var messageEditor = Class.create(); messageEditor.prototype = { openTags: new Array(), toolbarHeight: 0, currentTheme: '', themePath: '', openDropDownMenu: null, setTheme: function(theme) { if(this.currentTheme != '' || $('editorTheme')) { $('editorTheme').remove(); } var stylesheet = document.createElement('link'); stylesheet.setAttribute('rel', 'stylesheet'); stylesheet.setAttribute('type', 'text/css'); stylesheet.setAttribute('href', this.baseURL + 'editor_themes/'+theme+'/stylesheet.css'); document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(stylesheet); this.currentTheme = theme; this.themePath = this.baseURL + 'editor_themes/'+theme; }, initialize: function(textarea, options) { // Sorry Konqueror, but due to a browser bug out of control with textarea values // you do not get to use the fancy editor. if(MyBB.browser == "konqueror" || (typeof(mybb_editor_disabled) != "undefined" && mybb_editor_disabled == true)) { return false; } // Establish the base path to this javascript file $$('script').each(function(script) { if(script.src && script.src.indexOf('editor.js') != -1) { this.baseURL = script.src.replace(/editor\.js(.*?)$/, ''); } }, this); this.options = options; if(this.options) { if(!this.options.lang) { return false; } if(!this.options.rtl) { this.options.rtl = 0; } } if(this.options && this.options.theme) { this.setTheme(this.options.theme); } else { this.setTheme('default'); } // Defines an array of fonts to be shown in the font drop down. this.fonts = new Object(); this.fonts["Arial"] = "Arial"; this.fonts["Courier"] = "Courier"; this.fonts["Impact"] = "Impact"; this.fonts["Tahoma"] = "Tahoma"; this.fonts["Times New Roman"] = "Times New Roman"; this.fonts["Trebuchet MS"] = "Trebuchet MS"; this.fonts["Verdana"] = "Verdana"; // An array of font sizes to be shown. this.sizes = new Object(); this.sizes["xx-small"] = this.options.lang.size_xx_small; this.sizes["x-small"] = this.options.lang.size_x_small; this.sizes["small"] = this.options.lang.size_small; this.sizes["medium"] = this.options.lang.size_medium; this.sizes["large"] = this.options.lang.size_large; this.sizes["x-large"] = this.options.lang.size_x_large; this.sizes["xx-large"] = this.options.lang.size_xx_large; // An array of colours to be shown. this.colors = new Object(); this.colors[1] = "#800000"; this.colors[2] = "#8B4513"; this.colors[3] = "#006400"; this.colors[4] = "#2F4F4F"; this.colors[5] = "#000080"; this.colors[6] = "#4B0082"; this.colors[7] = "#800080"; this.colors[8] = "#000000"; this.colors[9] = "#FF0000"; this.colors[10] = "#DAA520"; this.colors[11] = "#6B8E23"; this.colors[12] = "#708090"; this.colors[13] = "#0000CD"; this.colors[14] = "#483D8B"; this.colors[15] = "#C71585"; this.colors[16] = "#696969"; this.colors[17] = "#FF4500"; this.colors[18] = "#FFA500"; this.colors[19] = "#808000"; this.colors[20] = "#4682B4"; this.colors[21] = "#1E90FF"; this.colors[22] = "#9400D3"; this.colors[23] = "#FF1493"; this.colors[24] = "#A9A9A9"; this.colors[25] = "#FF6347"; this.colors[26] = "#FFD700"; this.colors[27] = "#32CD32"; this.colors[28] = "#87CEEB"; this.colors[29] = "#00BFFF"; this.colors[30] = "#9370DB"; this.colors[31] = "#FF69B4"; this.colors[32] = "#DCDCDC"; this.colors[33] = "#FFDAB9"; this.colors[34] = "#FFFFE0"; this.colors[35] = "#98FB98"; this.colors[36] = "#E0FFFF"; this.colors[37] = "#87CEFA"; this.colors[38] = "#E6E6FA"; this.colors[39] = "#DDA0DD"; this.colors[40] = "#FFFFFF"; // An array of video services to be shown (youtube, vimeo, etc) this.videos = new Object(); this.videos["dailymotion"] = this.options.lang.video_dailymotion; this.videos["metacafe"] = this.options.lang.video_metacafe; this.videos["myspacetv"] = this.options.lang.video_myspacetv; this.videos["vimeo"] = this.options.lang.video_vimeo; this.videos["yahoo"] = this.options.lang.video_yahoo; this.videos["youtube"] = this.options.lang.video_youtube; // Here we get the ID of the textarea we're replacing and store it. this.textarea = textarea; // Only swap it over once the page has loaded (add event) if(MyBB.page_loaded == 1) { this.showEditor(); } else { Event.observe(document, "dom:loaded", this.showEditor.bindAsEventListener(this)); } }, showEditor: function() { // Assign the old textarea to a variable for later use. oldTextarea = $(this.textarea); // Now this.textarea becomes the new textarea ID this.textarea += "_new"; // Begin the creation of our new editor. this.editor = document.createElement("div"); = "relative"; = "none"; this.editor.className = "messageEditor"; // Append the new editor oldTextarea.parentNode.insertBefore(this.editor, oldTextarea); // Determine the overall height and width - messy, but works w = oldTextarea.getDimensions().width+"px"; if(!w || parseInt(w) < 400) { w = "400px"; } if(this.options && this.options.height) { h = this.options.height; } else if(oldTextarea.offsetHeight) { h = oldTextarea.offsetHeight+"px"; } else if(oldTextarea.clientHeight) { h = oldTextarea.clientHeight+"px"; } else if( { h =; } else { h = "400px"; } = w; = h; this.createToolbarContainer('top'); this.createToolbar('closetags', { container: 'top', alignment: 'right', items: [ {type: 'button', name: 'close_tags', insert: 'zzzz', sprite: 'close_tags', width: 80, style: {visibility: 'hidden'}} ] }); this.createToolbar('topformatting', { container: 'top', items: [ {type: 'dropdown', name: 'font', insert: 'font', title: this.options.lang.font, options: this.fonts}, {type: 'dropdown', name: 'size', insert: 'size', title: this.options.lang.size, options: this.sizes}, {type: 'button', name: 'color', insert: 'color', dropdown: true, color_select: true, image: 'color.gif', draw_option: this.drawColorOption, options: this.colors} ] }); this.createToolbarContainer('bottom'); this.createToolbar('insertables', { container: 'bottom', alignment: 'right', items: [ {type: 'button', name: 'list_num', sprite: 'list_num', insert: 'list', extra: 1, title: this.options.lang.title_numlist}, {type: 'button', name: 'list_bullet', sprite: 'list_bullet', insert: 'list', title: this.options.lang.title_bulletlist}, {type: 'separator'}, {type: 'button', name: 'img', sprite: 'image', insert: 'image', extra: 1, title: this.options.lang.title_image}, {type: 'button', name: 'url', sprite: 'link', insert: 'url', title: this.options.lang.title_hyperlink}, {type: 'button', name: 'email', sprite: 'email', insert: 'email', extra: 1, title: this.options.lang.title_email}, {type: 'separator'}, {type: 'button', name: 'quote', sprite: 'quote', insert: 'quote', title: this.options.lang.title_quote}, {type: 'button', name: 'code', sprite: 'code', insert: 'code', title: this.options.lang.title_code}, {type: 'button', name: 'php', sprite: 'php', insert: 'php', title: this.options.lang.title_php}, {type: 'button', name: 'video', insert: 'video', image: 'television.gif', dropdown: true, title: this.options.lang.title_video, options: this.videos} ] }); this.createToolbar('formatting', { container: 'bottom', items: [ {type: 'button', name: 'b', sprite: 'bold', insert: 'b', title: this.options.lang.title_bold}, {type: 'button', name: 'i', sprite: 'italic', insert: 'i', title: this.options.lang.title_italic}, {type: 'button', name: 'u', sprite: 'underline', insert: 'u', title: this.options.lang.title_underline}, {type: 'separator'}, {type: 'button', name: 'align_left', sprite: 'align_left', insert: 'align', extra: 'left', title: this.options.lang.title_left}, {type: 'button', name: 'align_center', sprite: 'align_center', insert: 'align', extra: 'center', title: this.options.lang.title_center}, {type: 'button', name: 'align_right', sprite: 'align_right', insert: 'align', extra: 'right', title: this.options.lang.title_right}, {type: 'button', name: 'align_justify', sprite: 'align_justify', insert: 'align', extra: 'justify', title: this.options.lang.title_justify} ] }); // Create our new text area areaContainer = document.createElement("div"); = "both"; // Set the width/height of the area subtract = 20; subtract2 = 8; = parseInt(Element.getDimensions(this.editor).height)-this.toolbarHeight-subtract+"px"; = parseInt(Element.getDimensions(this.editor).width)-subtract2+"px"; // Create text area textInput = document.createElement("textarea"); textInput.setAttribute("cols", oldTextarea.getAttribute("cols")); textInput.setAttribute("rows", oldTextarea.getAttribute("rows")); = this.textarea; ="_new"; = parseInt("px"; = parseInt("px"; if(oldTextarea.value != '') { textInput.value = oldTextarea.value; } if(oldTextarea.tabIndex) { textInput.tabIndex = oldTextarea.tabIndex; } areaContainer.appendChild(textInput); this.editor.appendChild(areaContainer); if(oldTextarea.form) { Event.observe(oldTextarea.form, "submit", this.closeTags.bindAsEventListener(this)); Event.observe(oldTextarea.form, "submit", this.updateOldArea.bindAsEventListener(this)); } // Hide the old editor = "hidden"; = "absolute"; = "-1000px"; += "_old"; this.oldTextarea = oldTextarea; = ""; Event.observe(textInput, "keyup", this.updateOldArea.bindAsEventListener(this)); if(MyBB.browser == 'ie') { Event.observe($(this.textarea), 'focus', function() { this.trackingCaret = true; }.bindAsEventListener(this)); Event.observe($(this.textarea), 'blur', function() { this.trackingCaret = false; }.bindAsEventListener(this)); Event.observe($(this.textarea), 'mousedown', function() { this.trackingCaret = true; this.storeCaret(); }.bindAsEventListener(this)); } Event.observe(textInput, "blur", this.updateOldArea.bindAsEventListener(this)); }, drawColorOption: function(option) { var item = document.createElement('li'); item.extra = option.value; item.className = 'editor_dropdown_color_item'; item.innerHTML = ''; return item; }, createToolbarContainer: function(name) { if($('editor_toolbar_container_'+name)) return; var container = document.createElement("div"); = 'editor_toolbar_container_'+name; container.className = 'toolbar_container'; this.editor.appendChild(container); this.toolbarHeight += 28; return container; }, createToolbar: function(name, options) { if(typeof(options.container) == 'undefined') { options.container = this.createToolbarContainer('auto_'+name); } else { options.container = $('editor_toolbar_container_'+options.container); if(!options.container) return; } if($('editor_toolbar_'+name)) return; var toolbar = document.createElement('div'); = 'editor_toolbar_'+name; toolbar.className = 'toolbar'; var clear = document.createElement('br'); = 'both'; toolbar.appendChild(clear); if(options.alignment && options.alignment == 'right') { toolbar.className += ' float_right'; } options.container.appendChild(toolbar); if(typeof(options.items) == 'object') { for(var i = 0; i < options.items.length; ++i) { this.addToolbarItem(toolbar, options.items[i]); } } // add closing item if(toolbar.lastChild.previousSibling) toolbar.lastChild.previousSibling.className += ' toolbar_button_group_last'; }, setElementState: function(element, state) { element.addClassName('toolbar_'+state); if(element.hasClassName('toolbar_button_group_first')) { if(state == 'clicked') { append = 'toolbar_clicked'; } else if(state == 'hover') { append = 'toolbar_hover'; } append += '_button_group_first'; element.addClassName(append); } if(element.hasClassName('toolbar_button_group_last')) { if(state == 'clicked') { append = 'toolbar_clicked'; } else if(state == 'hover') { append = 'toolbar_hover'; } append += '_button_group_last'; element.addClassName(append); } }, removeElementState: function(element, state) { element.removeClassName('toolbar_'+state); if(element.hasClassName('toolbar_button_group_first')) { if(state == 'clicked') { append = 'toolbar_clicked'; } else if(state == 'hover') { append = 'toolbar_hover'; } append += '_button_group_first'; element.removeClassName(append); } if(element.hasClassName('toolbar_button_group_last')) { if(state == 'clicked') { append = 'toolbar_clicked'; } else if(state == 'hover') { append = 'toolbar_hover'; } append += '_button_group_last'; element.removeClassName(append); } }, dropDownMenuItemClick: function(e) { this.restartEditorSelection(); element = Event.element(e); if(!element) return; if(!element.extra) element = element.up('li'); var mnu = element.up('ul'); var dropdown = this.getElementToolbarItem(mnu); var label = dropdown.down('.editor_dropdown_label'); if(!dropdown.insertText || (dropdown.insertText != "video" && mnu.activeItem && mnu.activeItem == element)) return; mnu.lastItemValue = element.extra; if(this.getSelectedText($(this.textarea))) { this.setDropDownMenuActiveItem(dropdown, 0); } else { if(label) { label.innerHTML = element.innerHTML; = 'hidden'; } var sel_color = dropdown.down('.editor_button_color_selected') if(sel_color) { = element.extra; var use_default = dropdown.down('.editor_dropdown_color_item_default'); if(use_default) = ''; } mnu.activeItem = element; element.addClassName('editor_dropdown_menu_item_active'); } this.insertMyCode(dropdown.insertText, element.extra); this.hideOpenDropDownMenu(); Event.stop(e); }, setDropDownMenuActiveItem: function(element, index) { if(element == null) { return; } var mnu = element.down('ul'); var label = element.down('.editor_dropdown_label'); if(mnu.activeItem) { mnu.activeItem.removeClassName('editor_dropdown_menu_item_active'); mnu.activeItem = null; } if(index > 0) { var item = mnu.childNodes[index]; if(!item) return; mnu.activeItem = item; if(label) { label.innerHTML = item.innerHTML; } var sel_color = element.down('.editor_dropdown_color_selected') if(sel_color) { =; mnu.lastItemValue = item.insertExtra; var use_default = element.down('.editor_dropdown_color_item_default'); if(use_default) = ''; } item.addClassName('editor_dropdown_menu_item_active'); } else { if(label) { label.innerHTML = mnu.childNodes[0].innerHTML; } var sel_color = element.down('.editor_button_color_selected') if(sel_color) { // = ''; var use_default = element.down('.editor_dropdown_color_item_default'); if(use_default) = 'none'; } this.removeElementState(element, 'clicked'); } }, createDropDownMenu: function(options) { var dropdown = document.createElement('div'); dropdown.elementType = options.type; if(options.image || options.sprite) dropdown.className = 'toolbar_dropdown_image'; else dropdown.className = 'toolbar_dropdown'; dropdown.className += ' editor_dropdown toolbar_dropdown_'; = 'editor_item_'; Event.observe(dropdown, 'mouseover', function() { this.storeCaret(); dropdown.addClassName('toolbar_dropdown_over'); }.bindAsEventListener(this)); Event.observe(dropdown, 'mouseout', function() { this.storeCaret(); dropdown.removeClassName('toolbar_dropdown_over'); }.bindAsEventListener(this)); dropdown.insertText = options.insert; // create the dropdown label container var label = document.createElement('div'); label.className = 'editor_dropdown_label'; if(options.title) { label.innerHTML = options.title; } else { label.innerHTML = ' '; } dropdown.appendChild(label) // create the arrow var arrow = document.createElement('div'); arrow.className = 'editor_dropdown_arrow'; dropdown.appendChild(arrow); // create the menu item container var mnu = this.buildDropDownMenu(options); Event.observe(dropdown, 'click', this.toggleDropDownMenu.bindAsEventListener(this)); dropdown.appendChild(mnu); return dropdown; }, buildDropDownMenu: function(options) { var mnu = document.createElement('ul'); mnu.className = 'editor_dropdown_menu'; = 'none'; // create the first item if(options.title) { var item = document.createElement('li'); item.className = 'editor_dropdown_menu_title'; item.innerHTML = options.title; mnu.appendChild(item); Event.observe(item, 'click', function() { if(mnu.activeItem) { this.restartEditorSelection(); this.insertMyCode(dropdown.insertText, '-'); } this.setDropDownMenuActiveItem(dropdown, 0); }.bindAsEventListener(this)); } $H(options.options).each(function(option) { if(options.draw_option) { item = options.draw_option(option) } else { var item = document.createElement('li'); item.innerHTML = option.value; var content = document.createElement('span'); item.appendChild(content); item.extra = option.key; } Event.observe(item, 'click', this.dropDownMenuItemClick.bindAsEventListener(this)); Event.observe(item, 'mouseover', function() { item.addClassName('editor_dropdown_menu_item_over'); }); Event.observe(item, 'mouseout', function() { item.removeClassName('editor_dropdown_menu_item_over'); }); mnu.appendChild(item); }, this); return mnu; }, toggleDropDownMenu: function(e) { element = Event.element(e); if(!element) return; if(!element.elementType) element = this.getElementToolbarItem(element); var mnu = $(element).down('ul'); // This menu is already open, close it if( != 'none') { = 'none'; element.removeClassName('editor_dropdown_menu_open'); this.removeElementState(element, 'clicked'); this.openDropDownMenu = null; Event.stopObserving(document, 'click', this.hideOpenDropDownMenu.bindAsEventListener(this)); } // Opening this menu else { // If a menu is already open, close it first this.showDropDownMenu(mnu); } this.removeElementState(element, 'clicked'); Event.stop(e); }, showDropDownMenu: function(mnu) { this.hideOpenDropDownMenu(); = ''; element = this.getElementToolbarItem(mnu); element.addClassName('editor_dropdown_menu_open'); this.setElementState(element, 'clicked'); this.openDropDownMenu = mnu; Event.observe(document, 'click', this.hideOpenDropDownMenu.bindAsEventListener(this)); }, hideOpenDropDownMenu: function() { if(!this.openDropDownMenu) return; = 'none'; this.getElementToolbarItem(this.openDropDownMenu).removeClassName('editor_dropdown_menu_open'); var dropDown = this.getElementToolbarItem(this.openDropDownMenu); this.removeElementState(this.openDropDownMenu.parentNode, 'clicked'); this.removeElementState(element, 'clicked'); this.openDropDownMenu = null; Event.stopObserving(document, 'click', this.hideOpenDropDownMenu.bindAsEventListener(this)); }, getElementToolbarItem: function(elem) { var parent = elem; do { if(parent.insertText) return parent; parent = parent.parentNode; } while($(parent)); return false; }, storeCaret: function() { if(MyBB.browser != 'ie' || !this.trackingCaret) { return; } // Internet explorer errors if you try and select an element... so just handle that by try catch try { var range = document.selection.createRange(); var range_all = document.body.createTextRange(); range_all.moveToElementText($(this.textarea)); for(var sel_start = 0; range_all.compareEndPoints('StartToStart', range) < 0; sel_start++) range_all.moveStart('character', 1); var range_all = document.body.createTextRange(); range_all.moveToElementText($(this.textarea)); for(var sel_end = 0; range_all.compareEndPoints('StartToEnd', range) < 0; sel_end++) range_all.moveStart('character', 1); this.lastCaretS = sel_start; this.lastCaretE = sel_end; } catch(e) { } }, restartEditorSelection: function() { if(MyBB.browser != 'ie') { return; } var range = $(this.textarea).createTextRange(); range.collapse(true); range.moveStart('character', this.lastCaretS); range.moveEnd('character', this.lastCaretE - this.lastCaretS);; }, addToolbarItem: function(toolbar, options) { if(typeof(toolbar) == 'string') { toolbar = $('editor_toolbar_'+toolbar); } if(!$(toolbar)) return; // Does this item already exist? if($('editor_item_' return; insert_first_class = false; // Is this the first item? childnodes = 1 (closing br) or lastchild.previousSibling = sep if(toolbar.childNodes.length == 1 || (toolbar.lastChild.previousSibling && toolbar.lastChild.previousSibling.className.indexOf('toolbar_sep') > -1 || (toolbar.lastChild.previousSibling.className.indexOf('editor_dropdown') > -1 && options.type != 'dropdown'))) { insert_first_class = true; } if(options.type == "dropdown") { var dropdown = this.createDropDownMenu(options); if(dropdown) toolbar.insertBefore(dropdown, toolbar.lastChild); if(insert_first_class == true) dropdown.className += ' toolbar_dropdown_group_first'; } else if(options.type == 'button') { var button = this.createToolbarButton(options) toolbar.insertBefore(button, toolbar.lastChild); if(insert_first_class == true) button.className += ' toolbar_button_group_first'; } else if(options.type == 'separator') { if(toolbar.lastChild.previousSibling && !$(toolbar.lastChild.previousSibling).hasClassName('toolbar_dropdown')) { toolbar.lastChild.previousSibling.className += ' toolbar_button_group_last'; } var separator = document.createElement("span"); separator.elementType = options.type; separator.className = "toolbar_sep"; toolbar.insertBefore(separator, toolbar.lastChild); } }, createToolbarButton: function(options) { var button = document.createElement('span'); button.elementType = options.type; = 'editor_item_'; if(typeof(options.title) != 'undefined') { button.title = options.title; } button.className = 'toolbar_button toolbar_normal toolbar_button_'; if(typeof( == 'object') { $H( { eval(''+item.key+' = "'+item.value+'";'); }); } button.insertText = options.insert; button.insertExtra = ''; if(typeof(options.extra) != 'undefined') button.insertExtra = options.extra; if(typeof(options.sprite) != 'undefined') { var img = document.createElement('span'); img.className = 'toolbar_sprite toolbar_sprite_'+options.sprite; } else { var img = document.createElement('img'); img.src = this.themePath + "/images/" + options.image; } button.appendChild(img); if(options.dropdown) { if(options.color_select == true) { var sel = document.createElement('em'); sel.className = 'editor_button_color_selected'; button.appendChild(sel); } // create the arrow var arrow = document.createElement('u'); arrow.className = 'toolbar_button_arrow'; button.appendChild(arrow); button.className += ' toolbar_button_with_arrow'; } var end = document.createElement('strong'); button.appendChild(end); // Create the actual drop down menu if(options.dropdown) { // create the menu item container var mnu = this.buildDropDownMenu(options); Event.observe(arrow, 'click', this.toggleDropDownMenu.bindAsEventListener(this)); Event.observe(button, 'click', this.toggleDropDownMenu.bindAsEventListener(this)); Event.observe(arrow, 'mouseover', function(e) { elem = Event.element(e); if(!elem) return; elem.parentNode.addClassName('toolbar_button_over_arrow'); }); Event.observe(arrow, 'mouseout', function(e) { elem = Event.element(e); if(!elem) return; elem.parentNode.removeClassName('toolbar_button_over_arrow'); }); button.appendChild(mnu); button.dropdown = true; = mnu; } // Does this button have enabled/disabled states? if(options.disabled_img || options.disabled_sprite) { button.disable = function() { if(button.disabled == true) return; if(options.disabled_sprite) { img.removeClassName('toolbar_sprite_'+options.sprite); img.addClassName('toolbar_sprite_disabled_'+options.disabled_sprite); } else img.src = this.themePath + '/images/' + options.disabled_img; button.disabled = true; }; button.enable = function() { if(!button.disabled) return; if(options.disabled_sprite) { img.removeClassName('toolbar_sprite_disabled_'+options.disabled_sprite); img.addClassName('toolbar_sprite_'+options.sprite); } else img.src = this.themePath + '/images/' + options.image; button.enabled = true; }; if(options.disabled && options.disabled == true) { button.disable(); button.disabled = true; } else button.disabled = false; } Event.observe(button, "mouseover", this.toolbarItemHover.bindAsEventListener(this)); Event.observe(button, "mouseout", this.toolbarItemOut.bindAsEventListener(this)); if(!options.dropdown) { // Dropdown event listener is above... Event.observe(button, "click", this.toolbarItemClick.bindAsEventListener(this)); } return button; }, updateOldArea: function(e) { this.oldTextarea.value = $(this.textarea).value; }, toolbarItemOut: function(e) { this.storeCaret(); element = Event.element(e); if(!element) return false; if(!element.elementType) element = this.getElementToolbarItem(element); if(element.disabled) return; if(typeof(element.insertText) != 'undefined') { if(element.insertExtra) { insertCode = element.insertText+"_"+element.insertExtra; } else { insertCode = element.insertText; } if(this.openTags.indexOf(insertCode) != -1 || element.className.indexOf('editor_dropdown_menu_open') > -1) { this.setElementState(element, 'clicked'); } } this.removeElementState(element, 'hover'); }, toolbarItemHover: function(e) { this.storeCaret(); element = Event.element(e); if(!element) return false; if(!element.elementType) element = this.getElementToolbarItem(element); if(element.disabled) return; if(!element.className || element.className.indexOf('toolbar_clicked') == -1) this.setElementState(element, 'hover'); }, toolbarItemClick: function(e) { element = Event.element(e); if(!element) return false; if(!element.elementType) element = this.getElementToolbarItem(element); if(element.disabled) return; if(element.dropdown && { if(typeof( != "undefined") { Event.stop(e); if(! { this.showDropDownMenu(; } else { this.insertMyCode(element.insertText,; } return; } } if( == "editor_item_close_tags") { this.closeTags(); } else { if(typeof(element.insertExtra) != 'undefined') this.insertMyCode(element.insertText, element.insertExtra); else this.insertMyCode(element.insertText); } }, insertList: function(type) { list = ""; do { listItem = prompt(this.options.lang.enter_list_item, ""); if(listItem != "" && listItem != null) { list = list+"[*]"+listItem+"\n"; } } while(listItem != "" && listItem != null); if(list == "") { return false; } if(type) { list = "[list="+type+"]\n"+list; } else { list = "[list]\n"+list; } list = list+"[/list]\n"; this.performInsert(list, "", true, false); }, insertURL: function() { selectedText = this.getSelectedText($(this.textarea)); url = prompt(this.options.lang.enter_url, "http://"); if(url) { if(!selectedText) { title = prompt(this.options.lang.enter_url_title, ""); } else { title = selectedText; } if(title) { this.performInsert("[url="+url+"]"+title+"[/url]", "", true, false); } else { this.performInsert("[url]"+url+"[/url]", "", true, false); } } }, insertEmail: function() { selectedText = this.getSelectedText($(this.textarea)); email = prompt(this.options.lang.enter_email, ""); if(email) { if(!selectedText) { title = prompt(this.options.lang.enter_email_title, ""); } else { title = selectedText; } if(title) { this.performInsert("[email="+email+"]"+title+"[/email]", "", true, false); } else { this.performInsert("[email]"+email+"[/email]", "", true, false); } } }, insertIMG: function() { image = prompt(this.options.lang.enter_image, "http://"); if(image) { this.performInsert("[img]"+image+"[/img]", "", true); } }, insertVideo: function(type) { selectedText = this.getSelectedText($(this.textarea)); if(!selectedText) { url = prompt(this.options.lang.enter_video_url, "http://"); 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range.text = open_tag+range.text+close_tag; } else { var keep_selected = false; if(is_single) { is_closed = false; } range.text = open_tag; }; } else { textarea.value += open_tag; } } else if(typeof(textarea.selectionEnd) != 'undefined') { var select_start = textarea.selectionStart; var select_end = textarea.selectionEnd; var scroll_top = textarea.scrollTop; var start = textarea.value.substring(0, select_start); var middle = textarea.value.substring(select_start, select_end); var end = textarea.value.substring(select_end, textarea.textLength); if(select_end - select_start > 0 && ignore_selection != true && close_tag != "") { var keep_selected = true; middle = open_tag+middle+close_tag; } else { var keep_selected = false; if(is_single) { is_closed = false; } middle = open_tag; } textarea.value = start+middle+end; if(keep_selected == true && ignore_selection != true) { textarea.selectionStart = select_start; textarea.selectionEnd = select_start + middle.length; } else if(ignore_selection != true) { textarea.selectionStart = select_start + middle.length; textarea.selectionEnd = textarea.selectionStart; } textarea.scrollTop = scroll_top; } else { textarea.value += open_tag; if(is_single) { is_closed = false; } } this.updateOldArea(); textarea.focus(); this.trackingCaret = true; this.storeCaret(); this.trackingCaret = false; return is_closed; }, closeTags: function() { if(this.openTags[0]) { while(this.openTags[0]) { tag = this.openTags.pop(); exploded_tag = tag.split("_"); this.performInsert("[/"+exploded_tag[0]+"]", "", false); if($('editor_item_'+exploded_tag[0])) { tag = $('editor_item_'+exploded_tag[0]); } else { tag = $('editor_item_'+tag); } if(tag) { if(tag.elementType == "dropdown" || tag.dropdown || { this.setDropDownMenuActiveItem(tag, 0); } else { this.removeElementState(tag, 'clicked'); } } } } $(this.textarea).focus(); $('editor_item_close_tags').style.visibility = 'hidden'; this.openTags = new Array(); }, bindSmilieInserter: function(id) { if(!$(id)) { return false; } var smilies = $(id).select('.smilie'); if(smilies.length > 0) { smilies.each(function(smilie) { smilie.onclick = this.insertSmilie.bindAsEventListener(this); = "pointer"; }.bind(this)); } }, openGetMoreSmilies: function(editor) { MyBB.popupWindow('misc.php?action=smilies&popup=true&editor='+editor, 'sminsert', 240, 280); }, insertSmilie: function(e) { element = Event.element(e); if(!element || !element.alt) { return false; } this.performInsert(element.alt, "", true, false); }, insertAttachment: function(aid) { this.performInsert("[attachment="+aid+"]", "", true, false); } };