settings['maxquotedepth']; } $rmdepth = intval($rmdepth); // find all tokens // note, at various places, we use the prefix "s" to denote "start" (ie [quote]) and "e" to denote "end" (ie [/quote]) preg_match_all("#\[quote(=(?:"|\"|')?.*?(?:"|\"|')?)?\]#si", $text, $smatches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE | PREG_PATTERN_ORDER); preg_match_all("#\[/quote\]#i", $text, $ematches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE | PREG_PATTERN_ORDER); if(empty($smatches) || empty($ematches)) { return $text; } // make things easier by only keeping offsets $soffsets = $eoffsets = array(); foreach($smatches[0] as $id => $match) { $soffsets[] = $match[1]; } // whilst we loop, also remove unnecessary end tokens at the start of string $first_token = $soffsets[0]; foreach($ematches[0] as $id => $match) { if($match[1] > $first_token) { $eoffsets[] = $match[1]; } } unset($smatches, $ematches); // elmininate malformed quotes by parsing like the parser does (preg_replace in a while loop) // NOTE: this is slightly inaccurate because the parser considers [quote] and [quote=...] to be different things $good_offsets = array(); while(!empty($soffsets) && !empty($eoffsets)) // don't rely on this condition - an end offset before the start offset will cause this to loop indefinitely { $last_offset = 0; foreach($soffsets as $sk => &$soffset) { if($soffset >= $last_offset) { // search for corresponding eoffset foreach($eoffsets as $ek => &$eoffset) // use foreach instead of for to get around indexing issues with unset { if($eoffset > $soffset) { // we've found a pair $good_offsets[$soffset] = 1; $good_offsets[$eoffset] = -1; $last_offset = $eoffset; unset($soffsets[$sk], $eoffsets[$ek]); break; } } } } // remove any end offsets occurring before start offsets $first_start = reset($soffsets); foreach($eoffsets as $ek => &$eoffset) { if($eoffset < $first_start) { unset($eoffsets[$ek]); } else { break; } } // we don't need to remove start offsets after the last end offset, because the loop will deplete something before that } if(empty($good_offsets)) { return $text; } ksort($good_offsets); // we now have a list of all the ordered tokens, ready to go through $depth = 0; $remove_regions = array(); $tmp_start = 0; foreach($good_offsets as $offset => $dincr) { if($depth == $rmdepth && $dincr == 1) { $tmp_start = $offset; } $depth += $dincr; if($depth == $rmdepth && $dincr == -1) { $remove_regions[] = array($tmp_start, $offset); } } if(empty($remove_regions)) { return $text; } // finally, remove the quotes from the string $newtext = ''; $cpy_start = 0; foreach($remove_regions as &$region) { $newtext .= substr($text, $cpy_start, $region[0]-$cpy_start); $cpy_start = $region[1]+8; // 8 = strlen('[/quote]') // clean up newlines $next_char = $text{$region[1]+8}; if($next_char == "\r" || $next_char == "\n") { ++$cpy_start; if($next_char == "\r" && $text{$region[1]+9} == "\n") { ++$cpy_start; } } } // append remaining end text if(strlen($text) != $cpy_start) { $newtext .= substr($text, $cpy_start); } // we're done return $newtext; } /** * Performs cleanup of a quoted message, such as replacing /me commands, before presenting quoted post to the user. * * @param array quoted post info, taken from the DB (requires the 'message', 'username', 'pid' and 'dateline' entries to be set; will use 'userusername' if present) * @param boolean whether to call remove_message_quotes() on the quoted message * @return string the cleaned up message, wrapped in a quote tag */ function parse_quoted_message(&$quoted_post, $remove_message_quotes=true) { global $parser, $lang, $plugins; if(!isset($parser)) { require_once MYBB_ROOT."inc/class_parser.php"; $parser = new postParser; } // Swap username over if we have a registered user if($quoted_post['userusername']) { $quoted_post['username'] = $quoted_post['userusername']; } // Clean up the message $quoted_post['message'] = preg_replace(array( '#(^|\r|\n)/me ([^\r\n<]*)#i', '#(^|\r|\n)/slap ([^\r\n<]*)#i', '#\[attachment=([0-9]+?)\]#i' ), array( "\\1* {$quoted_post['username']} \\2", "\\1* {$quoted_post['username']} {$lang->slaps} \\2 {$lang->with_trout}", "", ), $quoted_post['message']); $quoted_post['message'] = $parser->parse_badwords($quoted_post['message']); if($remove_message_quotes) { global $mybb; $max_quote_depth = intval($mybb->settings['maxquotedepth']); if($max_quote_depth) { $quoted_post['message'] = remove_message_quotes($quoted_post['message'], $max_quote_depth-1); // we're wrapping the message in a [quote] tag, so take away one quote depth level } } $quoted_post = $plugins->run_hooks("parse_quoted_message", $quoted_post); return "[quote='{$quoted_post['username']}' pid='{$quoted_post['pid']}' dateline='{$quoted_post['dateline']}']\n{$quoted_post['message']}\n[/quote]\n\n"; } ?>