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PHP Cross Reference of MyBB




/inc/languages/english/ -> datahandler_pm.lang.php (source)

   1  <?php
   2  /**
   3   * MyBB 1.6 English Language Pack
   4   * Copyright 2010 MyBB Group, All Rights Reserved
   5   *
   6   * $Id: datahandler_pm.lang.php 5297 2010-12-28 22:01:14Z Tomm $
   7   */
   9  $l['pmdata_too_long_subject'] = 'The subject of your private message is too long. Please enter a shorter subject.';
  10  $l['pmdata_code_no_subject'] = '[no subject]';
  11  $l['pmdata_missing_subject'] = 'You did not enter a subject for your message. Please enter a subject.';
  12  $l['pmdata_missing_message'] = 'You did not enter a message to be sent. Please enter a message.';
  13  $l['pmdata_invalid_recipients'] = "One or more of the recipients you specified are not registered usernames. Invalid recipients: {1}";
  14  $l['pmdata_no_recipients'] = "You did not enter any recipients to send this message to. You must enter at least one username in the 'to' field.";
  15  $l['pmdata_too_many_recipients'] = "You are only allowed to send messages to {1} users at a time.";
  16  $l['pmdata_recipient_is_ignoring'] = "You cannot send messages to {1} because you're on their ignore list.";
  17  $l['pmdata_recipient_has_buddy_only'] = "You cannot send messages to {1} because you're not on their buddy list.";
  18  $l['pmdata_recipient_pms_disabled'] = '{1} has private messaging disabled. You cannot send private messages to this user.';
  19  $l['pmdata_recipient_reached_quota'] = '{1} has reached their private message quota so your message could not be sent.';
  21  $l['pmdata_pm_flooding'] = 'You are trying to send a message too quickly after sending a previous message. Please wait {1} more seconds.';
  22  $l['pmdata_pm_flooding_one_second'] = 'You are trying to send a message too quickly after sending a previous message. Please wait 1 more second.';
  23  ?>

Generated: Tue Oct 8 19:19:50 2013 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1