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PHP Cross Reference of MyBB




/inc/ -> class_core.php (source)

   1  <?php
   2  /**
   3   * MyBB 1.6
   4   * Copyright 2010 MyBB Group, All Rights Reserved
   5   *
   6   * Website: http://mybb.com
   7   * License: http://mybb.com/about/license
   8   *
   9   * $Id$
  10   */
  12  class MyBB {
  13      /**
  14       * The friendly version number of MyBB we're running.
  15       *
  16       * @var string
  17       */
  18      public $version = "1.6.11";
  20      /**
  21       * The version code of MyBB we're running.
  22       *
  23       * @var integer
  24       */
  25      public $version_code = 1611;
  27      /**
  28       * The current working directory.
  29       *
  30       * @var string
  31       */
  32      public $cwd = ".";
  34      /**
  35       * Input variables received from the outer world.
  36       *
  37       * @var array
  38       */
  39      public $input = array();
  41      /**
  42       * Cookie variables received from the outer world.
  43       *
  44       * @var array
  45       */
  46      public $cookies = array();
  48      /**
  49       * Information about the current user.
  50       *
  51       * @var array
  52       */
  53      public $user = array();
  55      /**
  56       * Information about the current usergroup.
  57       *
  58       * @var array
  59       */
  60      public $usergroup = array();
  62      /**
  63       * MyBB settings.
  64       *
  65       * @var array
  66       */
  67      public $settings = array();
  69      /**
  70       * Whether or not magic quotes are enabled.
  71       *
  72       * @var unknown_type
  73       */
  74      public $magicquotes = 0;
  76      /**
  77       * MyBB configuration.
  78       *
  79       * @var array
  80       */
  81      public $config = array();
  83      /**
  84       * The request method that called this page.
  85       *
  86       * @var string.
  87       */
  88      public $request_method = "";
  90      /**
  91       * Variables that need to be clean.
  92       *
  93       * @var array
  94       */
  95      public $clean_variables = array(
  96          "int" => array(
  97              "tid", "pid", "uid",
  98              "eid", "pmid", "fid",
  99              "aid", "rid", "sid",
 100              "vid", "cid", "bid",
 101              "pid", "gid", "mid",
 102              "wid", "lid", "iid",
 103              "sid"
 104          ),
 105          "pos" => array(
 106              "page", "perpage"
 107          ),
 108          "a-z" => array(
 109              "sortby", "order"
 110          )
 111      );
 113      /**
 114       * Variables that are to be ignored from cleansing process
 115       *
 116       * @var array
 117       */
 118      public $ignore_clean_variables = array();
 120      /**
 121       * Using built in shutdown functionality provided by register_shutdown_function for < PHP 5?
 122       */
 123      public $use_shutdown = true;
 125      /**
 126       * Debug mode?
 127       */
 128      public $debug_mode = false;
 130      /**
 131       * Constructor of class.
 132       *
 133       * @return MyBB
 134       */
 135  	function __construct()
 136      {
 137          // Set up MyBB
 138          $protected = array("_GET", "_POST", "_SERVER", "_COOKIE", "_FILES", "_ENV", "GLOBALS");
 139          foreach($protected as $var)
 140          {
 141              if(isset($_REQUEST[$var]) || isset($_FILES[$var]))
 142              {
 143                  die("Hacking attempt");
 144              }
 145          }
 147          if(defined("IGNORE_CLEAN_VARS"))
 148          {
 149              if(!is_array(IGNORE_CLEAN_VARS))
 150              {
 151                  $this->ignore_clean_variables = array(IGNORE_CLEAN_VARS);
 152              }
 153              else
 154              {
 155                  $this->ignore_clean_variables = IGNORE_CLEAN_VARS;
 156              }
 157          }
 159          // Determine Magic Quotes Status (< PHP 6.0)
 160          if(version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '6.0', '<'))
 161          {
 162              if(@get_magic_quotes_gpc())
 163              {
 164                  $this->magicquotes = 1;
 165                  $this->strip_slashes_array($_POST);
 166                  $this->strip_slashes_array($_GET);
 167                  $this->strip_slashes_array($_COOKIE);
 168              }
 169              @set_magic_quotes_runtime(0);
 170              @ini_set("magic_quotes_gpc", 0);
 171              @ini_set("magic_quotes_runtime", 0);
 172          }
 174          // Determine input
 175          $this->parse_incoming($_GET);
 176          $this->parse_incoming($_POST);
 178          if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST")
 179          {
 180              $this->request_method = "post";
 181          }
 182          else if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "GET")
 183          {
 184              $this->request_method = "get";
 185          }
 187          // If we've got register globals on, then kill them too
 188          if(@ini_get("register_globals") == 1)
 189          {
 190              $this->unset_globals($_POST);
 191              $this->unset_globals($_GET);
 192              $this->unset_globals($_FILES);
 193              $this->unset_globals($_COOKIE);
 194          }
 195          $this->clean_input();
 197          if(@ini_get("safe_mode") == 1)
 198          {
 199              $this->safemode = true;
 200          }
 202          // Are we running in debug mode?
 203          if(isset($this->input['debug']) && $this->input['debug'] == 1)
 204          {
 205              $this->debug_mode = true;
 206          }
 208          if(isset($this->input['action']) && $this->input['action'] == "mybb_logo")
 209          {
 210              require_once dirname(__FILE__)."/mybb_group.php";
 211              output_logo();
 212          }
 214          if(isset($this->input['intcheck']) && $this->input['intcheck'] == 1)
 215          {
 216              die("&#077;&#089;&#066;&#066;");
 217          }
 218      }
 220      /**
 221       * Parses the incoming variables.
 222       *
 223       * @param array The array of incoming variables.
 224       */
 225  	function parse_incoming($array)
 226      {
 227          if(!is_array($array))
 228          {
 229              return;
 230          }
 232          foreach($array as $key => $val)
 233          {
 234              $this->input[$key] = $val;
 235          }
 236      }
 238      /**
 239       * Parses the incoming cookies
 240       *
 241       */
 242  	function parse_cookies()
 243      {
 244          if(!is_array($_COOKIE))
 245          {
 246              return;
 247          }
 249          $prefix_length = strlen($this->settings['cookieprefix']);
 251          foreach($_COOKIE as $key => $val)
 252          {
 253              if($prefix_length && substr($key, 0, $prefix_length) == $this->settings['cookieprefix'])
 254              {
 255                  $key = substr($key, $prefix_length);
 257                  // Fixes conflicts with one board having a prefix and another that doesn't on the same domain
 258                  // Gives priority to our cookies over others (overwrites them)
 259                  if($this->cookies[$key])
 260                  {
 261                      unset($this->cookies[$key]);
 262                  }
 263              }
 265              if(empty($this->cookies[$key]))
 266              {
 267                  $this->cookies[$key] = $val;
 268              }
 269          }
 270      }
 272      /**
 273       * Strips slashes out of a given array.
 274       *
 275       * @param array The array to strip.
 276       */
 277  	function strip_slashes_array(&$array)
 278      {
 279          foreach($array as $key => $val)
 280          {
 281              if(is_array($array[$key]))
 282              {
 283                  $this->strip_slashes_array($array[$key]);
 284              }
 285              else
 286              {
 287                  $array[$key] = stripslashes($array[$key]);
 288              }
 289          }
 290      }
 292      /**
 293       * Unsets globals from a specific array.
 294       *
 295       * @param array The array to unset from.
 296       */
 297  	function unset_globals($array)
 298      {
 299          if(!is_array($array))
 300          {
 301              return;
 302          }
 304          foreach(array_keys($array) as $key)
 305          {
 306              unset($GLOBALS[$key]);
 307              unset($GLOBALS[$key]); // Double unset to circumvent the zend_hash_del_key_or_index hole in PHP <4.4.3 and <5.1.4
 308          }
 309      }
 311      /**
 312       * Cleans predefined input variables.
 313       *
 314       */
 315  	function clean_input()
 316      {
 317          foreach($this->clean_variables as $type => $variables)
 318          {
 319              foreach($variables as $var)
 320              {
 321                  // If this variable is in the ignored array, skip and move to next.
 322                  if(in_array($var, $this->ignore_clean_variables))
 323                  {
 324                      continue;
 325                  }
 327                  if(isset($this->input[$var]))
 328                  {
 329                      switch($type)
 330                      {
 331                          case "int":
 332                              $this->input[$var] = intval($this->input[$var]);
 333                              break;
 334                          case "a-z":
 335                              $this->input[$var] = preg_replace("#[^a-z\.\-_]#i", "", $this->input[$var]);
 336                              break;
 337                          case "pos":
 338                              if (($this->input[$var] < 0 && $var != "page") || ($var == "page" && $this->input[$var] != "last" && $this->input[$var] < 0))
 339                                  $this->input[$var] = 0;
 340                              break;
 341                      }
 342                  }
 343              }
 344          }
 345      }
 347      /**
 348       * Triggers a generic error.
 349       *
 350       * @param string The error code.
 351       */
 352  	function trigger_generic_error($code)
 353      {
 354          global $error_handler;
 356          switch($code)
 357          {
 358              case "cache_no_write":
 359                  $message = "The data cache directory (cache/) needs to exist and be writable by the web server. Change its permissions so that it is writable (777 on Unix based servers).";
 360                  $error_code = MYBB_CACHE_NO_WRITE;
 361                  break;
 362              case "install_directory":
 363                  $message = "The install directory (install/) still exists on your server and is not locked. To access MyBB please either remove this directory or create an empty file in it called 'lock'.";
 364                  $error_code = MYBB_INSTALL_DIR_EXISTS;
 365                  break;
 366              case "board_not_installed":
 367                  $message = "Your board has not yet been installed and configured. Please do so before attempting to browse it.";
 368                  $error_code = MYBB_NOT_INSTALLED;
 369                  break;
 370              case "board_not_upgraded":
 371                  $message = "Your board has not yet been upgraded. Please do so before attempting to browse it.";
 372                  $error_code = MYBB_NOT_UPGRADED;
 373                  break;
 374              case "sql_load_error":
 375                  $message = "MyBB was unable to load the SQL extension. Please contact the MyBB Group for support. <a href=\"http://mybb.com\">MyBB Website</a>";
 376                  $error_code = MYBB_SQL_LOAD_ERROR;
 377                  break;
 378              case "eaccelerator_load_error":
 379                  $message = "eAccelerator needs to be configured with PHP to use the eAccelerator cache support.";
 380                  $error_code = MYBB_CACHEHANDLER_LOAD_ERROR;
 381                  break;
 382              case "memcache_load_error":
 383                  $message = "Your server does not have memcache support enabled.";
 384                  $error_code = MYBB_CACHEHANDLER_LOAD_ERROR;
 385                  break;
 386              case "xcache_load_error":
 387                  $message = "Xcache needs to be configured with PHP to use the Xcache cache support.";
 388                  $error_code = MYBB_CACHEHANDLER_LOAD_ERROR;
 389                  break;
 390              default:
 391                  $message = "MyBB has experienced an internal error. Please contact the MyBB Group for support. <a href=\"http://mybb.com\">MyBB Website</a>";
 392                  $error_code = MYBB_GENERAL;
 393          }
 394          $error_handler->trigger($message, $error_code);
 395      }
 397  	function __destruct()
 398      {
 399          // Run shutdown function
 400          if(function_exists("run_shutdown"))
 401          {
 402              run_shutdown();
 403          }
 404      }
 405  }
 407  /**
 408   * Do this here because the core is used on every MyBB page
 409   */
 411  $grouppermignore = array("gid", "type", "title", "description", "namestyle", "usertitle", "stars", "starimage", "image");
 412  $groupzerogreater = array("pmquota", "maxpmrecipients", "maxreputationsday", "attachquota", "maxemails", "maxwarningsday");
 413  $displaygroupfields = array("title", "description", "namestyle", "usertitle", "stars", "starimage", "image");
 415  // These are fields in the usergroups table that are also forum permission specific.
 416  $fpermfields = array(
 417      'canview',
 418      'canviewthreads',
 419      'candlattachments',
 420      'canpostthreads',
 421      'canpostreplys',
 422      'canpostattachments',
 423      'canratethreads',
 424      'caneditposts',
 425      'candeleteposts',
 426      'candeletethreads',
 427      'caneditattachments',
 428      'canpostpolls',
 429      'canvotepolls',
 430      'cansearch'
 431  );
 433  ?>

Generated: Tue Oct 8 19:19:50 2013 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1