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PHP Cross Reference of MyBB




/inc/datahandlers/ -> post.php (summary)

MyBB 1.6 Copyright 2010 MyBB Group, All Rights Reserved Website: http://mybb.com License: http://mybb.com/about/license

File Size: 1691 lines (47 kb)
Included or required: 10 times
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 2 files

Defines 1 class

PostDataHandler:: (17 methods):

Class: PostDataHandler  - X-Ref

Post handling class, provides common structure to handle post data.

verify_author()   X-Ref
Verifies the author of a post and fetches the username if necessary.

return: boolean True if the author information is valid, false if invalid.

verify_subject()   X-Ref
Verifies a post subject.

param: string True if the subject is valid, false if invalid.
return: boolean True when valid, false when not valid.

verify_message()   X-Ref
Verifies a post message.

param: string The message content.

verify_options()   X-Ref
Verifies the specified post options are correct.

return: boolean True

verify_post_flooding()   X-Ref
Verify that the user is not flooding the system.

return: boolean True

verify_post_merge($simple_mode=false)   X-Ref
No description

verify_image_count()   X-Ref
Verifies the image count.

return: boolean True when valid, false when not valid.

verify_video_count()   X-Ref
Verifies the video count.

return: boolean True when valid, false when not valid.

verify_reply_to()   X-Ref
Verify the reply-to post.

return: boolean True when valid, false when not valid.

verify_post_icon()   X-Ref
Verify the post icon.

return: boolean True when valid, false when not valid.

verify_dateline()   X-Ref
Verify the dateline.

return: boolean True when valid, false when not valid.

verify_prefix()   X-Ref
Verify thread prefix.

return: boolean True when valid, false when not valid.

validate_post()   X-Ref
Validate a post.

return: boolean True when valid, false when invalid.

insert_post()   X-Ref
Insert a post into the database.

return: array Array of new post details, pid and visibility.

validate_thread()   X-Ref
Validate a thread.

return: boolean True when valid, false when invalid.

insert_thread()   X-Ref
Insert a thread into the database.

return: array Array of new thread details, tid and visibility.

update_post()   X-Ref
Updates a post that is already in the database.

Generated: Tue Oct 8 19:19:50 2013 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1