base_url = $mybb->settings['bburl']; if($this->base_url != "") { if(my_substr($this->base_url, my_strlen($this->base_url) -1) != "/") { $this->base_url = $this->base_url."/"; } } // Set the options $this->options = $options; $message = $plugins->run_hooks("parse_message_start", $message); // Get rid of cartridge returns for they are the workings of the devil $message = str_replace("\r", "", $message); // Filter bad words if requested. if($this->options['filter_badwords']) { $message = $this->parse_badwords($message); } if($this->options['allow_html'] != 1) { $message = $this->parse_html($message); } else { while(preg_match("#(.*)#is", $message)) { $message = preg_replace("#(.*)#is", "<s$1$2>$3</s$4$5>", $message); } $find = array('', '?>', "
\n", "
\n"); $replace = array('<?php', '<!--', '-->', '?>', "\n", "\n"); $message = str_replace($find, $replace, $message); } // If MyCode needs to be replaced, first filter out [code] and [php] tags. if($this->options['allow_mycode']) { preg_match_all("#\[(code|php)\](.*?)\[/\\1\](\r\n?|\n?)#si", $message, $code_matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); $message = preg_replace("#\[(code|php)\](.*?)\[/\\1\](\r\n?|\n?)#si", "\n", $message); } // Always fix bad Javascript in the message. $message = $this->fix_javascript($message); // Replace "me" code and slaps if we have a username if($this->options['me_username']) { global $lang; $message = preg_replace('#(>|^|\r|\n)/me ([^\r\n<]*)#i', "\\1* {$this->options['me_username']} \\2", $message); $message = preg_replace('#(>|^|\r|\n)/slap ([^\r\n<]*)#i', "\\1* {$this->options['me_username']} {$lang->slaps} \\2 {$lang->with_trout}", $message); } // If we can, parse smilies if($this->options['allow_smilies']) { $message = $this->parse_smilies($message, $this->options['allow_html']); } // Replace MyCode if requested. if($this->options['allow_mycode']) { $message = $this->parse_mycode($message, $this->options); } // Parse Highlights if(!empty($this->options['highlight'])) { $message = $this->highlight_message($message, $this->options['highlight']); } // Run plugin hooks $message = $plugins->run_hooks("parse_message", $message); if($this->options['allow_mycode']) { // Now that we're done, if we split up any code tags, parse them and glue it all back together if(count($code_matches) > 0) { foreach($code_matches as $text) { // Fix up HTML inside the code tags so it is clean if($options['allow_html'] != 0) { $text[2] = $this->parse_html($text[2]); } if(my_strtolower($text[1]) == "code") { $code = $this->mycode_parse_code($text[2]); } elseif(my_strtolower($text[1]) == "php") { $code = $this->mycode_parse_php($text[2]); } $message = preg_replace("#\\n?#", $code, $message, 1); } } } // Replace meta and base tags in our post - these are > dangerous < if($this->options['allow_html']) { $message = preg_replace_callback("#<((m[^a])|(b[^diloru>])|(s[^aemptu>]))(\s*[^>]*)>#si", create_function( '$matches', 'return htmlspecialchars_uni($matches[0]);' ), $message); } if(!isset($options['nl2br']) || $options['nl2br'] != 0) { $message = nl2br($message); // Fix up new lines and block level elements $message = preg_replace("#(]*>)\s*
#i", "$1", $message); $message = preg_replace("#( )+(]*>)#i", "$2", $message); } $message = my_wordwrap($message); $message = $plugins->run_hooks("parse_message_end", $message); return $message; } /** * Converts HTML in a message to their specific entities whilst allowing unicode characters. * * @param string The message to be parsed. * @return string The formatted message. */ function parse_html($message) { $message = preg_replace("#&(?!\#[0-9]+;)#si", "&", $message); // fix & but allow unicode $message = str_replace("<","<",$message); $message = str_replace(">",">",$message); return $message; } /** * Generates a cache of MyCode, both standard and custom. * * @access private */ private function cache_mycode() { global $cache, $lang; $this->mycode_cache = array(); $standard_mycode = $callback_mycode = array(); $standard_mycode['b']['regex'] = "#\[b\](.*?)\[/b\]#si"; $standard_mycode['b']['replacement'] = "$1"; $standard_mycode['u']['regex'] = "#\[u\](.*?)\[/u\]#si"; $standard_mycode['u']['replacement'] = "$1"; $standard_mycode['i']['regex'] = "#\[i\](.*?)\[/i\]#si"; $standard_mycode['i']['replacement'] = "$1"; $standard_mycode['s']['regex'] = "#\[s\](.*?)\[/s\]#si"; $standard_mycode['s']['replacement'] = "$1"; $standard_mycode['copy']['regex'] = "#\(c\)#i"; $standard_mycode['copy']['replacement'] = "©"; $standard_mycode['tm']['regex'] = "#\(tm\)#i"; $standard_mycode['tm']['replacement'] = "™"; $standard_mycode['reg']['regex'] = "#\(r\)#i"; $standard_mycode['reg']['replacement'] = "®"; $callback_mycode['url_simple']['regex'] = "#\[url\]([a-z]+?://)([^\r\n\"<]+?)\[/url\]#si"; $callback_mycode['url_simple']['replacement'] = array($this, 'mycode_parse_url_callback1'); $callback_mycode['url_simple2']['regex'] = "#\[url\]([^\r\n\"<]+?)\[/url\]#i"; $callback_mycode['url_simple2']['replacement'] = array($this, 'mycode_parse_url_callback2'); $callback_mycode['url_complex']['regex'] = "#\[url=([a-z]+?://)([^\r\n\"<]+?)\](.+?)\[/url\]#si"; $callback_mycode['url_complex']['replacement'] = array($this, 'mycode_parse_url_callback1'); $callback_mycode['url_complex2']['regex'] = "#\[url=([^\r\n\"<&\(\)]+?)\](.+?)\[/url\]#si"; $callback_mycode['url_complex2']['replacement'] = array($this, 'mycode_parse_url_callback2'); $callback_mycode['email_simple']['regex'] = "#\[email\](.*?)\[/email\]#i"; $callback_mycode['email_simple']['replacement'] = array($this, 'mycode_parse_email_callback'); $callback_mycode['email_complex']['regex'] = "#\[email=(.*?)\](.*?)\[/email\]#i"; $callback_mycode['email_complex']['replacement'] = array($this, 'mycode_parse_email_callback'); $standard_mycode['hr']['regex'] = "#\[hr\]#si"; $standard_mycode['hr']['replacement'] = "
"; $nestable_mycode['color']['regex'] = "#\[color=([a-zA-Z]*|\#?[0-9a-fA-F]{6})](.*?)\[/color\]#si"; $nestable_mycode['color']['replacement'] = "$2"; $nestable_mycode['size']['regex'] = "#\[size=(xx-small|x-small|small|medium|large|x-large|xx-large)\](.*?)\[/size\]#si"; $nestable_mycode['size']['replacement'] = "$2"; $callback_mycode['size_int']['regex'] = "#\[size=([0-9\+\-]+?)\](.*?)\[/size\]#si"; $callback_mycode['size_int']['replacement'] = array($this, 'mycode_handle_size_callback'); $nestable_mycode['font']['regex'] = "#\[font=([a-z ]+?)\](.+?)\[/font\]#si"; $nestable_mycode['font']['replacement'] = "$2"; $nestable_mycode['align']['regex'] = "#\[align=(left|center|right|justify)\](.*?)\[/align\]#si"; $nestable_mycode['align']['replacement'] = "
"; $custom_mycode = $cache->read("mycode"); // If there is custom MyCode, load it. if(is_array($custom_mycode)) { foreach($custom_mycode as $key => $mycode) { $mycode['regex'] = str_replace("\x0", "", $mycode['regex']); $custom_mycode[$key]['regex'] = "#".$mycode['regex']."#si"; } $mycode = array_merge($standard_mycode, $custom_mycode); } else { $mycode = $standard_mycode; } // Assign the MyCode to the cache. foreach($mycode as $code) { $this->mycode_cache['standard']['find'][] = $code['regex']; $this->mycode_cache['standard']['replacement'][] = $code['replacement']; } // Assign the nestable MyCode to the cache. foreach($nestable_mycode as $code) { $this->mycode_cache['nestable'][] = array('find' => $code['regex'], 'replacement' => $code['replacement']); } // Assign the nestable MyCode to the cache. foreach($callback_mycode as $code) { $this->mycode_cache['callback'][] = array('find' => $code['regex'], 'replacement' => $code['replacement']); } } /** * Parses MyCode tags in a specific message with the specified options. * * @param string The message to be parsed. * @param array Array of options in yes/no format. Options are allow_imgcode. * @return string The parsed message. */ function parse_mycode($message, $options=array()) { global $lang; // Cache the MyCode globally if needed. if($this->mycode_cache == 0) { $this->cache_mycode(); } // Parse quotes first $message = $this->mycode_parse_quotes($message); $message = $this->mycode_auto_url($message); $message = str_replace('$', '$', $message); // Replace the rest $message = preg_replace($this->mycode_cache['standard']['find'], $this->mycode_cache['standard']['replacement'], $message); foreach($this->mycode_cache['callback'] as $replace) { $message = preg_replace_callback($replace['find'], $replace['replacement'], $message); } // Replace the nestable mycode's foreach($this->mycode_cache['nestable'] as $mycode) { while(preg_match($mycode['find'], $message)) { $message = preg_replace($mycode['find'], $mycode['replacement'], $message); } } // Special code requiring special attention while(preg_match("#\[list\](.*?)\[/list\]#si", $message)) { $message = preg_replace_callback("#\s?\[list\](.*?)\[/list\](\r\n?|\n?)#si", array($this, 'mycode_parse_list_callback'), $message); } // Replace lists. while(preg_match("#\[list=(a|A|i|I|1)\](.*?)\[/list\](\r\n?|\n?)#si", $message)) { $message = preg_replace_callback("#\s?\[list=(a|A|i|I|1)\](.*?)\[/list\]#si", array($this, 'mycode_parse_list_callback_type'), $message); } // Convert images when allowed. if($options['allow_imgcode'] != 0) { $message = preg_replace_callback("#\[img\](\r\n?|\n?)(https?://([^<>\"']+?))\[/img\]#is", array($this, 'mycode_parse_img_callback1'), $message); $message = preg_replace_callback("#\[img=([0-9]{1,3})x([0-9]{1,3})\](\r\n?|\n?)(https?://([^<>\"']+?))\[/img\]#is", array($this, 'mycode_parse_img_callback2'), $message); $message = preg_replace_callback("#\[img align=([a-z]+)\](\r\n?|\n?)(https?://([^<>\"']+?))\[/img\]#is", array($this, 'mycode_parse_img_callback3'), $message); $message = preg_replace_callback("#\[img=([0-9]{1,3})x([0-9]{1,3}) align=([a-z]+)\](\r\n?|\n?)(https?://([^<>\"']+?))\[/img\]#is", array($this, 'mycode_parse_img_callback4'), $message); } // Convert videos when allow. if($options['allow_videocode'] != 0) { $message = preg_replace_callback("#\[video=(.*?)\](.*?)\[/video\]#i", array($this, 'mycode_parse_video_callback'), $message); } return $message; } /** * Generates a cache of smilies * * @access private */ private function cache_smilies() { global $cache, $mybb; $this->smilies_cache = array(); $smilies = $cache->read("smilies"); if(is_array($smilies)) { foreach($smilies as $sid => $smilie) { if(defined("IN_ARCHIVE") && substr($smilie['image'], 0, 4) != "http") { // We're in the archive and not using an outside image, add in our address $smilie['image'] = $mybb->settings['bburl']."/".$smilie['image']; } $this->smilies_cache[$smilie['find']] = "\"{$smilie['name']}\""; } } } /** * Parses smilie code in the specified message. * * @param string The message being parsed. * @param string Base URL for the image tags created by smilies. * @param string Yes/No if HTML is allowed in the post * @return string The parsed message. */ function parse_smilies($message, $allow_html=0) { if($this->smilies_cache == 0) { $this->cache_smilies(); } $message = ' ' . $message . ' '; // First we take out any of the tags we don't want parsed between (url= etc) preg_match_all("#\[(url(=[^\]]*)?\]|quote=([^\]]*)?\])#i", $message, $bad_matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER); $message = preg_replace("#\[(url(=[^\]]*)?\]|quote=([^\]]*)?\])#si", "", $message); // Impose a hard limit of 500 smilies per message as to not overload the parser $remaining = 500; if(is_array($this->smilies_cache)) { foreach($this->smilies_cache as $find => $replace) { $orig_message = $message; $find = $this->parse_html($find); $find = preg_quote($find, "#"); $replace = strip_tags($replace, ""); // Fix issues for smileys starting with a ";" $orig_find = $find; if(substr($find, 0, 1) == ";") { $find = "(? 0) { foreach($bad_matches[0] as $match) { $match = str_replace('$', '\$', $match); $message = preg_replace("##", $match, $message, 1); } } return trim($message); } /** * Generates a cache of badwords filters. * * @access private */ private function cache_badwords() { global $cache; $this->badwords_cache = array(); $this->badwords_cache = $cache->read("badwords"); } /** * Parses a list of filtered/badwords in the specified message. * * @param string The message to be parsed. * @param array Array of parser options in yes/no format. * @return string The parsed message. */ function parse_badwords($message, $options=array()) { if($this->badwords_cache == 0) { $this->cache_badwords(); } if(is_array($this->badwords_cache)) { reset($this->badwords_cache); foreach($this->badwords_cache as $bid => $badword) { if(!$badword['replacement']) { $badword['replacement'] = "*****"; } // Take into account the position offset for our last replacement. $index = substr_count($badword['badword'], '*')+2; $badword['badword'] = str_replace('\*', '([a-zA-Z0-9_]{1})', preg_quote($badword['badword'], "#")); // Ensure we run the replacement enough times but not recursively (i.e. not while(preg_match..)) $count = preg_match_all("#(^|\W)".$badword['badword']."(\W|$)#i", $message, $matches); for($i=0; $i < $count; ++$i) { $message = preg_replace("#(^|\W)".$badword['badword']."(\W|$)#i", "\\1".$badword['replacement'].'\\'.$index, $message); } } } if(isset($options['strip_tags']) && $options['strip_tags'] == 1) { $message = strip_tags($message); } return $message; } /** * Attempts to move any javascript references in the specified message. * * @param string The message to be parsed. * @return string The parsed message. */ function fix_javascript($message) { $js_array = array( "#(&\#(0*)106;?|&\#(0*)74;?|&\#x(0*)4a;?|&\#x(0*)6a;?|j)((&\#(0*)97;?|&\#(0*)65;?|a)(&\#(0*)118;?|&\#(0*)86;?|v)(&\#(0*)97;?|&\#(0*)65;?|a)(\s)?(&\#(0*)115;?|&\#(0*)83;?|s)(&\#(0*)99;?|&\#(0*)67;?|c)(&\#(0*)114;?|&\#(0*)82;?|r)(&\#(0*)105;?|&\#(0*)73;?|i)(&\#112;?|&\#(0*)80;?|p)(&\#(0*)116;?|&\#(0*)84;?|t)(&\#(0*)58;?|\:))#i", "#(o)(nmouseover\s?=)#i", "#(o)(nmouseout\s?=)#i", "#(o)(nmousedown\s?=)#i", "#(o)(nmousemove\s?=)#i", "#(o)(nmouseup\s?=)#i", "#(o)(nclick\s?=)#i", "#(o)(ndblclick\s?=)#i", "#(o)(nload\s?=)#i", "#(o)(nsubmit\s?=)#i", "#(o)(nblur\s?=)#i", "#(o)(nchange\s?=)#i", "#(o)(nfocus\s?=)#i", "#(o)(nselect\s?=)#i", "#(o)(nunload\s?=)#i", "#(o)(nkeypress\s?=)#i", "#(o)(nerror\s?=)#i", "#(o)(nreset\s?=)#i", "#(o)(nabort\s?=)#i" ); $message = preg_replace($js_array, "$1$2$4", $message); return $message; } /** * Handles fontsize. * * @param string The original size. * @param string The text within a size tag. * @return string The parsed text. */ function mycode_handle_size($size, $text) { $size = intval($size)+10; if($size > 50) { $size = 50; } $text = "".str_replace("\'", "'", $text).""; return $text; } /** * Handles fontsize. * * @param array Matches. * @return string The parsed text. */ function mycode_handle_size_callback($matches) { return $this->mycode_handle_size($matches[1], $matches[2]); } /** * Parses quote MyCode. * * @param string The message to be parsed * @param boolean Are we formatting as text? * @return string The parsed message. */ function mycode_parse_quotes($message, $text_only=false) { global $lang, $templates, $theme, $mybb; // Assign pattern and replace values. $pattern = "#\[quote\](.*?)\[\/quote\](\r\n?|\n?)#si"; $pattern_callback = "#\[quote=([\"']|"|)(.*?)(?:\\1)(.*?)(?:[\"']|")?\](.*?)\[/quote\](\r\n?|\n?)#si"; if($text_only == false) { $replace = "
\n"; $replace_callback = array($this, 'mycode_parse_post_quotes_callback1'); } else { $replace = "\n{$lang->quote}\n--\n$1\n--\n"; $replace_callback = array($this, 'mycode_parse_post_quotes_callback2'); } do { // preg_replace has erased the message? Restore it... $previous_message = $message; $message = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $message, -1, $count); $message = preg_replace_callback($pattern_callback, $replace_callback, $message, -1, $count_callback); if(!$message) { $message = $previous_message; break; } } while($count || $count_callback); if($text_only == false) { $find = array( "#(\r\n*|\n*)<\/cite>(\r\n*|\n*)#", "#(\r\n*|\n*)<\/blockquote>#" ); $replace = array( "
", "" ); $message = preg_replace($find, $replace, $message); } return $message; } /** * Parses quotes with post id and/or dateline. * * @param string The message to be parsed * @param string The username to be parsed * @param boolean Are we formatting as text? * @return string The parsed message. */ function mycode_parse_post_quotes($message, $username, $text_only=false) { global $lang, $templates, $theme, $mybb; $linkback = $date = ""; $message = trim($message); $message = preg_replace("#(^|$)#i", "", $message); if(!$message) return ''; $message = str_replace('\"', '"', $message); $username = str_replace('\"', '"', $username)."'"; $delete_quote = true; preg_match("#pid=(?:"|\"|')?([0-9]+)[\"']?(?:"|\"|')?#i", $username, $match); if(intval($match[1])) { $pid = intval($match[1]); $url = $mybb->settings['bburl']."/".get_post_link($pid)."#pid$pid"; if(defined("IN_ARCHIVE")) { $linkback = " [ -> ]"; } else { eval("\$linkback = \" ".$templates->get("postbit_gotopost", 1, 0)."\";"); } $username = preg_replace("#(?:"|\"|')? pid=(?:"|\"|')?[0-9]+[\"']?(?:"|\"|')?#i", '', $username); $delete_quote = false; } unset($match); preg_match("#dateline=(?:"|\"|')?([0-9]+)(?:"|\"|')?#i", $username, $match); if(intval($match[1])) { if($match[1] < TIME_NOW) { $postdate = my_date($mybb->settings['dateformat'], intval($match[1])); $posttime = my_date($mybb->settings['timeformat'], intval($match[1])); $date = " ({$postdate} {$posttime})"; } $username = preg_replace("#(?:"|\"|')? dateline=(?:"|\"|')?[0-9]+(?:"|\"|')?#i", '', $username); $delete_quote = false; } if($delete_quote) { $username = my_substr($username, 0, my_strlen($username)-1); } if($text_only) { return "\n".htmlspecialchars_uni($username)." $lang->wrote{$date}\n--\n{$message}\n--\n"; } else { $span = ""; if(!$delete_quote) { $span = "{$date}"; } return "
{$span}".htmlspecialchars_uni($username)." $lang->wrote{$linkback}{$message}
\n"; } } /** * Parses quotes with post id and/or dateline. * * @param array Matches. * @return string The parsed message. */ function mycode_parse_post_quotes_callback1($matches) { return $this->mycode_parse_post_quotes($matches[4],$matches[2].$matches[3]); } /** * Parses quotes with post id and/or dateline. * * @param array Matches. * @return string The parsed message. */ function mycode_parse_post_quotes_callback2($matches) { return $this->mycode_parse_post_quotes($matches[4],$matches[2].$matches[3], true); } /** * Parses code MyCode. * * @param string The message to be parsed * @param boolean Are we formatting as text? * @return string The parsed message. */ function mycode_parse_code($code, $text_only=false) { global $lang; if($text_only == true) { return "\n{$lang->code}\n--\n{$code}\n--\n"; } // Clean the string before parsing. $code = preg_replace('#^(\t*)(\n|\r|\0|\x0B| )*#', '\\1', $code); $code = rtrim($code); $original = preg_replace('#^\t*#', '', $code); if(empty($original)) { return; } $code = str_replace('$', '$', $code); $code = preg_replace('#\$([0-9])#', '\\\$\\1', $code); $code = str_replace('\\', '\', $code); $code = str_replace("\t", '    ', $code); $code = str_replace(" ", '  ', $code); return "
\n"; } /** * Parses code MyCode. * * @param array Matches. * @return string The parsed message. */ function mycode_parse_code_callback($matches) { return $this->mycode_parse_code($matches[1], true); } /** * Parses PHP code MyCode. * * @param string The message to be parsed * @param boolean Whether or not it should return it as pre-wrapped in a div or not. * @param boolean Are we formatting as text? * @return string The parsed message. */ function mycode_parse_php($str, $bare_return = false, $text_only = false) { global $lang; if($text_only == true) { return "\n{$lang->php_code}\n--\n$str\n--\n"; } // Clean the string before parsing except tab spaces. $str = preg_replace('#^(\t*)(\n|\r|\0|\x0B| )*#', '\\1', $str); $str = rtrim($str); $original = preg_replace('#^\t*#', '', $str); if(empty($original)) { return; } $str = str_replace('&', '&', $str); $str = str_replace('<', '<', $str); $str = str_replace('>', '>', $str); // See if open and close tags are provided. $added_open_tag = false; if(!preg_match("#^\s*<\?#si", $str)) { $added_open_tag = true; $str = "\s*$#si", $str)) { $added_end_tag = true; $str = $str." \n?>"; } $code = @highlight_string($str, true); // Do the actual replacing. $code = preg_replace('#\s*\s*#i', "", $code); $code = preg_replace("#\s*#", "", $code); $code = preg_replace("#(\r\n?|\n?)#", "", $code); $code = str_replace("\\", '\', $code); $code = str_replace('$', '$', $code); $code = preg_replace("#&\#([0-9]+);#si", "&#$1;", $code); if($added_open_tag) { $code = preg_replace("#<\?php( | )(
?)#", "", $code); } if($added_end_tag) { $code = str_replace("?>", "
", $code); // Wait a minute. It fails highlighting? Stupid highlighter. $code = str_replace("?>", "", $code); } $code = preg_replace("##", "", $code); $code = str_replace("", "
", $code); $code = str_replace("", "
", $code); $code = preg_replace("# *$#", "", $code); if($bare_return) { return $code; } // Send back the code all nice and pretty return "
\n"; } /** * Parses PHP code MyCode. * * @param array Matches. * @return string The parsed message. */ function mycode_parse_php_callback($matches) { return $this->mycode_parse_php($matches[1], false, true); } /** * Parses URL MyCode. * * @param string The URL to link to. * @param string The name of the link. * @return string The built-up link. */ function mycode_parse_url($url, $name="") { if(!preg_match("#^[a-z0-9]+://#i", $url)) { $url = "http://".$url; } $fullurl = $url; $url = str_replace('&', '&', $url); $name = str_replace('&', '&', $name); if(!$name) { $name = $url; } $name = str_replace("\'", "'", $name); $url = str_replace("\'", "'", $url); $fullurl = str_replace("\'", "'", $fullurl); if($name == $url && (!isset($this->options['shorten_urls']) || $this->options['shorten_urls'] != 0)) { if(my_strlen($url) > 55) { $name = my_substr($url, 0, 40)."...".my_substr($url, -10); } } $nofollow = ''; if(isset($this->options['nofollow_on'])) { $nofollow = " rel=\"nofollow\""; } // Fix some entities in URLs $entities = array('$' => '%24', '$' => '%24', '^' => '%5E', '`' => '%60', '[' => '%5B', ']' => '%5D', '{' => '%7B', '}' => '%7D', '"' => '%22', '<' => '%3C', '>' => '%3E', ' ' => '%20'); $fullurl = str_replace(array_keys($entities), array_values($entities), $fullurl); $name = preg_replace("#&\#([0-9]+);#si", "&#$1;", $name); // Fix & but allow unicode $link = "$name"; return $link; } /** * Parses URL MyCode. * * @param array Matches. * @return string The built-up link. */ function mycode_parse_url_callback1($matches) { if(!isset($matches[3])) { $matches[3] = ''; } return $this->mycode_parse_url($matches[1].$matches[2], $matches[3]); } /** * Parses URL MyCode. * * @param array Matches. * @return string The built-up link. */ function mycode_parse_url_callback2($matches) { if(!isset($matches[2])) { $matches[2] = ''; } return $this->mycode_parse_url($matches[1], $matches[2]); } /** * Parses IMG MyCode. * * @param string The URL to the image * @param array Optional array of dimensions */ function mycode_parse_img($url, $dimensions=array(), $align='') { global $lang; $url = trim($url); $url = str_replace("\n", "", $url); $url = str_replace("\r", "", $url); if($align == "right") { $css_align = " style=\"float: right;\""; } else if($align == "left") { $css_align = " style=\"float: left;\""; } $alt = htmlspecialchars_uni(basename($url)); if(my_strlen($alt) > 55) { $alt = my_substr($alt, 0, 40)."...".my_substr($alt, -10); } $alt = $lang->sprintf($lang->posted_image, $alt); if($dimensions[0] > 0 && $dimensions[1] > 0) { return "\"{$alt}\"{$css_align}"; } else { return "\"{$alt}\"{$css_align}"; } } /** * Parses IMG MyCode. * * @param array Matches. * @return string Image code. */ function mycode_parse_img_callback1($matches) { return $this->mycode_parse_img($matches[2])."\n"; } /** * Parses IMG MyCode. * * @param array Matches. * @return string Image code. */ function mycode_parse_img_callback2($matches) { return $this->mycode_parse_img($matches[4], array($matches[1], $matches[2])); } /** * Parses IMG MyCode. * * @param array Matches. * @return string Image code. */ function mycode_parse_img_callback3($matches) { return $this->mycode_parse_img($matches[3], array(), $matches[1]); } /** * Parses IMG MyCode. * * @param array Matches. * @return string Image code. */ function mycode_parse_img_callback4($matches) { return $this->mycode_parse_img($matches[5], array($matches[1], $matches[2]), $matches[3]); } /** * Parses email MyCode. * * @param string The email address to link to. * @param string The name for the link. * @return string The built-up email link. */ function mycode_parse_email($email, $name="") { $name = str_replace("\\'", "'", $name); $email = str_replace("\\'", "'", $email); if(!$name) { $name = $email; } if(preg_match("/^([a-zA-Z0-9-_\+\.]+?)@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9\.-]+$/si", $email)) { return "".$name.""; } else { return $email; } } /** * Parses email MyCode. * * @param array Matches * @return string The built-up email link. */ function mycode_parse_email_callback($matches) { if(!isset($matches[2])) { $matches[2] = ''; } return $this->mycode_parse_email($matches[1], $matches[2]); } /** * Parses video MyCode. * * @param string The video provider. * @param string The video to link to. * @return string The built-up video code. */ function mycode_parse_video($video, $url) { global $templates; if(empty($video) || empty($url)) { return "[video={$video}]{$url}[/video]"; } $parsed_url = @parse_url(urldecode($url)); if($parsed_url == false) { return "[video={$video}]{$url}[/video]"; } $fragments = array(); if($parsed_url['fragment']) { $fragments = explode("&", $parsed_url['fragment']); } $queries = explode("&", $parsed_url['query']); $input = array(); foreach($queries as $query) { list($key, $value) = explode("=", $query); $key = str_replace("amp;", "", $key); $input[$key] = $value; } $path = explode('/', $parsed_url['path']); switch($video) { case "dailymotion": list($id, ) = split("_", $path[2], 1); // break; case "metacafe": $id = $path[2]; // $title = htmlspecialchars_uni($path[3]); break; case "myspacetv": $id = $path[4]; // break; case "yahoo": $id = $path[1]; // // Support for localized portals $domain = explode('.', $parsed_url['host']); if($domain[0] != 'screen') { $local = $domain[0].'.'; } else { $local = ''; } break; case "vimeo": $id = $path[1]; // break; case "youtube": if($fragments[0]) { $id = str_replace('!v=', '', $fragments[0]); //!v=fds123 } elseif($input['v']) { $id = $input['v']; // } else { $id = $path[1]; // } break; default: return "[video={$video}]{$url}[/video]"; } if(empty($id)) { return "[video={$video}]{$url}[/video]"; } $id = htmlspecialchars_uni($id); eval("\$video_code = \"".$templates->get("video_{$video}_embed")."\";"); return $video_code; } /** * Parses video MyCode. * * @param array Matches. * @return string The built-up video code. */ function mycode_parse_video_callback($matches) { return $this->mycode_parse_video($matches[1], $matches[2]); } /** * Parses URLs automatically. * * @param string The message to be parsed * @return string The parsed message. */ function mycode_auto_url($message) { $message = " ".$message; $message = preg_replace("#([\>\s\(\)])(http|https|ftp|news){1}://([^\/\"\s\<\[\.]+\.([^\/\"\s\<\[\.]+\.)*[\w]+(:[0-9]+)?(/[^\"\s<\[]*)?)#i", "$1[url]$2://$3[/url]", $message); $message = preg_replace("#([\>\s\(\)])(www|ftp)\.(([^\/\"\s\<\[\.]+\.)*[\w]+(:[0-9]+)?(/[^\"\s<\[]*)?)#i", "$1[url]$2.$3[/url]", $message); $message = my_substr($message, 1); return $message; } /** * Parses list MyCode. * * @param string The message to be parsed * @param string The list type * @return string The parsed message. */ function mycode_parse_list($message, $type="") { $message = str_replace('\"', '"', $message); $message = preg_replace("#\s*\[\*\]\s*#", "\n
  • ", $message); $message .= "
  • "; if($type) { $list = "\n
    \n"; } else { $list = "
    \n"; } $list = preg_replace("#<(ol type=\"$type\"|ul)>\s*#", "<$1>", $list); return $list; } /** * Parses list MyCode. * * @param array Matches * @return string The parsed message. */ function mycode_parse_list_callback($matches) { return $this->mycode_parse_list($matches[1])."\n"; } /** * Parses list MyCode. * * @param array Matches * @return string The parsed message. */ function mycode_parse_list_callback_type($matches) { return $this->mycode_parse_list($matches[2], $matches[1])."\n"; } /** * Strips smilies from a string * * @param string The message for smilies to be stripped from * @return string The message with smilies stripped */ function strip_smilies($message) { if($this->smilies_cache == 0) { $this->cache_smilies(); } if(is_array($this->smilies_cache)) { $message = str_replace($this->smilies_cache, array_keys($this->smilies_cache), $message); } return $message; } /** * Highlights a string * * @param string The message to be highligted * @param string The highlight keywords * @return string The message with highlight bbcodes */ function highlight_message($message, $highlight) { if(empty($this->highlight_cache)) { $this->highlight_cache = build_highlight_array($highlight); } if(is_array($this->highlight_cache) && !empty($this->highlight_cache)) { $message = preg_replace(array_keys($this->highlight_cache), $this->highlight_cache, $message); } return $message; } /** * Parses message to plain text equivalents of MyCode. * * @param string The message to be parsed * @return string The parsed message. */ function text_parse_message($message, $options=array()) { global $plugins; // Filter bad words if requested. if($options['filter_badwords'] != 0) { $message = $this->parse_badwords($message); } // Parse quotes first $message = $this->mycode_parse_quotes($message, true); $message = preg_replace_callback("#\[php\](.*?)\[/php\](\r\n?|\n?)#is", array($this, 'mycode_parse_php_callback'), $message); $message = preg_replace_callback("#\[code\](.*?)\[/code\](\r\n?|\n?)#is", array($this, 'mycode_parse_code_callback'), $message); $find = array( "#\[(b|u|i|s|url|email|color|img)\](.*?)\[/\\1\]#is", "#\[img=([0-9]{1,3})x([0-9]{1,3})\](\r\n?|\n?)(https?://([^<>\"']+?))\[/img\]#is", "#\[url=([a-z]+?://)([^\r\n\"<]+?)\](.+?)\[/url\]#si", "#\[url=([^\r\n\"<&\(\)]+?)\](.+?)\[/url\]#si", ); $replace = array( "$2", "$4", "$3 ($1$2)", "$2 ($1)", ); $message = preg_replace($find, $replace, $message); // Replace "me" code and slaps if we have a username if($options['me_username']) { global $lang; $message = preg_replace('#(>|^|\r|\n)/me ([^\r\n<]*)#i', "\\1* {$options['me_username']} \\2", $message); $message = preg_replace('#(>|^|\r|\n)/slap ([^\r\n<]*)#i', "\\1* {$options['me_username']} {$lang->slaps} \\2 {$lang->with_trout}", $message); } // Special code requiring special attention while(preg_match("#\[list\](.*?)\[/list\]#si", $message)) { $message = preg_replace_callback("#\s?\[list\](.*?)\[/list\](\r\n?|\n?)#si", array($this, 'mycode_parse_list_callback'), $message); } // Replace lists. while(preg_match("#\[list=(a|A|i|I|1)\](.*?)\[/list\](\r\n?|\n?)#si", $message)) { $message = preg_replace_callback("#\s?\[list=(a|A|i|I|1)\](.*?)\[/list\]#si", array($this, 'mycode_parse_list_callback_type'), $message); } // Run plugin hooks $message = $plugins->run_hooks("text_parse_message", $message); return $message; } } ?>