $thread['subject'], $new_subject);
 359                      }
 361                      // Set the post data that came from the input to the $post array.
 362                      $post = array(
 363                          "tid" => $thread['tid'],
 364                          "replyto" => $thread['firstpost'],
 365                          "fid" => $thread['fid'],
 366                          "subject" => $new_subject,
 367                          "uid" => $mybb->user['uid'],
 368                          "username" => $mybb->user['username'],
 369                          "message" => $thread_options['addreply'],
 370                          "ipaddress" => $db->escape_string(get_ip()),
 371                      );
 373                      // Set up the post options from the input.
 374                      $post['options'] = array(
 375                          "signature" => 1,
 376                          "emailnotify" => 0,
 377                          "disablesmilies" => 0
 378                      );
 380                      if($thread['closed'] == 1)
 381                      {
 382                          // Keep this thread closed
 383                          $post['modoptions']['closethread'] = 1;
 384                      }
 386                      $posthandler->set_data($post);
 387                      if($posthandler->validate_post($post))
 388                      {
 389                          $posthandler->insert_post($post);
 390                      }
 391                  }
 392              }
 393              if($thread_options['movethread'] > 0 && $thread_options['movethread'] != $thread['fid']) // Move thread
 394              {
 395                  if($thread_options['movethreadredirect'] == 1) // Move Thread with redirect
 396                  {
 397                      $time = TIME_NOW + ($thread_options['movethreadredirectexpire'] * 86400);
 398                      foreach($tids as $tid)
 399                      {
 400                          $this->move_thread($tid, $thread_options['movethread'], 'redirect', $time);
 401                      }
 402                  }
 403                  else // Normal move
 404                  {
 405                      $this->move_threads($tids, $thread_options['movethread']);
 406                  }
 407              }
 408              if($thread_options['copythread'] > 0 || $thread_options['copythread'] == -2) // Copy thread
 409              {
 410                  if($thread_options['copythread'] == -2)
 411                  {
 412                      $thread_options['copythread'] = $thread['fid'];
 413                  }
 414                  foreach($tids as $tid)
 415                  {
 416                      $new_tid = $this->move_thread($tid, $thread_options['copythread'], 'copy');
 417                  }
 418              }
 419          }
 420          return true;
 421      }
 422  }
 423  ?>

Generated: Tue Oct 8 19:19:50 2013 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1