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PHP Cross Reference of MyBB




/inc/languages/english/admin/ -> config_thread_prefixes.lang.php (source)

   1  <?php
   2  /**
   3   * MyBB 1.6 English Language Pack
   4   * Copyright 2010 MyBB Group, All Rights Reserved
   5   * 
   6   * $Id: config_thread_prefixes.lang.php 5828 2012-05-08 16:06:16Z Tomm $
   7   */
   9  $l['thread_prefixes'] = "Thread Prefixes";
  10  $l['thread_prefixes_desc'] = "Thread prefixes allow you to define prefixes that users can assign to their threads. Threads can then be filtered by prefix within a forum.";
  12  $l['add_new_thread_prefix'] = "Add New Thread Prefix";
  13  $l['add_new_thread_prefix_desc'] = "Here you can add a new thread prefix and define where it is available, as well as which usergroups can use it.";
  15  $l['edit_prefix'] = "Edit Prefix";
  16  $l['edit_prefix_desc'] = "Here you can edit a thread prefix and change how it is display, where it is available and which usergroups can use it.";
  17  $l['edit_thread_prefix'] = "Edit Thread Prefix";
  18  $l['delete_thread_prefix'] = "Delete Thread Prefix";
  20  $l['prefix_options'] = "Prefix Options";
  21  $l['save_thread_prefix'] = "Save Thread Prefix";
  23  $l['prefix'] = "Prefix";
  24  $l['prefix_desc'] = "Plain text version of the prefix to be displayed in selection menus.";
  25  $l['display_style'] = "Display Style";
  26  $l['display_style_desc'] = "This is how the prefix will appear next to thread subjects. You may enter HTML markup here or simply use the same as the plain text version above.";
  27  $l['available_in_forums'] = "Available in forums";
  28  $l['available_to_groups'] = "Available to groups";
  29  $l['all_forums'] = "All forums";
  30  $l['all_groups'] = "All groups";
  31  $l['select_forums'] = "Select forums";
  32  $l['select_groups'] = "Select groups";
  33  $l['groups_colon'] = "Groups:";
  35  $l['no_thread_prefixes'] = "There are no thread prefixes setup on your forum.";
  37  $l['confirm_thread_prefix_deletion'] = "Are you sure you want to delete this thread prefix? Note: You should remember to update any custom moderator tools which use this prefix after deletion.";
  39  $l['success_thread_prefix_created'] = "The thread prefix has been created successfully.";
  40  $l['success_thread_prefix_updated'] = "The thread prefix has been updated successfully.";
  41  $l['success_thread_prefix_deleted'] = "The thread prefix has been deleted successfully. Please update any custom moderator tools which use this prefix";
  43  $l['error_missing_prefix'] = "Please enter the prefix you wish to add.";
  44  $l['error_missing_display_style'] = "Please enter a display style for this prefix.";
  45  $l['error_no_forums_selected'] = "Please select the forums in which this prefix will be available.";
  46  $l['error_no_groups_selected'] = "Please select the groups to which this prefix will be available.";
  47  $l['error_invalid_prefix'] = "The specified thread prefix does not exist.";
  48  ?>

Generated: Tue Oct 8 19:19:50 2013 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1