0, "revert_all_themes" => 0, "revert_all_settings" => 0 ); @set_time_limit(0); function upgrade26_dbchanges() { global $db, $output; $output->print_header("Updating Database"); echo "

Performing necessary upgrade queries...

"; $db->update_query("helpdocs", array('usetranslation' => 1)); $db->update_query("helpsections", array('usetranslation' => 1)); $db->modify_column("polls", "numvotes", "text NOT NULL"); if($db->field_exists('failedlogin', 'users')) { $db->write_query("ALTER TABLE ".TABLE_PREFIX."users DROP failedlogin;"); } // We don't need the posthash after the post is inserted into the database $db->update_query('attachments', "posthash=''", 'pid!=0'); // Column will be dropped in MyBB 1.8 $db->update_query('posts', "posthash=''"); $output->print_contents("

Click next to continue with the upgrade process.

"); $output->print_footer("26_done"); } ?>