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File Size: | 1369 lines (33 kb) |
Included or required: | 0 times |
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Includes or requires: | 1 file inc/class_error.php |
DB_MySQLi:: (51 methods):
connect($config) X-Ref |
Connect to the database server. param: array Array of DBMS connection details. return: resource The DB connection resource. Returns false on fail or -1 on a db connect failure. |
select_db($database) X-Ref |
Selects the database to use. param: string The database name. return: boolean True when successfully connected, false if not. |
query($string, $hide_errors=0, $write_query=0) X-Ref |
Query the database. param: string The query SQL. param: boolean 1 if hide errors, 0 if not. param: integer 1 if executes on slave database, 0 if not. return: resource The query data. |
write_query($query, $hide_errors=0) X-Ref |
Execute a write query on the slave database param: string The query SQL. param: boolean 1 if hide errors, 0 if not. return: resource The query data. |
explain_query($string, $qtime) X-Ref |
Explain a query on the database. param: string The query SQL. param: string The time it took to perform the query. |
fetch_array($query) X-Ref |
Return a result array for a query. param: resource The query data. param: constant The type of array to return. return: array The array of results. |
fetch_field($query, $field, $row=false) X-Ref |
Return a specific field from a query. param: resource The query ID. param: string The name of the field to return. param: int The number of the row to fetch it from. |
data_seek($query, $row) X-Ref |
Moves internal row pointer to the next row param: resource The query ID. param: int The pointer to move the row to. |
num_rows($query) X-Ref |
Return the number of rows resulting from a query. param: resource The query data. return: int The number of rows in the result. |
insert_id() X-Ref |
Return the last id number of inserted data. return: int The id number. |
close() X-Ref |
Close the connection with the DBMS. |
error_number() X-Ref |
Return an error number. return: int The error number of the current error. |
error_string() X-Ref |
Return an error string. return: string The explanation for the current error. |
error($string="") X-Ref |
Output a database error. param: string The string to present as an error. |
affected_rows() X-Ref |
Returns the number of affected rows in a query. return: int The number of affected rows. |
num_fields($query) X-Ref |
Return the number of fields. param: resource The query data. return: int The number of fields. |
list_tables($database, $prefix='') X-Ref |
Lists all functions in the database. param: string The database name. param: string Prefix of the table (optional) return: array The table list. |
table_exists($table) X-Ref |
Check if a table exists in a database. param: string The table name. return: boolean True when exists, false if not. |
field_exists($field, $table) X-Ref |
Check if a field exists in a database. param: string The field name. param: string The table name. return: boolean True when exists, false if not. |
shutdown_query($query, $name=0) X-Ref |
Add a shutdown query. param: resource The query data. param: string An optional name for the query. |
simple_select($table, $fields="*", $conditions="", $options=array() X-Ref |
Performs a simple select query. param: string The table name to be queried. param: string Comma delimetered list of fields to be selected. param: string SQL formatted list of conditions to be matched. param: array List of options, order by, order direction, limit, limit start. return: resource The query data. |
insert_query($table, $array) X-Ref |
Build an insert query from an array. param: string The table name to perform the query on. param: array An array of fields and their values. return: int The insert ID if available |
insert_query_multiple($table, $array) X-Ref |
Build one query for multiple inserts from a multidimensional array. param: string The table name to perform the query on. param: array An array of inserts. return: int The insert ID if available |
update_query($table, $array, $where="", $limit="", $no_quote=false) X-Ref |
Build an update query from an array. param: string The table name to perform the query on. param: array An array of fields and their values. param: string An optional where clause for the query. param: string An optional limit clause for the query. param: boolean An option to quote incoming values of the array. return: resource The query data. |
delete_query($table, $where="", $limit="") X-Ref |
Build a delete query. param: string The table name to perform the query on. param: string An optional where clause for the query. param: string An optional limit clause for the query. return: resource The query data. |
escape_string($string) X-Ref |
Escape a string according to the MySQL escape format. param: string The string to be escaped. return: string The escaped string. |
free_result($query) X-Ref |
Frees the resources of a MySQLi query. param: object The query to destroy. return: boolean Returns true on success, false on faliure |
escape_string_like($string) X-Ref |
Escape a string used within a like command. param: string The string to be escaped. return: string The escaped string. |
get_version() X-Ref |
Gets the current version of MySQL. return: string Version of MySQL. |
optimize_table($table) X-Ref |
Optimizes a specific table. param: string The name of the table to be optimized. |
analyze_table($table) X-Ref |
Analyzes a specific table. param: string The name of the table to be analyzed. |
show_create_table($table) X-Ref |
Show the "create table" command for a specific table. param: string The name of the table. return: string The MySQL command to create the specified table. |
show_fields_from($table) X-Ref |
Show the "show fields from" command for a specific table. param: string The name of the table. return: string Field info for that table |
is_fulltext($table, $index="") X-Ref |
Returns whether or not the table contains a fulltext index. param: string The name of the table. param: string Optionally specify the name of the index. return: boolean True or false if the table has a fulltext index or not. |
supports_fulltext($table) X-Ref |
Returns whether or not this database engine supports fulltext indexing. param: string The table to be checked. return: boolean True or false if supported or not. |
supports_fulltext_boolean($table) X-Ref |
Returns whether or not this database engine supports boolean fulltext matching. param: string The table to be checked. return: boolean True or false if supported or not. |
index_exists($table, $index) X-Ref |
Checks to see if an index exists on a specified table param: string The name of the table. param: string The name of the index. |
create_fulltext_index($table, $column, $name="") X-Ref |
Creates a fulltext index on the specified column in the specified table with optional index name. param: string The name of the table. param: string Name of the column to be indexed. param: string The index name, optional. |
drop_index($table, $name) X-Ref |
Drop an index with the specified name from the specified table param: string The name of the table. param: string The name of the index. |
drop_table($table, $hard=false, $table_prefix=true) X-Ref |
Drop an table with the specified table param: boolean hard drop - no checking param: boolean use table prefix |
replace_query($table, $replacements=array() X-Ref |
Replace contents of table with values param: string The table param: array The replacements |
drop_column($table, $column) X-Ref |
Drops a column param: string The table param: string The column name |
add_column($table, $column, $definition) X-Ref |
Adds a column param: string The table param: string The column name param: string the new column definition |
modify_column($table, $column, $new_definition) X-Ref |
Modifies a column param: string The table param: string The column name param: string the new column definition |
rename_column($table, $old_column, $new_column, $new_definition) X-Ref |
Renames a column param: string The table param: string The old column name param: string the new column name param: string the new column definition |
set_table_prefix($prefix) X-Ref |
Sets the table prefix used by the simple select, insert, update and delete functions param: string The new table prefix |
fetch_size($table='') X-Ref |
Fetched the total size of all mysql tables or a specific table param: string The table (optional) return: integer the total size of all mysql tables or a specific table |
fetch_db_charsets() X-Ref |
Fetch a list of database character sets this DBMS supports return: array Array of supported character sets with array key being the name, array value being display name. False if unsupported |
fetch_charset_collation($charset) X-Ref |
Fetch a database collation for a particular database character set param: string The database character set return: string The matching database collation, false if unsupported |
build_create_table_collation() X-Ref |
Fetch a character set/collation string for use with CREATE TABLE statements. Uses current DB encoding return: string The built string, empty if unsupported |
get_execution_time() X-Ref |
Time how long it takes for a particular piece of code to run. Place calls above & below the block of code. return: float The time taken |
Generated: Tue Oct 8 19:19:50 2013 | Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1 |