task_backup_cannot_write_backup); } else { $db->set_table_prefix(''); $file = MYBB_ADMIN_DIR.'backups/backup_'.substr(md5($mybb->user['uid'].TIME_NOW), 0, 10).random_str(54); if(function_exists('gzopen')) { $fp = gzopen($file.'.sql.gz', 'w9'); } else { $fp = fopen($file.'.sql', 'w'); } $tables = $db->list_tables($config['database']['database'], $config['database']['table_prefix']); $time = date('dS F Y \a\t H:i', TIME_NOW); $header = "-- MyBB Database Backup\n-- Generated: {$time}\n-- -------------------------------------\n\n"; $contents = $header; foreach($tables as $table) { $field_list = array(); $fields_array = $db->show_fields_from($table); foreach($fields_array as $field) { $field_list[] = $field['Field']; } $fields = "`".implode("`,`", $field_list)."`"; $structure = $db->show_create_table($table).";\n"; $contents .= $structure; clear_overflow($fp, $contents); $query = $db->simple_select($table); while($row = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $insert = "INSERT INTO {$table} ($fields) VALUES ("; $comma = ''; foreach($field_list as $field) { if(!isset($row[$field]) || is_null($row[$field])) { $insert .= $comma."NULL"; } else { $insert .= $comma."'".$db->escape_string($row[$field])."'"; } $comma = ','; } $insert .= ");\n"; $contents .= $insert; clear_overflow($fp, $contents); } } $db->set_table_prefix(TABLE_PREFIX); if(function_exists('gzopen')) { gzwrite($fp, $contents); gzclose($fp); } else { fwrite($fp, $contents); fclose($fp); } add_task_log($task, $lang->task_backup_ran); } } // Allows us to refresh cache to prevent over flowing function clear_overflow($fp, &$contents) { global $mybb; if(function_exists('gzopen')) { gzwrite($fp, $contents); } else { fwrite($fp, $contents); } $contents = ''; } ?>