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$l['with_trout'] = "around a bit with a large trout.";
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$l['newpm_notice_one'] = "You have one unread private message from {1} titled {3}";
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$l['error_database_repair'] = "MyBB is automatically repairing a crashed table.";
$l['unknown_user_trigger'] = "An unknown error has been triggered.";
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$l['timezone_gmt_short'] = "GMT {1}({2})";
$l['missing_task'] = "Error: Task file does not exist";
$l['task_backup_cannot_write_backup'] = "Error: The database backup task cannot write to backups directory.";
$l['task_backup_ran'] = "The database backup task successfully ran.";
$l['task_checktables_ran'] = "The check tables task successfully ran with no corrupted tables found.";
$l['task_checktables_ran_found'] = "Notice: The check tables task successfully ran and repaired the {1} table(s).";
$l['task_dailycleanup_ran'] = "The daily cleanup task successfully ran.";
$l['task_hourlycleanup_ran'] = "The hourly cleanup task successfully ran.";
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$l['task_threadviews_ran'] = "The thread views task successfully ran.";
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$l['task_userpruning_ran'] = "The user pruning task successfully ran.";
$l['task_delayedmoderation_ran'] = "The delayed moderation task successfully ran.";
$l['task_massmail_ran_errors'] = "One or more problems occured sending to \"{1}\":
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