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PHP Cross Reference of MyBB




/inc/ -> functions_massmail.php (source)

   1  <?php
   2  /**
   3   * MyBB 1.6
   4   * Copyright 2010 MyBB Group, All Rights Reserved
   5   *
   6   * Website: http://mybb.com
   7   * License: http://mybb.com/about/license
   8   *
   9   * $Id: functions_massmail.php 5828 2012-05-08 16:06:16Z Tomm $
  10   */
  12  /**
  13   * Build the mass email SQL query for the specified conditions.
  14   *
  15   * @param array Array of conditions to match users against.
  16   * @return string The generated search SQL
  17   */
  18  function build_mass_mail_query($conditions)
  19  {
  20      global $db;
  22      if(!is_array($conditions))
  23      {
  24          return '';
  25      }
  27      $search_sql = 'u.allownotices=1';
  29      // List of valid LIKE search fields
  30      $user_like_fields = array("username", "email");
  31      foreach($user_like_fields as $search_field)
  32      {
  33          if($conditions[$search_field])
  34          {
  35              $search_sql .= " AND u.{$search_field} LIKE '%".$db->escape_string_like($conditions[$search_field])."%'";
  36          }
  37      }
  39      // LESS THAN or GREATER THAN
  40      $direction_fields = array("postnum");
  41      foreach($direction_fields as $search_field)
  42      {
  43          $direction_field = $search_field."_dir";
  44          if($conditions[$search_field] && $conditions[$direction_field])
  45          {
  46              switch($conditions[$direction_field])
  47              {
  48                  case "greater_than":
  49                      $direction = ">";
  50                      break;
  51                  case "less_than":
  52                      $direction = "<";
  53                      break;
  54                  default:
  55                      $direction = "=";
  56              }
  57              $search_sql .= " AND u.{$search_field}{$direction}'".intval($conditions[$search_field])."'";
  58          }
  59      }
  61      // Usergroup based searching
  62      if($conditions['usergroup'])
  63      {
  64          if(!is_array($conditions['usergroup']))
  65          {
  66              $conditions['usergroup'] = array($conditions['usergroup']);
  67          }
  69          $conditions['usergroup'] = array_map('intval', $conditions['usergroup']);
  71          foreach($conditions['usergroup'] as $usergroup)
  72          {
  73              switch($db->type)
  74              {
  75                  case "pgsql":
  76                  case "sqlite":
  77                      $additional_sql .= " OR ','||additionalgroups||',' LIKE '%,{$usergroup},%'";
  78                      break;
  79                  default:
  80                      $additional_sql .= " OR CONCAT(',',additionalgroups,',') LIKE '%,{$usergroup},%'";
  81              }
  82          }
  83          $search_sql .= " AND (u.usergroup IN (".implode(",", $conditions['usergroup']).") {$additional_sql})";
  84      }
  86      return $search_sql;
  87  }
  89  /**
  90   * Create a text based version of a HTML mass email.
  91   *
  92   * @param string The HTML version.
  93   * @return string The generated text based version.
  94   */
  95  function create_text_message($message)
  96  {
  97      // Cut out all current line breaks
  98      // Makes links CONTENT (link)
  99      $message = make_pretty_links($message);
 100      $message = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\n"), "\n", $message);
 101      $message = preg_replace("#</p>#i", "\n\n", $message);
 102      $message = preg_replace("#<br( \/?)>#i", "\n", $message);
 103      $message = preg_replace("#<p[^>]*?>#i", "", $message);
 104      $message = preg_replace("#<hr[^>]*?>\s*#i", "-----------\n", $message);
 105      $message = html_entity_decode($message);
 106      $message = str_replace("\t", "", $message);
 107      do
 108      {
 109          $message = str_replace("  ", " ", $message);
 110      }
 111      while(strpos($message, "  ") !== false);
 113      $search = array('@<script[^>]*?>.*?</script>@si',  // Strip out javascript
 114                     '@<style[^>]*?>.*?</style>@siU',    // Strip style tags properly
 115                     '@<title[^>]*?>.*?</title>@siU',    // Strip title tags
 116                     '@<[\/\!]*?[^<>]*?>@si',            // Strip out HTML tags
 117                     '@<![\s\S]*?--[ \t\n\r]*>@'        // Strip multi-line comments including CDATA
 118      );
 119      $message = preg_replace($search, '', $message);
 120      $message = preg_replace("#\n\n+#", "\n\n", $message);
 121      $message = preg_replace("#^\s+#is", "", $message);
 122      return $message;
 123  }
 125  /**
 126   * Generates friendly links for a text based version of a mass email from the HTML version.
 127   *
 128   * @param string The HTML version.
 129   * @return string The version with the friendly links and all <a> tags stripped.
 130   */
 131  function make_pretty_links($message_html)
 132  {
 133      do
 134      {
 135          $start = stripos($message_html, "<a", $offset);
 136          if($start === false)
 137          {
 138              break;
 139          }
 140          $end = stripos($message_html, "</a>", $start);
 141          if($end === false)
 142          {
 143              break;
 144          }
 146          $a_href = substr($message_html, $start, ($end-$start));
 148          preg_match("#href=\"?([^\"> ]+)\"?#i", $a_href, $href_matches);
 149          if(!$href_matches[1])
 150          {
 151              continue;
 152          }
 153          $link = $href_matches[1];
 155          $contents = strip_tags($a_href);
 156          if(!$contents)
 157          {
 158              preg_match("#alt=\"?([^\">]+)\"?#i", $a_href, $matches2);
 159              if($matches2[1])
 160              {
 161                  $contents = $matches2[1];
 162              }
 163              if(!$contents)
 164              {
 165                  preg_match("#title=\"?([^\">]+)\"?#i", $a_href, $matches2);
 166                  if($matches2[1])
 167                  {
 168                      $contents = $matches2[1];
 169                  }
 170              }
 171          }
 173          $replaced_link = $contents." ({$link}) ";
 175          $message_html = substr_replace($message_html, $replaced_link, $start, ($end-$start));
 176      } while(true);
 177      return $message_html;
 178  }
 180  ?>

Generated: Tue Oct 8 19:19:50 2013 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1