Private Only you will be able to view this event. (Registered Users Only)."; $l['delete_option'] = "Delete: Delete this event."; $l['post_event'] = "Post Event"; $l['day_view'] = "Day View"; $l['birthday'] = "Birthday"; $l['birthdays'] = "Birthdays"; $l['event_author'] = "Event Author:"; $l['edit_event'] = "Edit Event"; $l['view_event'] = "View Event"; $l['no_events'] = "This day does not have any events associated with it.

Post an Event.

"; $l['years_old'] = "{1} Years Old"; $l['alt_edit'] = "Edit this event"; $l['alt_delete'] = "Delete this event"; $l['moderator_options'] = "Moderator Options"; $l['approve_event'] = "Approve Event"; $l['unapprove_event'] = "Unapprove Event"; $l['move_event'] = "Move Event"; $l['repeats_every_day'] = "Repeats every day"; $l['repeats_every_x_days'] = "Repeats every {1} days"; $l['repeats_on_weekdays'] = "Repeats Monday through Friday"; $l['every_week_on_days'] = "Repeats every week on {1}"; $l['every_week'] = "Repeats every week"; $l['every_x_weeks_on_days'] = "Repeats every {1} weeks on
{2}"; $l['every_x_weeks'] = "Repeats every {1} weeks"; $l['every_month_on_day'] = "Repeats on day {1}
of every month"; $l['every_x_months_on_day'] = "Repeats on day {1}
of every {2} months"; $l['every_month_on_weekday'] = "Repeats on the {1} {2}
of every month"; $l['every_x_months_on_weekday'] = "Repeats on the {1} {2}
of every {3} months"; $l['weekday_occurance_1'] = "first"; $l['weekday_occurance_2'] = "second"; $l['weekday_occurance_3'] = "third"; $l['weekday_occurance_4'] = "fourth"; $l['weekday_occurance_last'] = "last"; $l['every_year_on_day'] = "Repeats every year on {1} {2}"; $l['every_x_years_on_day'] = "Repeats every {3} years on {1} {2}"; $l['every_year_on_weekday'] = "Repeats on the {1} {2} in {3} of every year"; $l['every_x_year_on_weekday'] = "Repeats on the {1} {2} in {3} every {4} years"; $l['delete_event'] = "Delete Event"; $l['delete_q'] = "Delete?"; $l['delete_1'] = "To delete this event, check the checkbox to the left and then click the button to the right."; $l['delete_2'] = "Note: This process cannot be undone."; $l['delete_now'] = "Delete Now"; $l['jump_to_calendar'] = "Jump to calendar:"; $l['select_calendar'] = "Calendar:"; $l['type_single'] = "Single day event"; $l['type_ranged'] = "Ranged or recurring event"; $l['enter_time'] = "Time:"; $l['start_time'] = "Starts:"; $l['end_time'] = "Finishes:"; $l['timezone'] = "Time Zone:"; $l['ignore_timezone'] = "Ignore time zone: This event should use the time zone of the viewer."; $l['repeats'] = "Repeats:"; $l['does_not_repeat'] = "Does not repeat"; $l['repeats_daily'] = "Daily"; $l['repeats_weekdays'] = "Every weekday (Mon-Fri)"; $l['repeats_weekly'] = "Weekly"; $l['repeats_every'] = "Repeats every"; $l['day_or_days'] = "day(s)"; $l['week_or_weeks_on'] = "week(s) on"; $l['repeats_monthly'] = "Monthly"; $l['repeats_yearly'] = "Yearly"; $l['repeats_on_day'] = "Repeats on day"; $l['of_every'] = "of every"; $l['month_or_months'] = "month(s)"; $l['repeats_on_the'] = "Repeats on the"; $l['day_of_every'] = "day every"; $l['repeats_on'] = "Repeats on"; $l['every'] = "every"; $l['year_or_years'] = "year(s)"; $l['of'] = "of"; $l['move_to_calendar'] = "Move to Calendar:"; $l['weekly_overview'] = "Weekly Overview"; $l['previous_week'] = "Previous Week"; $l['next_week'] = "Next Week"; $l['first'] = "First"; $l['second'] = "Second"; $l['third'] = "Third"; $l['fourth'] = "Fourth"; $l['last'] = "Last"; $l['all_day'] = "All Day"; $l['starts'] = "Starts: "; $l['finishes'] = "Finishes: "; $l['error_incorrectday'] = "The day you have entered does not appear to exist. Please go back and try again."; $l['error_invalidevent'] = "The event you specified is either invalid or doesn't exist."; $l['invalid_calendar'] = "The specified calendar does not exist. Are you sure you are visiting the correct page?"; $l['redirect_eventdeleted'] = "The event has successfully been deleted.
You will now be taken back to the calendar."; $l['redirect_eventupdated'] = "The event has been successfully updated.
You will now be returned to it."; $l['redirect_eventadded'] = "Your event has been added successfully.
You will now be taken to it."; $l['redirect_eventadded_moderation'] = "Your event has been added successfully but requires moderation by a forum moderator before it is visible.
You will now be taken back to the calendar."; $l['redirect_eventunapproved'] = "The event has been unapproved successfully.
You will now be taken to it."; $l['redirect_eventapproved'] = "The event has been approved successfully.
You will now be taken to it."; ?>