Sub Forums:";
$l['asc'] = "asc";
$l['desc'] = "desc";
$l['forum_announcements'] = "Forum Announcements";
$l['sticky_threads'] = "Important Threads";
$l['normal_threads'] = "Normal Threads";
$l['icon_dot'] = "Contains posts by you. "; // The spaces for the icon labels are strategically placed so that there should be no extra space at the beginning or end of the resulting label and that spaces separate each 'status' ;)
$l['icon_no_new'] = "No new posts.";
$l['icon_new'] = "New posts.";
$l['icon_hot'] = " Hot thread.";
$l['icon_lock'] = " Locked thread.";
$l['attachment_count'] = "This thread contains 1 attachment.";
$l['attachment_count_multiple'] = "This thread contains {1} attachments.";
$l['rss_discovery_forum'] = "Latest Threads in {1}";
$l['forum_unapproved_posts_count'] = "There are currently {1} unapproved posts in this forum.";
$l['forum_unapproved_post_count'] = "There is currently 1 unapproved post in this forum.";
$l['forum_unapproved_threads_count'] = "There are currently {1} unapproved threads in this forum.";
$l['forum_unapproved_thread_count'] = "There is currently 1 unapproved thread in this forum.";
$l['thread_unapproved_posts_count'] = "There are currently {1} unapproved posts in this thread.";
$l['thread_unapproved_post_count'] = "There is currently 1 unapproved post in this thread.";
$l['page_selected'] = "All {1} threads on this page are selected.";
$l['all_selected'] = "All {1} threads in this forum are selected.";
$l['select_all'] = "Select all {1} threads in this forum.";
$l['clear_selection'] = "Clear Selection.";
$l['error_containsnoforums'] = "Sorry but the forum you are currently viewing does not contain any child forums.";