simple_select("forums", "pid,disporder,fid,password,name", "linkto='' AND active!=0", array('order_by' => "pid, disporder")); while($forum = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $pforumcache[$forum['pid']][$forum['disporder']][$forum['fid']] = $forum; } } if(!is_array($permissioncache)) { $permissioncache = forum_permissions(); } if(is_array($pforumcache[$pid])) { foreach($pforumcache[$pid] as $key => $main) { foreach($main as $key => $forum) { $perms = $permissioncache[$forum['fid']]; if(($perms['canview'] == 1 || $mybb->settings['hideprivateforums'] == 0) && $perms['cansearch'] != 0) { if($selitem == $forum['fid']) { $optionselected = "selected"; $selecteddone = "1"; } else { $optionselected = ''; $selecteddone = "0"; } if($forum['password'] != '') { if($mybb->cookies['forumpass'][$forum['fid']] == md5($mybb->user['uid'].$forum['password'])) { $pwverified = 1; } else { $pwverified = 0; } } if(empty($forum['password']) || $pwverified == 1) { $forumlistbits .= "\n"; } if($pforumcache[$forum['fid']]) { $newdepth = $depth."    "; $forumlistbits .= make_searchable_forums($forum['fid'], $selitem, 0, $newdepth); } } } } } if($addselect) { $forumlist = ""; } return $forumlist; } /** * Build a comma separated list of the forums this user cannot search * * @param int The parent ID to build from * @param int First rotation or not (leave at default) * @return return a CSV list of forums the user cannot search */ function get_unsearchable_forums($pid="0", $first=1) { global $db, $forum_cache, $permissioncache, $mybb, $unsearchableforums, $unsearchable, $templates, $forumpass; $pid = intval($pid); if(!is_array($forum_cache)) { // Get Forums $query = $db->simple_select("forums", "fid,parentlist,password,active", '', array('order_by' => 'pid, disporder')); while($forum = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $forum_cache[$forum['fid']] = $forum; } } if(!is_array($permissioncache)) { $permissioncache = forum_permissions(); } foreach($forum_cache as $fid => $forum) { if($permissioncache[$forum['fid']]) { $perms = $permissioncache[$forum['fid']]; } else { $perms = $mybb->usergroup; } $pwverified = 1; if($forum['password'] != '') { if($mybb->cookies['forumpass'][$forum['fid']] != md5($mybb->user['uid'].$forum['password'])) { $pwverified = 0; } } $parents = explode(",", $forum['parentlist']); if(is_array($parents)) { foreach($parents as $parent) { if($forum_cache[$parent]['active'] == 0) { $forum['active'] = 0; } } } if($perms['canview'] != 1 || $perms['cansearch'] != 1 || $pwverified == 0 || $forum['active'] == 0) { if($unsearchableforums) { $unsearchableforums .= ","; } $unsearchableforums .= "'{$forum['fid']}'"; } } $unsearchable = $unsearchableforums; // Get our unsearchable password protected forums $pass_protected_forums = get_password_protected_forums(); if($unsearchable && $pass_protected_forums) { $unsearchable .= ","; } if($pass_protected_forums) { $unsearchable .= implode(",", $pass_protected_forums); } return $unsearchable; } /** * Build a array list of the forums this user cannot search due to password protection * * @param int the fids to check (leave null to check all forums) * @return return a array list of password protected forums the user cannot search */ function get_password_protected_forums($fids=array()) { global $forum_cache, $mybb; if(!is_array($fids)) { return false; } if(!is_array($forum_cache)) { $forum_cache = cache_forums(); if(!$forum_cache) { return false; } } if(empty($fids)) { $fids = array_keys($forum_cache); } $pass_fids = array(); foreach($fids as $fid) { if(empty($forum_cache[$fid]['password'])) { continue; } if(md5($mybb->user['uid'].$forum_cache[$fid]['password']) != $mybb->cookies['forumpass'][$fid]) { $pass_fids[] = $fid; $child_list = get_child_list($fid); } if(is_array($child_list)) { $pass_fids = array_merge($pass_fids, $child_list); } } return array_unique($pass_fids); } /** * Clean search keywords and make them safe for querying * * @param string The keywords to be cleaned * @return string The cleaned keywords */ function clean_keywords($keywords) { $keywords = my_strtolower($keywords); $keywords = str_replace("%", "\\%", $keywords); $keywords = preg_replace("#\*{2,}#s", "*", $keywords); $keywords = str_replace("*", "%", $keywords); $keywords = preg_replace("#([\[\]\|\.\,:'])#s", " ", $keywords); $keywords = preg_replace("#\s+#s", " ", $keywords); // Search for "and" or "or" and remove if it's at the beginning $keywords = trim($keywords); if(my_strpos($keywords, "or") === 0) { $keywords = substr_replace($keywords, "", 0, 2); } if(my_strpos($keywords, "and") === 0) { $keywords = substr_replace($keywords, "", 0, 3); } return $keywords; } /** * Clean search keywords for fulltext searching, making them safe for querying * * @param string The keywords to be cleaned * @return string The cleaned keywords */ function clean_keywords_ft($keywords) { if(!$keywords) { return false; } $keywords = my_strtolower($keywords); $keywords = str_replace("%", "\\%", $keywords); $keywords = preg_replace("#\*{2,}#s", "*", $keywords); $keywords = preg_replace("#([\[\]\|\.\,:])#s", " ", $keywords); $keywords = preg_replace("#\s+#s", " ", $keywords); $words = array(); if(my_strpos($keywords, "\"") !== false) { $inquote = false; $keywords = explode("\"", $keywords); foreach($keywords as $phrase) { if($phrase != '') { if($inquote) { $words[] = "\"".trim($phrase)."\""; } else { $split_words = preg_split("#\s{1,}#", $phrase, -1); if(!is_array($split_words)) { continue; } foreach($split_words as $word) { if(!$word) { continue; } $words[] = trim($word); } } } $inquote = !$inquote; } } else { $split_words = preg_split("#\s{1,}#", $keywords, -1); if(!is_array($split_words)) { continue; } foreach($split_words as $word) { if(!$word) { continue; } $words[] = trim($word); } } $keywords = ''; foreach($words as $word) { if($word == "or") { $boolean = ''; } elseif($word == "and") { $boolean = "+"; } elseif($word == "not") { $boolean = "-"; } else { $keywords .= " ".$boolean.$word; $boolean = ''; } } $keywords = "+".trim($keywords); return $keywords; } /* Database engine specific search functions */ /** * Perform a thread and post search under MySQL or MySQLi * * @param array Array of search data * @return array Array of search data with results mixed in */ function privatemessage_perform_search_mysql($search) { global $mybb, $db, $lang; $keywords = clean_keywords($search['keywords']); if(!$keywords && !$search['sender']) { error($lang->error_nosearchterms); } if($mybb->settings['minsearchword'] < 1) { $mybb->settings['minsearchword'] = 3; } $subject_lookin = ""; $message_lookin = ""; $searchsql = "uid='{$mybb->user['uid']}'"; if($keywords) { // Complex search $keywords = " {$keywords} "; if(preg_match("# and|or #", $keywords)) { $string = "AND"; if($search['subject'] == 1) { $string = "OR"; $subject_lookin = " AND ("; } if($search['message'] == 1) { $message_lookin = " {$string} ("; } // Expand the string by double quotes $keywords_exp = explode("\"", $keywords); $inquote = false; foreach($keywords_exp as $phrase) { // If we're not in a double quoted section if(!$inquote) { // Expand out based on search operators (and, or) $matches = preg_split("#\s{1,}(and|or)\s{1,}#", $phrase, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); $count_matches = count($matches); for($i=0; $i < $count_matches; ++$i) { $word = trim($matches[$i]); if(empty($word)) { continue; } // If this word is a search operator set the boolean if($i % 2 && ($word == "and" || $word == "or")) { if($i <= 1) { if($search['subject'] && $search['message'] && $subject_lookin == " AND (") { // We're looking for anything, check for a subject lookin continue; } elseif($search['subject'] && !$search['message'] && $subject_lookin == " AND (") { // Just in a subject? continue; } elseif(!$search['subject'] && $search['message'] && $message_lookin == " {$string} (") { // Just in a message? continue; } } $boolean = $word; } // Otherwise check the length of the word as it is a normal search term else { $word = trim($word); // Word is too short - show error message if(my_strlen($word) < $mybb->settings['minsearchword']) { $lang->error_minsearchlength = $lang->sprintf($lang->error_minsearchlength, $mybb->settings['minsearchword']); error($lang->error_minsearchlength); } // Add terms to search query if($search['subject'] == 1) { $subject_lookin .= " $boolean LOWER(subject) LIKE '%{$word}%'"; } if($search['message'] == 1) { $message_lookin .= " $boolean LOWER(message) LIKE '%{$word}%'"; } } } } // In the middle of a quote (phrase) else { $phrase = str_replace(array("+", "-", "*"), '', trim($phrase)); if(my_strlen($phrase) < $mybb->settings['minsearchword']) { $lang->error_minsearchlength = $lang->sprintf($lang->error_minsearchlength, $mybb->settings['minsearchword']); error($lang->error_minsearchlength); } // Add phrase to search query $subject_lookin .= " $boolean LOWER(subject) LIKE '%{$phrase}%'"; if($search['message'] == 1) { $message_lookin .= " $boolean LOWER(message) LIKE '%{$phrase}%'"; } } // Check to see if we have any search terms and not a malformed SQL string $error = false; if($search['subject'] && $search['message'] && $subject_lookin == " AND (") { // We're looking for anything, check for a subject lookin $error = true; } elseif($search['subject'] && !$search['message'] && $subject_lookin == " AND (") { // Just in a subject? $error = true; } elseif(!$search['subject'] && $search['message'] && $message_lookin == " {$string} (") { // Just in a message? $error = true; } if($error == true) { // There are no search keywords to look for $lang->error_minsearchlength = $lang->sprintf($lang->error_minsearchlength, $mybb->settings['minsearchword']); error($lang->error_minsearchlength); } $inquote = !$inquote; } if($search['subject'] == 1) { $subject_lookin .= ")"; } if($search['message'] == 1) { $message_lookin .= ")"; } $searchsql .= "{$subject_lookin} {$message_lookin}"; } else { $keywords = str_replace("\"", '', trim($keywords)); if(my_strlen($keywords) < $mybb->settings['minsearchword']) { $lang->error_minsearchlength = $lang->sprintf($lang->error_minsearchlength, $mybb->settings['minsearchword']); error($lang->error_minsearchlength); } // If we're looking in both, then find matches in either the subject or the message if($search['subject'] == 1 && $search['message'] == 1) { $searchsql .= " AND (LOWER(subject) LIKE '%{$keywords}%' OR LOWER(message) LIKE '%{$keywords}%')"; } else { if($search['subject'] == 1) { $searchsql .= " AND LOWER(subject) LIKE '%{$keywords}%'"; } if($search['message'] == 1) { $searchsql .= " AND LOWER(message) LIKE '%{$keywords}%'"; } } } } if($search['sender']) { $userids = array(); $search['sender'] = my_strtolower($search['sender']); $query = $db->simple_select("users", "uid", "LOWER(username) LIKE '%".$db->escape_string_like($db->escape_string($search['sender']))."%'"); while($user = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $userids[] = $user['uid']; } if(count($userids) < 1) { error($lang->error_nosearchresults); } else { $userids = implode(',', $userids); $searchsql .= " AND fromid IN (".$userids.")"; } } if(!is_array($search['folder'])) { $search['folder'] = array($search['folder']); } if(!empty($search['folder'])) { $folderids = array(); $search['folder'] = array_map("intval", $search['folder']); $folderids = implode(',', $search['folder']); if($folderids) { $searchsql .= " AND folder IN (".$folderids.")"; } } if($search['status']) { $searchsql .= " AND ("; if($search['status']['new']) { $statussql[] = " status='0' "; } if($search['status']['replied']) { $statussql[] = " status='3' "; } if($search['status']['forwarded']) { $statussql[] = " status='4' "; } if($search['status']['read']) { $statussql[] = " (status != '0' AND readtime > '0') "; } // Sent Folder if(in_array(2, $search['folder'])) { $statussql[] = " status='1' "; } $statussql = implode("OR", $statussql); $searchsql .= $statussql.")"; } // Run the search $pms = array(); $query = $db->simple_select("privatemessages", "pmid", $searchsql); while($pm = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $pms[$pm['pmid']] = $pm['pmid']; } if(count($pms) < 1) { error($lang->error_nosearchresults); } $pms = implode(',', $pms); return array( "querycache" => $pms ); } /** * Perform a thread and post search under MySQL or MySQLi * * @param array Array of search data * @return array Array of search data with results mixed in */ function perform_search_mysql($search) { global $mybb, $db, $lang, $cache; $keywords = clean_keywords($search['keywords']); if(!$keywords && !$search['author']) { error($lang->error_nosearchterms); } if($mybb->settings['minsearchword'] < 1) { $mybb->settings['minsearchword'] = 3; } if($keywords) { // Complex search $keywords = " {$keywords} "; if(preg_match("# and|or #", $keywords)) { $subject_lookin = " AND ("; $message_lookin = " AND ("; // Expand the string by double quotes $keywords_exp = explode("\"", $keywords); $inquote = false; foreach($keywords_exp as $phrase) { // If we're not in a double quoted section if(!$inquote) { // Expand out based on search operators (and, or) $matches = preg_split("#\s{1,}(and|or)\s{1,}#", $phrase, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); $count_matches = count($matches); for($i=0; $i < $count_matches; ++$i) { $word = trim($matches[$i]); if(empty($word)) { continue; } // If this word is a search operator set the boolean if($i % 2 && ($word == "and" || $word == "or")) { if($i <= 1 && $subject_lookin == " AND (") { continue; } $boolean = $word; } // Otherwise check the length of the word as it is a normal search term else { $word = trim($word); // Word is too short - show error message if(my_strlen($word) < $mybb->settings['minsearchword']) { $lang->error_minsearchlength = $lang->sprintf($lang->error_minsearchlength, $mybb->settings['minsearchword']); error($lang->error_minsearchlength); } // Add terms to search query $subject_lookin .= " $boolean LOWER(t.subject) LIKE '%{$word}%'"; if($search['postthread'] == 1) { $message_lookin .= " $boolean LOWER(p.message) LIKE '%{$word}%'"; } } } } // In the middle of a quote (phrase) else { $phrase = str_replace(array("+", "-", "*"), '', trim($phrase)); if(my_strlen($phrase) < $mybb->settings['minsearchword']) { $lang->error_minsearchlength = $lang->sprintf($lang->error_minsearchlength, $mybb->settings['minsearchword']); error($lang->error_minsearchlength); } // Add phrase to search query $subject_lookin .= " $boolean LOWER(t.subject) LIKE '%{$phrase}%'"; if($search['postthread'] == 1) { $message_lookin .= " $boolean LOWER(p.message) LIKE '%{$phrase}%'"; } } if($subject_lookin == " AND (") { // There are no search keywords to look for $lang->error_minsearchlength = $lang->sprintf($lang->error_minsearchlength, $mybb->settings['minsearchword']); error($lang->error_minsearchlength); } $inquote = !$inquote; } $subject_lookin .= ")"; $message_lookin .= ")"; } else { $keywords = str_replace("\"", '', trim($keywords)); if(my_strlen($keywords) < $mybb->settings['minsearchword']) { $lang->error_minsearchlength = $lang->sprintf($lang->error_minsearchlength, $mybb->settings['minsearchword']); error($lang->error_minsearchlength); } $subject_lookin = " AND LOWER(t.subject) LIKE '%{$keywords}%'"; if($search['postthread'] == 1) { $message_lookin = " AND LOWER(p.message) LIKE '%{$keywords}%'"; } } } $post_usersql = ''; $thread_usersql = ''; if($search['author']) { $userids = array(); if($search['matchusername']) { $query = $db->simple_select("users", "uid", "username='".$db->escape_string($search['author'])."'"); } else { $search['author'] = my_strtolower($search['author']); $query = $db->simple_select("users", "uid", "LOWER(username) LIKE '%".$db->escape_string_like($db->escape_string($search['author']))."%'"); } while($user = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $userids[] = $user['uid']; } if(count($userids) < 1) { error($lang->error_nosearchresults); } else { $userids = implode(',', $userids); $post_usersql = " AND p.uid IN (".$userids.")"; $thread_usersql = " AND t.uid IN (".$userids.")"; } } $datecut = ''; if($search['postdate']) { if($search['pddir'] == 0) { $datecut = "<="; } else { $datecut = ">="; } $now = TIME_NOW; $datelimit = $now-(86400 * $search['postdate']); $datecut .= "'$datelimit'"; $post_datecut = " AND p.dateline $datecut"; $thread_datecut = " AND t.dateline $datecut"; } $thread_replycut = ''; if($search['numreplies'] != '' && $search['findthreadst']) { if(intval($search['findthreadst']) == 1) { $thread_replycut = " AND t.replies >= '".intval($search['numreplies'])."'"; } else { $thread_replycut = " AND t.replies <= '".intval($search['numreplies'])."'"; } } $thread_prefixcut = ''; if($search['threadprefix'] && $search['threadprefix'] != 'any') { $thread_prefixcut = " AND t.prefix='".intval($search['threadprefix'])."'"; } $forumin = ''; $fidlist = array(); $searchin = array(); if($search['forums'][0] != "all") { if(!is_array($search['forums'])) { $search['forums'] = array(intval($search['forums'])); } // Generate a comma separated list of all groups the user belongs to $user_groups = $mybb->user['usergroup']; if($mybb->user['additionalgroups']) { $user_groups .= ",".$mybb->user['additionalgroups']; // Setup some quick permissions for us $fcache = $cache->read("forumpermissions"); $add_groups = explode(",", $mybb->user['additionalgroups']); } foreach($search['forums'] as $forum) { $forum = intval($forum); if(!$searchin[$forum]) { if(is_array($add_groups)) { $can_search = 0; foreach($add_groups as $add_group) { // Check to make sure that we have sufficient permissions to search this forum if(!is_array($fcache[$forum][$add_group]) || $fcache[$forum][$add_group]['cansearch'] == 1 || $mybb->usergroup['cansearch'] == 1) { $can_search = 1; } } if($can_search == 0) { // We can't search this forum... continue; } } switch($db->type) { case "pgsql": $query = $db->simple_select("forums", "DISTINCT fid", "(','||parentlist||',' LIKE ',%{$forum}%,') = true AND active != 0"); break; case "sqlite": $query = $db->simple_select("forums", "DISTINCT fid", "(','||parentlist||',' LIKE ',%{$forum}%,') > 0 AND active != 0"); break; default: $query = $db->simple_select("forums", "DISTINCT fid", "INSTR(CONCAT(',',parentlist,','),',{$forum},') > 0 AND active != 0"); } while($sforum = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $fidlist[] = $sforum['fid']; } } } if(count($fidlist) == 1) { $forumin .= " AND t.fid='$forum' "; $searchin[$fid] = 1; } else { if(count($fidlist) > 1) { $forumin = " AND t.fid IN (".implode(',', $fidlist).")"; } } } $permsql = ""; $onlyusfids = array(); // Check group permissions if we can't view threads not started by us if($group_permissions = forum_permissions()) { foreach($group_permissions as $fid => $forum_permissions) { if($forum_permissions['canonlyviewownthreads'] == 1) { $onlyusfids[] = $fid; } } } if(!empty($onlyusfids)) { $permsql .= "AND ((t.fid IN(".implode(',', $onlyusfids).") AND t.uid='{$mybb->user['uid']}') OR t.fid NOT IN(".implode(',', $onlyusfids)."))"; } $unsearchforums = get_unsearchable_forums(); if($unsearchforums) { $permsql .= " AND t.fid NOT IN ($unsearchforums)"; } $inactiveforums = get_inactive_forums(); if($inactiveforums) { $permsql .= " AND t.fid NOT IN ($inactiveforums)"; } $visiblesql = $post_visiblesql = $plain_post_visiblesql = ""; if(isset($search['visible'])) { if($search['visible'] == 1) { $visiblesql = " AND t.visible = '1'"; if($search['postthread'] == 1) { $post_visiblesql = " AND p.visible = '1'"; $plain_post_visiblesql = " AND visible = '1'"; } } else { $visiblesql = " AND t.visible != '1'"; if($search['postthread'] == 1) { $post_visiblesql = " AND p.visible != '1'"; $plain_post_visiblesql = " AND visible != '1'"; } } } // Searching a specific thread? if($search['tid']) { $tidsql = " AND t.tid='".intval($search['tid'])."'"; } $limitsql = ''; if(intval($mybb->settings['searchhardlimit']) > 0) { $limitsql = "LIMIT ".intval($mybb->settings['searchhardlimit']); } // Searching both posts and thread titles $threads = array(); $posts = array(); $firstposts = array(); if($search['postthread'] == 1) { // No need to search subjects when looking for results within a specific thread if(!$search['tid']) { $query = $db->query(" SELECT t.tid, t.firstpost FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."threads t WHERE 1=1 {$thread_datecut} {$thread_replycut} {$thread_prefixcut} {$forumin} {$thread_usersql} {$permsql} {$visiblesql} AND t.closed NOT LIKE 'moved|%' {$subject_lookin} {$limitsql} "); while($thread = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $threads[$thread['tid']] = $thread['tid']; if($thread['firstpost']) { $posts[$thread['tid']] = $thread['firstpost']; } } } $query = $db->query(" SELECT, p.tid FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."posts p LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."threads t ON (t.tid=p.tid) WHERE 1=1 {$post_datecut} {$thread_replycut} {$thread_prefixcut} {$forumin} {$post_usersql} {$permsql} {$tidsql} {$visiblesql} {$post_visiblesql} AND t.closed NOT LIKE 'moved|%' {$message_lookin} {$limitsql} "); while($post = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $posts[$post['pid']] = $post['pid']; $threads[$post['tid']] = $post['tid']; } if(count($posts) < 1 && count($threads) < 1) { error($lang->error_nosearchresults); } $threads = implode(',', $threads); $posts = implode(',', $posts); } // Searching only thread titles else { $query = $db->query(" SELECT t.tid, t.firstpost FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."threads t WHERE 1=1 {$thread_datecut} {$thread_replycut} {$thread_prefixcut} {$forumin} {$thread_usersql} {$permsql} {$visiblesql} {$subject_lookin} {$limitsql} "); while($thread = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $threads[$thread['tid']] = $thread['tid']; if($thread['firstpost']) { $firstposts[$thread['tid']] = $thread['firstpost']; } } if(count($threads) < 1) { error($lang->error_nosearchresults); } $threads = implode(',', $threads); $firstposts = implode(',', $firstposts); if($firstposts) { $query = $db->simple_select("posts", "pid", "pid IN ($firstposts) {$plain_post_visiblesql} {$limitsql}"); while($post = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $posts[$post['pid']] = $post['pid']; } $posts = implode(',', $posts); } } return array( "threads" => $threads, "posts" => $posts, "querycache" => '' ); } /** * Perform a thread and post search under MySQL or MySQLi using boolean fulltext capabilities * * @param array Array of search data * @return array Array of search data with results mixed in */ function perform_search_mysql_ft($search) { global $mybb, $db, $lang; $keywords = clean_keywords_ft($search['keywords']); if(!$keywords && !$search['author']) { error($lang->error_nosearchterms); } // Attempt to determine minimum word length from MySQL for fulltext searches $query = $db->query("SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'ft_min_word_len';"); $min_length = $db->fetch_field($query, 'Value'); if(is_numeric($min_length)) { $mybb->settings['minsearchword'] = $min_length; } // Otherwise, could not fetch - default back to MySQL fulltext default setting else { $mybb->settings['minsearchword'] = 4; } if($keywords) { $keywords_exp = explode("\"", $keywords); $inquote = false; foreach($keywords_exp as $phrase) { if(!$inquote) { $split_words = preg_split("#\s{1,}#", $phrase, -1); foreach($split_words as $word) { $word = str_replace(array("+", "-", "*"), '', $word); if(!$word) { continue; } if(my_strlen($word) < $mybb->settings['minsearchword']) { $all_too_short = true; } else { $all_too_short = false; break; } } } else { $phrase = str_replace(array("+", "-", "*"), '', $phrase); if(my_strlen($phrase) < $mybb->settings['minsearchword']) { $all_too_short = true; } else { $all_too_short = false; break; } } $inquote = !$inquote; } // Show the minimum search term error only if all search terms are too short if($all_too_short == true) { $lang->error_minsearchlength = $lang->sprintf($lang->error_minsearchlength, $mybb->settings['minsearchword']); error($lang->error_minsearchlength); } $message_lookin = "AND MATCH(message) AGAINST('".$db->escape_string($keywords)."' IN BOOLEAN MODE)"; $subject_lookin = "AND MATCH(subject) AGAINST('".$db->escape_string($keywords)."' IN BOOLEAN MODE)"; } $post_usersql = ''; $thread_usersql = ''; if($search['author']) { $userids = array(); if($search['matchusername']) { $query = $db->simple_select("users", "uid", "username='".$db->escape_string($search['author'])."'"); } else { $search['author'] = my_strtolower($search['author']); $query = $db->simple_select("users", "uid", "LOWER(username) LIKE '%".$db->escape_string_like($db->escape_string($search['author']))."%'"); } while($user = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $userids[] = $user['uid']; } if(count($userids) < 1) { error($lang->error_nosearchresults); } else { $userids = implode(',', $userids); $post_usersql = " AND p.uid IN (".$userids.")"; $thread_usersql = " AND t.uid IN (".$userids.")"; } } $datecut = ''; if($search['postdate']) { if($search['pddir'] == 0) { $datecut = "<="; } else { $datecut = ">="; } $now = TIME_NOW; $datelimit = $now-(86400 * $search['postdate']); $datecut .= "'$datelimit'"; $post_datecut = " AND p.dateline $datecut"; $thread_datecut = " AND t.dateline $datecut"; } $thread_replycut = ''; if($search['numreplies'] != '' && $search['findthreadst']) { if(intval($search['findthreadst']) == 1) { $thread_replycut = " AND t.replies >= '".intval($search['numreplies'])."'"; } else { $thread_replycut = " AND t.replies <= '".intval($search['numreplies'])."'"; } } $thread_prefixcut = ''; if($search['threadprefix'] && $search['threadprefix'] != 'any') { $thread_prefixcut = " AND t.prefix='".intval($search['threadprefix'])."'"; } $forumin = ''; $fidlist = array(); $searchin = array(); if($search['forums'][0] != "all") { if(!is_array($search['forums'])) { $search['forums'] = array(intval($search['forums'])); } // Generate a comma separated list of all groups the user belongs to $user_groups = $mybb->user['usergroup']; if($mybb->user['additionalgroups']) { $user_groups .= ",".$mybb->user['additionalgroups']; } foreach($search['forums'] as $forum) { $forum = intval($forum); if(!$searchin[$forum]) { switch($db->type) { case "pgsql": case "sqlite": $query = $db->query(" SELECT f.fid FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."forums f LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."forumpermissions p ON (f.fid=p.fid AND p.gid IN (".$user_groups.")) WHERE INSTR(','||parentlist||',',',$forum,') > 0 AND active!=0 AND (ISNULL(p.fid) OR p.cansearch=1) "); break; default: $query = $db->query(" SELECT f.fid FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."forums f LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."forumpermissions p ON (f.fid=p.fid AND p.gid IN (".$user_groups.")) WHERE INSTR(CONCAT(',',parentlist,','),',$forum,') > 0 AND active!=0 AND (ISNULL(p.fid) OR p.cansearch=1) "); } while($sforum = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $fidlist[] = $sforum['fid']; } } } if(count($fidlist) == 1) { $forumin .= " AND t.fid='$forum' "; $searchin[$fid] = 1; } else { if(count($fidlist) > 1) { $forumin = " AND t.fid IN (".implode(',', $fidlist).")"; } } } $permsql = ""; $onlyusfids = array(); // Check group permissions if we can't view threads not started by us $group_permissions = forum_permissions(); foreach($group_permissions as $fid => $forum_permissions) { if($forum_permissions['canonlyviewownthreads'] == 1) { $onlyusfids[] = $fid; } } if(!empty($onlyusfids)) { $permsql .= "AND ((t.fid IN(".implode(',', $onlyusfids).") AND t.uid='{$mybb->user['uid']}') OR t.fid NOT IN(".implode(',', $onlyusfids)."))"; } $unsearchforums = get_unsearchable_forums(); if($unsearchforums) { $permsql .= " AND t.fid NOT IN ($unsearchforums)"; } $inactiveforums = get_inactive_forums(); if($inactiveforums) { $permsql .= " AND t.fid NOT IN ($inactiveforums)"; } $visiblesql = $post_visiblesql = $plain_post_visiblesql = ""; if(isset($search['visible'])) { if($search['visible'] == 1) { $visiblesql = " AND t.visible = '1'"; if($search['postthread'] == 1) { $post_visiblesql = " AND p.visible = '1'"; $plain_post_visiblesql = " AND visible = '1'"; } } else { $visiblesql = " AND t.visible != '1'"; if($search['postthread'] == 1) { $post_visiblesql = " AND p.visible != '1'"; $plain_post_visiblesql = " AND visible != '1'"; } } } // Searching a specific thread? if($search['tid']) { $tidsql = " AND t.tid='".intval($search['tid'])."'"; } $limitsql = ''; if(intval($mybb->settings['searchhardlimit']) > 0) { $limitsql = "LIMIT ".intval($mybb->settings['searchhardlimit']); } // Searching both posts and thread titles $threads = array(); $posts = array(); $firstposts = array(); if($search['postthread'] == 1) { // No need to search subjects when looking for results within a specific thread if(!$search['tid']) { $query = $db->query(" SELECT t.tid, t.firstpost FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."threads t WHERE 1=1 {$thread_datecut} {$thread_replycut} {$thread_prefixcut} {$forumin} {$thread_usersql} {$permsql} {$visiblesql} AND t.closed NOT LIKE 'moved|%' {$subject_lookin} {$limitsql} "); while($thread = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $threads[$thread['tid']] = $thread['tid']; if($thread['firstpost']) { $posts[$thread['tid']] = $thread['firstpost']; } } } $query = $db->query(" SELECT, p.tid FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."posts p LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."threads t ON (t.tid=p.tid) WHERE 1=1 {$post_datecut} {$thread_replycut} {$thread_prefixcut} {$forumin} {$post_usersql} {$permsql} {$tidsql} {$post_visiblesql} {$visiblesql} AND t.closed NOT LIKE 'moved|%' {$message_lookin} {$limitsql} "); while($post = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $posts[$post['pid']] = $post['pid']; $threads[$post['tid']] = $post['tid']; } if(count($posts) < 1 && count($threads) < 1) { error($lang->error_nosearchresults); } $threads = implode(',', $threads); $posts = implode(',', $posts); } // Searching only thread titles else { $query = $db->query(" SELECT t.tid, t.firstpost FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."threads t WHERE 1=1 {$thread_datecut} {$thread_replycut} {$thread_prefixcut} {$forumin} {$thread_usersql} {$permsql} {$visiblesql} {$subject_lookin} {$limitsql} "); while($thread = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $threads[$thread['tid']] = $thread['tid']; if($thread['firstpost']) { $firstposts[$thread['tid']] = $thread['firstpost']; } } if(count($threads) < 1) { error($lang->error_nosearchresults); } $threads = implode(',', $threads); $firstposts = implode(',', $firstposts); if($firstposts) { $query = $db->simple_select("posts", "pid", "pid IN ($firstposts) {$plain_post_visiblesql} {$limitsql}"); while($post = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $posts[$post['pid']] = $post['pid']; } $posts = implode(',', $posts); } } return array( "threads" => $threads, "posts" => $posts, "querycache" => '' ); } ?>