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PHP Cross Reference of MyBB




/inc/languages/english/ -> online.lang.php (source)

   1  <?php
   2  /**
   3   * MyBB 1.6 English Language Pack
   4   * Copyright 2010 MyBB Group, All Rights Reserved
   5   * 
   6   * $Id: online.lang.php 5788 2012-04-19 13:35:01Z Tomm $
   7   */
   9  $l['nav_online'] = "Who's Online";
  10  $l['nav_onlinetoday'] = "Who Was Online Today";
  12  $l['viewing_announcements'] = "Viewing Announcement <a href=\"{1}\">{2}</a>";
  13  $l['viewing_announcements2'] = "Viewing Announcement";
  14  $l['viewing_attachment'] = "Viewing Attachment";
  15  $l['viewing_attachment2'] = "Viewing <a href=\"attachment.php?aid={1}\" target=\"_blank\">Attachment</a> in Thread <a href=\"{3}\">{2}</a>";
  16  $l['viewing_calendar'] = "Viewing <a href=\"calendar.php\">Calendar</a>";
  17  $l['viewing_event'] = "Viewing Event";
  18  $l['viewing_event2'] = "Viewing Event <a href=\"{1}\">{2}</a>";
  19  $l['adding_event'] = "<a href=\"calendar.php?action=addevent\">Adding Event</a>";
  20  $l['editing_event'] = "Editing Event";
  21  $l['editing_post'] = "Editing Post";
  22  $l['viewing_forum'] = "Viewing Forum";
  23  $l['viewing_forum2'] = "Viewing Forum <a href=\"{1}\">{2}</a>";
  24  $l['forum_redirect_to'] = "Being Redirected To <a href=\"{1}\">{2}</a>";
  25  $l['viewing_index'] = "{1} <a href=\"index.php\">Main Index</a>";
  26  $l['activating_account'] = "Activating Account";
  27  $l['viewing_profile'] = "Viewing Profile";
  28  $l['viewing_profile2'] = "Viewing Profile of <a href=\"{1}\">{2}</a>";
  29  $l['registering'] = "<a href=\"member.php?action=register\">Registering</a>";
  30  $l['logging_in'] = "<a href=\"member.php?action=login\">Logging In</a>";
  31  $l['logging_in_plain'] = "Logging In";
  32  $l['logging_out'] = "Logging Out";
  33  $l['emailing_user'] = "Emailing a User";
  34  $l['rating_user'] = "Rating User";
  35  $l['viewing_memberlist'] = "Viewing <a href=\"memberlist.php\">Member List</a>";
  36  $l['viewing_whoposted'] = "Viewing Who Posted";
  37  $l['viewing_whoposted2'] = "Viewing Who Posted in Thread <a href=\"{1}\">{2}</a>";
  38  $l['marking_read'] = "<a href=\"misc.php?action=markread&amp;my_post_key={1}\">Marking Forums as Read</a>";
  39  $l['viewing_helpdocs'] = "Viewing <a href=\"misc.php?action=help\">Help Documents</a>";
  40  $l['viewing_buddylist'] = "Viewing <a href=\"misc.php?action=buddypopup\">Buddy List</a>";
  41  $l['viewing_smilies'] = "Viewing <a href=\"misc.php?action=smilies\">Smilie List</a>";
  42  $l['viewing_syndication'] = "Viewing <a href=\"misc.php?action=syndication\">RSS Syndication</a> Page";
  43  $l['replying_thread'] = "Replying to Thread";
  44  $l['replying_thread2'] = "Replying to Thread <a href=\"{1}\">{2}</a>";
  45  $l['posting_thread'] = "Posting New Thread";
  46  $l['posting_thread2'] = "Posting New Thread in <a href=\"{1}\">{2}</a>";
  47  $l['viewing_wol'] = "Viewing <a href=\"online.php\">Who's Online</a>";
  48  $l['viewing_woltoday'] = "Viewing <a href=\"online.php?action=today\">Who Was Online Today</a>";
  49  $l['creating_poll'] = "Creating New Poll";
  50  $l['editing_poll'] = "Editing a Poll";
  51  $l['viewing_pollresults'] = "Viewing Poll Results";
  52  $l['voting_poll'] = "Voting on a Poll";
  53  $l['using_modtools'] = "Using Moderator Tools";
  54  $l['sending_pm'] = "Sending Private Message";
  55  $l['reading_pm'] = "Reading Private Message";
  56  $l['editing_pmfolders'] = "Editing PM Folders";
  57  $l['using_pmsystem'] = "Using PM System";
  58  $l['reporting_post'] = "Reporting a Post";
  59  $l['searching_forum'] = "<a href=\"search.php\">Searching</a> {1}";
  60  $l['reading_thread'] = "Reading Thread";
  61  $l['reading_thread2'] = "Reading Thread <a href=\"{1}\">{2}</a> {3}";
  62  $l['viewing_team'] = "Viewing Forum Team";
  63  $l['viewing_stats'] = "Viewing Forum Statistics";
  64  $l['updating_profile'] = "<a href=\"usercp.php?action=profile\">Updating Profile</a>";
  65  $l['updating_options'] = "<a href=\"usercp.php?action=options\">Updating Options</a>";
  66  $l['editing_signature'] = "<a href=\"usercp.php?action=editsig\">Editing Signature</a>";
  67  $l['changing_avatar'] = "<a href=\"usercp.php?action=avatar\">Changing Avatar</a>";
  68  $l['viewing_subscriptions'] = "Viewing <a href=\"usercp.php?action=subscriptions\">Thread Subscriptions</a>";
  69  $l['viewing_favorites'] = "Viewing <a href=\"usercp.php?action=favorites\">Favorite Threads</a>";
  70  $l['editing_pad'] = "Editing <a href=\"usercp.php?action=notepad\">Personal Pad</a>";
  71  $l['editing_password'] = "Editing <a href=\"usercp.php?action=password\">Password</a>";
  72  $l['user_cp'] = "Viewing <a href=\"usercp.php\">User Control Panel</a>";
  73  $l['viewing_portal'] = "Viewing <a href=\"portal.php\">Portal</a> Page";
  74  $l['viewing_noperms'] = "Viewing No Permissions Page";
  75  $l['unknown_location'] = "<a href=\"{1}\">Unknown Location</a>";
  76  $l['giving_reputation'] = "Giving Reputation to <a href=\"{1}\">{2}</a>";
  77  $l['viewing_reputation_report'] = "Viewing <a href=\"{1}\">{2}'s Reputation</a>";
  78  $l['viewing_reputation_report2'] = "Viewing Reputation";
  79  $l['member_resendactivation'] = "Resending Account Activation Email";
  80  $l['member_lostpw'] = "Retrieving <a href=\"member.php?action=lostpw\">Lost Password</a>";
  81  $l['sending_thread'] = "Sending a thread to a friend";
  82  $l['guest'] = "Guest";
  83  $l['page'] = "Page";
  84  $l['users_online'] = "Who's Online";
  85  $l['on_username'] = "Username";
  86  $l['time'] = "Time";
  87  $l['location'] = "Location";
  88  $l['online_today'] = "Who Was Online Today";
  89  $l['refresh_page'] = "Refresh this Page";
  90  $l['online_online_plural'] = "users";
  91  $l['online_online_singular'] = "user";
  92  $l['online_member_plural'] = "members";
  93  $l['online_member_singular'] = "member";
  94  $l['online_anon_plural'] = "are";
  95  $l['online_anon_singular'] = "is";
  96  $l['online_guest_plural'] = "guests";
  97  $l['online_guest_singular'] = "guest";
  98  $l['online_count'] = "{1} {2} active in the past {3} minutes ({4} {5}, {6} of whom {7} invisible, and {8} {9}).";
  99  $l['ip'] = "IP:";
 100  $l['resolves_to'] = "Host Name:";
 101  $l['if_resolvable'] = "(if resolvable)";
 102  $l['admin_options'] = "Admin Options:";
 103  $l['search_regip_users'] = "Search for users who have registered with this IP";
 104  $l['search_postip_users'] = "Search for users who have posted with this IP";
 105  $l['lookup'] = "[lookup]";
 106  $l['member_online_today'] = "<strong>1</strong> Member Was Online Today";
 107  $l['members_were_online_today'] = "<strong>{1}</strong> Members Were Online Today";
 108  $l['member_online_hidden'] = " ({1} member was invisible)";
 109  $l['members_online_hidden'] = " ({1} members were invisible)";
 110  $l['rating_thread'] = "Rating thread";
 111  $l['viewing_imcenter'] = "Viewing IM Center";
 112  $l['managing_favorites'] = "Managing Favorite Threads";
 113  $l['managing_subscriptions'] = "Managing Subscribed Threads";
 114  $l['managing_group'] = "Managing a User Group";
 115  $l['viewing_modcp'] = "Viewing Moderator CP";
 116  $l['viewing_modlogs'] = "Viewing Moderator Logs";
 117  $l['managing_announcements'] = "Managing Announcements";
 118  $l['search_for_user'] = "Searching for users";
 119  $l['managing_warninglogs'] = "Managing Warning Logs";
 120  $l['searching_ips'] = "Searching IPs";
 121  $l['viewing_reports'] = "Viewing Reported Posts";
 122  $l['adding_announcement'] = "Adding an Announcement";
 123  $l['deleting_announcement'] = "Deleting an Announcement";
 124  $l['editing_announcement'] = "Editing an Announcement";
 125  $l['managing_modqueue'] = "Managing Moderation Queue";
 126  $l['editing_user_profiles'] = "Editing User Profiles";
 127  $l['managing_bans'] = "Managing Bans";
 128  $l['revoking_warning'] = "Revoking a warning";
 129  $l['warning_user'] = "Warning a user";
 130  $l['viewing_warning'] = "Viewing a warning";
 131  $l['managing_warnings'] = "Managing warnings";
 132  $l['changing_dst'] = "Changing DST Switch";
 133  $l['printing_thread'] = "Printing a Thread";
 134  $l['printing_thread2'] = "Printing Thread <a href=\"{1}\">{2}</a>";
 135  $l['managing_buddyignorelist'] = "Managing Buddy/Ignore List";
 136  ?>

Generated: Tue Oct 8 19:19:50 2013 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1