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The Horde_String:: class provides static methods for charset and locale safe string manipulation.
Author: | Jan Schneider <jan@horde.org> |
License: | http://www.horde.org/licenses/lgpl21 LGPL 2.1 |
File Size: | 778 lines (28 kb) |
Included or required: | 0 times |
Referenced: | 0 times |
Includes or requires: | 0 files |
Horde_String:: (22 methods):
Class: Horde_String - X-Ref
convertCharset($input, $from, $to, $force = false) X-Ref |
Converts a string from one charset to another. Uses the iconv or the mbstring extensions. The original string is returned if conversion failed or none of the extensions were available. param: mixed $input The data to be converted. If $input is an an param: string $from The string's current charset. param: string $to The charset to convert the string to. param: boolean $force Force conversion? return: mixed The converted input data. |
_convertCharset($input, $from, $to) X-Ref |
Internal function used to do charset conversion. param: string $input See self::convertCharset(). param: string $from See self::convertCharset(). param: string $to See self::convertCharset(). return: string The converted string. |
lower($string, $locale = false, $charset = null) X-Ref |
Makes a string lowercase. param: string $string The string to be converted. param: boolean $locale If true the string will be converted based on param: string $charset If $locale is true, the charset to use when return: string The string with lowercase characters. |
upper($string, $locale = false, $charset = null) X-Ref |
Makes a string uppercase. param: string $string The string to be converted. param: boolean $locale If true the string will be converted based on a param: string $charset If $locale is true, the charset to use when return: string The string with uppercase characters. |
ucfirst($string, $locale = false, $charset = null) X-Ref |
Returns a string with the first letter capitalized if it is alphabetic. param: string $string The string to be capitalized. param: boolean $locale If true the string will be converted based on a param: string $charset The charset to use, defaults to current charset. return: string The capitalized string. |
ucwords($string, $locale = false, $charset = null) X-Ref |
Returns a string with the first letter of each word capitalized if it is alphabetic. Sentences are splitted into words at whitestrings. param: string $string The string to be capitalized. param: boolean $locale If true the string will be converted based on a param: string $charset The charset to use, defaults to current charset. return: string The capitalized string. |
substr($string, $start, $length = null,$charset = 'UTF-8') X-Ref |
Returns part of a string. param: string $string The string to be converted. param: integer $start The part's start position, zero based. param: integer $length The part's length. param: string $charset The charset to use when calculating the part's return: string The string's part. |
length($string, $charset = 'UTF-8') X-Ref |
Returns the character (not byte) length of a string. param: string $string The string to return the length of. param: string $charset The charset to use when calculating the string's return: integer The string's length. |
pos($haystack, $needle, $offset = 0,$charset = 'UTF-8') X-Ref |
Returns the numeric position of the first occurrence of $needle in the $haystack string. param: string $haystack The string to search through. param: string $needle The string to search for. param: integer $offset Allows to specify which character in haystack param: string $charset The charset to use when searching for the return: integer The position of first occurrence. |
rpos($haystack, $needle, $offset = 0,$charset = 'UTF-8') X-Ref |
Returns the numeric position of the last occurrence of $needle in the $haystack string. param: string $haystack The string to search through. param: string $needle The string to search for. param: integer $offset Allows to specify which character in haystack param: string $charset The charset to use when searching for the return: integer The position of first occurrence. |
pad($input, $length, $pad = ' ',$type = STR_PAD_RIGHT, $charset = 'UTF-8') X-Ref |
Returns a string padded to a certain length with another string. This method behaves exactly like str_pad() but is multibyte safe. param: string $input The string to be padded. param: integer $length The length of the resulting string. param: string $pad The string to pad the input string with. Must param: const $type The padding type. One of STR_PAD_LEFT, param: string $charset The charset of the input and the padding return: string The padded string. |
wordwrap($string, $width = 75, $break = "\n",$cut = false, $line_folding = false) X-Ref |
Wraps the text of a message. param: string $string String containing the text to wrap. param: integer $width Wrap the string at this number of param: string $break Character(s) to use when breaking lines. param: boolean $cut Whether to cut inside words if a line param: boolean $line_folding Whether to apply line folding rules per return: string String containing the wrapped text. |
wrap($text, $length = 80, $break_char = "\n",$quote = false) X-Ref |
Wraps the text of a message. param: string $text String containing the text to wrap. param: integer $length Wrap $text at this number of characters. param: string $break_char Character(s) to use when breaking lines. param: boolean $quote Ignore lines that are wrapped with the '>' return: string String containing the wrapped text. |
truncate($text, $length = 100) X-Ref |
Return a truncated string, suitable for notifications. param: string $text The original string. param: integer $length The maximum length. return: string The truncated string, if longer than $length. |
abbreviate($text, $length = 20) X-Ref |
Return an abbreviated string, with characters in the middle of the excessively long string replaced by '...'. param: string $text The original string. param: integer $length The length at which to abbreviate. return: string The abbreviated string, if longer than $length. |
common($str1, $str2) X-Ref |
Returns the common leading part of two strings. param: string $str1 A string. param: string $str2 Another string. return: string The start of $str1 and $str2 that is identical in both. |
isAlpha($string, $charset) X-Ref |
Returns true if the every character in the parameter is an alphabetic character. param: string $string The string to test. param: string $charset The charset to use when testing the string. return: boolean True if the parameter was alphabetic only. |
isLower($string, $charset) X-Ref |
Returns true if ever character in the parameter is a lowercase letter in the current locale. param: string $string The string to test. param: string $charset The charset to use when testing the string. return: boolean True if the parameter was lowercase. |
isUpper($string, $charset) X-Ref |
Returns true if every character in the parameter is an uppercase letter in the current locale. param: string $string The string to test. param: string $charset The charset to use when testing the string. return: boolean True if the parameter was uppercase. |
regexMatch($text, $regex, $charset = null) X-Ref |
Performs a multibyte safe regex match search on the text provided. param: string $text The text to search. param: array $regex The regular expressions to use, without perl param: string $charset The character set of the text. return: array The matches array from the first regex that matches. |
validUtf8($text) X-Ref |
Check to see if a string is valid UTF-8. param: string $text The text to check. return: boolean True if valid UTF-8. |
_mbstringCharset($charset) X-Ref |
Workaround charsets that don't work with mbstring functions. param: string $charset The original charset. return: string The charset to use with mbstring functions. |
Generated: Tue Oct 8 19:19:50 2013 | Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1 |