Note: If this post is the first post in a thread deleting it will result in deletion of the whole thread."; $l['subject'] = "Subject"; $l['your_message'] = "Your Message"; $l['post_options'] = "Post Options:"; $l['options_sig'] = "Signature: include your signature. (registered users only)"; $l['options_emailnotify'] = "Email Notification: receive an email whenever there is a new reply. (registered users only)"; $l['options_disablesmilies'] = "Disable Smilies: disable smilies from showing in this post."; $l['preview_post'] = "Preview Post"; $l['update_post'] = "Update Post"; $l['poll'] = "Poll:"; $l['poll_desc'] = "Optionally you may attach a poll to this thread."; $l['poll_check'] = "I want to post a poll"; $l['num_options'] = "Number of options:"; $l['max_options'] = "(Maximum: {1})"; $l['delete_now'] = "Delete Now"; $l['edit_time_limit'] = "Sorry but you cannot edit your post. The Administrator has set it so that posts can only be edited within {1} minutes of posting."; $l['no_prefix'] = "No Prefix"; $l['redirect_nodelete'] = "The post was not deleted because you didn't check the \"Delete\" checkbox."; $l['redirect_postedited'] = "Thank you, this post has been edited.
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