{1} results on this page are selected.";
$l['all_selected'] = "All {1} results in this search are selected.";
$l['select_all'] = "Select all {1} results in this search.";
$l['clear_selection'] = "Clear Selection.";
$l['results'] = "results";
$l['mod_options'] = "Moderator Options";
$l['find_all'] = "Find all";
$l['find_only_approved'] = "Find only approved";
$l['find_only_unapproved'] = "Find only unapproved";
$l['redirect_searchresults'] = "Thank you, your search has been submitted and you will now be taken to the results list.";
$l['error_minsearchlength'] = "One or more of your search terms were shorter than the minimum length. The minimum search term length is {1} characters.
If you're trying to search for an entire phrase, enclose it within double quotes. For example \"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog\".";
$l['error_nosearchresults'] = "Sorry, but no results were returned using the query information you provided. Please redefine your search terms and try again.";
$l['error_no_search_support'] = "This database engine does not support searching.";
$l['error_nosearchterms'] = "You did not enter any search terms. At a minimum, you must enter either some search terms or a username to search by.";
$l['error_searchflooding_1'] = "Sorry, but you can only perform one search every {1} seconds. Please wait another 1 second before attempting to search again.";
$l['error_searchflooding'] = "Sorry, but you can only perform one search every {1} seconds. Please wait another {2} seconds before attempting to search again.";
$l['error_invalidsearch'] = "An invalid search was specified. Please go back and try again.";