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PHP Cross Reference of MyBB




/inc/languages/english/ -> showthread.lang.php (source)

   1  <?php
   2  /**
   3   * MyBB 1.6 English Language Pack
   4   * Copyright 2010 MyBB Group, All Rights Reserved
   5   * 
   6   * $Id: showthread.lang.php 5828 2012-05-08 16:06:16Z Tomm $
   7   */
   9  $l['delete_poll'] = "Delete Poll";
  10  $l['close_thread'] = "Close Thread";
  11  $l['stick_thread'] = "Stick Thread";
  13  $l['author'] = "Author";
  14  $l['message'] = "Message";
  15  $l['threaded'] = "Threaded Mode";
  16  $l['linear'] = "Linear Mode";
  17  $l['next_oldest'] = "Next Oldest";
  18  $l['next_newest'] = "Next Newest";
  19  $l['view_printable'] = "View a Printable Version";
  20  $l['send_thread'] = "Send this Thread to a Friend";
  21  $l['subscribe_thread'] = "Subscribe to this thread";
  22  $l['unsubscribe_thread'] = "Unsubscribe from this thread";
  23  $l['moderation_options'] = "Moderation Options:";
  24  $l['delayed_moderation'] = "Delayed Moderation";
  25  $l['thread_notes'] = "Edit / View Thread Notes";
  26  $l['open_close_thread'] = "Open / Close Thread";
  27  $l['approve_thread'] = "Approve Thread";
  28  $l['unapprove_thread'] = "Unapprove Thread";
  29  $l['delete_thread'] = "Delete Thread";
  30  $l['delete_posts'] = "Delete Selective Posts";
  31  $l['move_thread'] = "Move / Copy Thread";
  32  $l['stick_unstick_thread'] = "Stick / Unstick Thread";
  33  $l['split_thread'] = "Split Thread";
  34  $l['merge_threads'] = "Merge Threads";
  35  $l['merge_posts'] = "Merge Selective Posts";
  36  $l['remove_redirects'] = "Remove Redirects";
  37  $l['remove_subscriptions'] = "Remove All Subscriptions";
  38  $l['poll'] = "Poll:";
  39  $l['show_results'] = "Show Results";
  40  $l['edit_poll'] = "Edit poll";
  41  $l['public_note'] = "<b>Note:</b> This is a public poll, other users will be able to see what you voted for.";
  42  $l['total'] = "Total";
  43  $l['vote'] = "Vote!";
  44  $l['total_votes'] = "{1} votes";
  45  $l['you_voted'] = "* You voted for this item.";
  46  $l['poll_closed'] = "This poll is closed.";
  47  $l['already_voted'] = "You have already voted on this poll.";
  48  $l['undo_vote'] = "Undo vote";
  49  $l['quick_reply'] = "Quick Reply";
  50  $l['message_note'] = "Type your reply to this message here.";
  51  $l['signature'] = "Signature";
  52  $l['email_notify'] = "Email Notification";
  53  $l['disable_smilies'] = "Disable Smilies";
  54  $l['post_reply'] = "Post Reply";
  55  $l['post_reply_img'] = "Post Reply";
  56  $l['post_thread'] = "Post Thread";
  57  $l['preview_post'] = "Preview Post";
  58  $l['rating_average'] = "{1} Votes - {2} Average";
  59  $l['rate_thread'] = "Rate This Thread:";
  60  $l['thread_rating'] = "Thread Rating:";
  61  $l['similar_threads'] = "Possibly Related Threads...";
  62  $l['thread'] = "Thread:";
  63  $l['replies'] = "Replies:";
  64  $l['views'] = "Views:";
  65  $l['lastpost'] = "Last Post";
  66  $l['messages_in_thread'] = "Messages In This Thread";
  67  $l['users_browsing_thread'] = "User(s) browsing this thread:";
  68  $l['users_browsing_thread_guests'] = "{1} Guest(s)";
  69  $l['users_browsing_thread_invis'] = "{1} Invisible User(s)";
  70  $l['users_browsing_thread_reading'] = "Reading...";
  71  $l['inline_delete_posts'] = "Delete Posts";
  72  $l['inline_merge_posts'] = "Merge Posts";
  73  $l['inline_split_posts'] = "Split Posts";
  74  $l['inline_approve_posts'] = "Approve Posts";
  75  $l['inline_unapprove_posts'] = "Unapprove Posts";
  76  $l['inline_post_moderation'] = "Inline Post Moderation:";
  77  $l['inline_go'] = "Go";
  78  $l['clear'] = "Clear";
  79  $l['thread_closed'] = "Thread Closed";
  80  $l['no_subject'] = "No subject";
  81  $l['error_nonextnewest'] = "There are no threads that are newer than the one you were previously viewing.";
  82  $l['error_nonextoldest'] = "There are no threads that are older than the one you were previously viewing.";
  83  $l['quickreply_multiquote_selected'] = "You have selected one or more posts to quote.";
  84  $l['quickreply_multiquote_now'] = "Quote these posts now";
  85  $l['or'] ="or";
  86  $l['quickreply_multiquote_deselect'] = "deselect them";
  87  $l['search_thread'] = "Search Thread";
  88  $l['enter_keywords'] = "Enter Keywords";
  89  $l['image_verification'] = "Image Verification";
  90  $l['verification_note'] = "Please enter the text within the image on the left in to the text box below. This process is used to prevent automated posts.";
  91  $l['verification_subnote'] = "(case insensitive)";
  93  ?>

Generated: Tue Oct 8 19:19:50 2013 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1