[ Index ]

PHP Cross Reference of MyBB




/ -> global.php (source)

   1  <?php
   2  /**
   3   * MyBB 1.6
   4   * Copyright 2010 MyBB Group, All Rights Reserved
   5   *
   6   * Website: http://mybb.com
   7   * License: http://mybb.com/about/license
   8   *
   9   * $Id$
  10   */
  12  $working_dir = dirname(__FILE__);
  13  if(!$working_dir)
  14  {
  15      $working_dir = '.';
  16  }
  18  // Load main MyBB core file which begins all of the magic
  19  require_once $working_dir."/inc/init.php";
  21  $shutdown_queries = array();
  23  // Read the usergroups cache as well as the moderators cache
  24  $groupscache = $cache->read("usergroups");
  26  // If the groups cache doesn't exist, update it and re-read it
  27  if(!is_array($groupscache))
  28  {
  29      $cache->update_usergroups();
  30      $groupscache = $cache->read("usergroups");
  31  }
  33  if(!defined('THIS_SCRIPT'))
  34  {
  35      define('THIS_SCRIPT', '');
  36  }
  38  $current_page = my_strtolower(basename(THIS_SCRIPT));
  40  // Send page headers - don't send no-cache headers for attachment.php
  41  if($current_page != "attachment.php")
  42  {
  43      send_page_headers();
  44  }
  46  // Do not use session system for defined pages
  47  if((@isset($mybb->input['action']) && @isset($nosession[$mybb->input['action']])) || (@isset($mybb->input['thumbnail']) && $current_page == 'attachment.php'))
  48  {
  49      define("NO_ONLINE", 1);
  50  }
  52  // Create session for this user
  53  require_once  MYBB_ROOT."inc/class_session.php";
  54  $session = new session;
  55  $session->init();
  56  $mybb->session = &$session;
  58  $mybb->user['ismoderator'] = is_moderator("", "", $mybb->user['uid']);
  60  // Set our POST validation code here
  61  $mybb->post_code = generate_post_check();
  63  // Set and load the language
  64  if(!empty($mybb->input['language']) && $lang->language_exists($mybb->input['language']) && verify_post_check($mybb->input['my_post_key'], true))
  65  {
  66      $mybb->settings['bblanguage'] = $mybb->input['language'];
  67      // If user is logged in, update their language selection with the new one
  68      if($mybb->user['uid'])
  69      {
  70          if($mybb->cookies['mybblang'])
  71          {
  72              my_unsetcookie("mybblang");
  73          }
  75          $db->update_query("users", array("language" => $db->escape_string($mybb->settings['bblanguage'])), "uid='{$mybb->user['uid']}'");
  76      }
  77      // Guest = cookie
  78      else
  79      {
  80          my_setcookie("mybblang", $mybb->settings['bblanguage']);
  81      }
  82      $mybb->user['language'] = $mybb->settings['bblanguage'];
  83  }
  84  // Cookied language!
  85  else if(!$mybb->user['uid'] && !empty($mybb->cookies['mybblang']) && $lang->language_exists($mybb->cookies['mybblang']))
  86  {
  87      $mybb->settings['bblanguage'] = $mybb->cookies['mybblang'];
  88  }
  89  else if(!isset($mybb->settings['bblanguage']))
  90  {
  91      $mybb->settings['bblanguage'] = "english";
  92  }
  94  // Load language
  95  $lang->set_language($mybb->settings['bblanguage']);
  96  $lang->load("global");
  97  $lang->load("messages");
  98  $newpmmsg = '';
 100  // Run global_start plugin hook now that the basics are set up
 101  $plugins->run_hooks("global_start");
 103  if(function_exists('mb_internal_encoding') && !empty($lang->settings['charset']))
 104  {
 105      @mb_internal_encoding($lang->settings['charset']);
 106  }
 108  // Select the board theme to use.
 109  $loadstyle = '';
 110  $load_from_forum = 0;
 111  $style = array();
 113  // This user has a custom theme set in their profile
 114  if(isset($mybb->user['style']) && intval($mybb->user['style']) != 0)
 115  {
 116      $loadstyle = "tid='".$mybb->user['style']."'";
 117  }
 119  $valid = array(
 120      "showthread.php", 
 121      "forumdisplay.php",
 122      "newthread.php",
 123      "newreply.php",
 124      "ratethread.php",
 125      "editpost.php",
 126      "polls.php",
 127      "sendthread.php",
 128      "printthread.php",
 129      "moderation.php"
 130  );
 132  if(in_array($current_page, $valid))
 133  {
 134      cache_forums();
 136      // If we're accessing a post, fetch the forum theme for it and if we're overriding it
 137      if(!empty($mybb->input['pid']))
 138      {
 139          $query = $db->simple_select("posts", "fid", "pid = '".intval($mybb->input['pid'])."'", array("limit" => 1));
 140          $fid = $db->fetch_field($query, "fid");
 142          if($fid)
 143          {
 144              $style = $forum_cache[$fid];
 145              $load_from_forum = 1;
 146          }
 147      }
 148      // We have a thread id and a forum id, we can easily fetch the theme for this forum
 149      else if(!empty($mybb->input['tid']))
 150      {
 151          $query = $db->simple_select("threads", "fid", "tid = '".intval($mybb->input['tid'])."'", array("limit" => 1));
 152          $fid = $db->fetch_field($query, "fid");
 154          if($fid)
 155          {
 156              $style = $forum_cache[$fid];
 157              $load_from_forum = 1;
 158          }
 159      }
 161      // We have a forum id - simply load the theme from it
 162      else if($mybb->input['fid'])
 163      {
 164          $style = $forum_cache[intval($mybb->input['fid'])];
 165          $load_from_forum = 1;
 166      }
 167  }
 168  unset($valid);
 170  // From all of the above, a theme was found
 171  if(isset($style['style']) && $style['style'] > 0)
 172  {
 173      // This theme is forced upon the user, overriding their selection
 174      if($style['overridestyle'] == 1 || !isset($mybb->user['style']))
 175      {
 176          $loadstyle = "tid='".intval($style['style'])."'";
 177      }
 178  }
 180  // After all of that no theme? Load the board default
 181  if(empty($loadstyle))
 182  {
 183      $loadstyle = "def='1'";
 184  }
 186  // Fetch the theme to load from the database
 187  $query = $db->simple_select("themes", "name, tid, properties, stylesheets", $loadstyle, array('limit' => 1));
 188  $theme = $db->fetch_array($query);
 190  // No theme was found - we attempt to load the master or any other theme
 191  if(!$theme['tid'])
 192  {
 193      // Missing theme was from a forum, run a query to set any forums using the theme to the default
 194      if($load_from_forum == 1)
 195      {
 196          $db->update_query("forums", array("style" => 0), "style='{$style['style']}'");
 197      }
 198      // Missing theme was from a user, run a query to set any users using the theme to the default
 199      else if($load_from_user == 1)
 200      {
 201          $db->update_query("users", array("style" => 0), "style='{$style['style']}'");
 202      }
 203      // Attempt to load the master or any other theme if the master is not available
 204      $query = $db->simple_select("themes", "name, tid, properties, stylesheets", "", array("order_by" => "tid", "limit" => 1));
 205      $theme = $db->fetch_array($query);
 206  }
 207  $theme = @array_merge($theme, unserialize($theme['properties']));
 209  // Fetch all necessary stylesheets
 210  $stylesheets = '';
 211  $theme['stylesheets'] = unserialize($theme['stylesheets']);
 212  $stylesheet_scripts = array("global", basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']));
 213  foreach($stylesheet_scripts as $stylesheet_script)
 214  {
 215      $stylesheet_actions = array("global");
 216      if(!empty($mybb->input['action']))
 217      {
 218          $stylesheet_actions[] = $mybb->input['action'];
 219      }
 220      // Load stylesheets for global actions and the current action
 221      foreach($stylesheet_actions as $stylesheet_action)
 222      {
 223          if(!$stylesheet_action)
 224          {
 225              continue;
 226          }
 228          if(!empty($theme['stylesheets'][$stylesheet_script][$stylesheet_action]))
 229          {
 230              // Actually add the stylesheets to the list
 231              foreach($theme['stylesheets'][$stylesheet_script][$stylesheet_action] as $page_stylesheet)
 232              {
 233                  if(!empty($already_loaded[$page_stylesheet]))
 234                  {
 235                      continue;
 236                  }
 237                  $stylesheets .= "<link type=\"text/css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"{$mybb->settings['bburl']}/{$page_stylesheet}\" />\n";
 238                  $already_loaded[$page_stylesheet] = 1;
 239              }
 240          }
 241      }
 242  }
 244  // Are we linking to a remote theme server?
 245  if(substr($theme['imgdir'], 0, 7) == "http://" || substr($theme['imgdir'], 0, 8) == "https://")
 246  {
 247      // If a language directory for the current language exists within the theme - we use it
 248      if(!empty($mybb->user['language']))
 249      {
 250          $theme['imglangdir'] = $theme['imgdir'].'/'.$mybb->user['language'];
 251      }
 252      else
 253      {
 254          // Check if a custom language directory exists for this theme
 255          if(!empty($mybb->settings['bblanguage']))
 256          {
 257              $theme['imglangdir'] = $theme['imgdir'].'/'.$mybb->settings['bblanguage'];
 258          }
 259          // Otherwise, the image language directory is the same as the language directory for the theme
 260          else
 261          {
 262              $theme['imglangdir'] = $theme['imgdir'];
 263          }
 264      }
 265  }
 266  else
 267  {
 268      if(!@is_dir($theme['imgdir']))
 269      {
 270          $theme['imgdir'] = "images";
 271      }
 273      // If a language directory for the current language exists within the theme - we use it
 274      if(!empty($mybb->user['language']) && is_dir($theme['imgdir'].'/'.$mybb->user['language']))
 275      {
 276          $theme['imglangdir'] = $theme['imgdir'].'/'.$mybb->user['language'];
 277      }
 278      else
 279      {
 280          // Check if a custom language directory exists for this theme
 281          if(is_dir($theme['imgdir'].'/'.$mybb->settings['bblanguage']))
 282          {
 283              $theme['imglangdir'] = $theme['imgdir'].'/'.$mybb->settings['bblanguage'];
 284          }
 285          // Otherwise, the image language directory is the same as the language directory for the theme
 286          else
 287          {
 288              $theme['imglangdir'] = $theme['imgdir'];
 289          }
 290      }
 291  }
 293  // Theme logo - is it a relative URL to the forum root? Append bburl
 294  if(!preg_match("#^(\.\.?(/|$)|([a-z0-9]+)://)#i", $theme['logo']) && substr($theme['logo'], 0, 1) != "/")
 295  {
 296      $theme['logo'] = $mybb->settings['bburl']."/".$theme['logo'];
 297  }
 299  // Load Main Templates and Cached Templates
 300  if(isset($templatelist))
 301  {
 302      $templatelist .= ',';
 303  }
 304  $templatelist .= "headerinclude,header,footer,gobutton,htmldoctype,header_welcomeblock_member,header_welcomeblock_guest,header_welcomeblock_member_admin,global_pm_alert,global_unreadreports";
 305  $templatelist .= ",global_pending_joinrequests,nav,nav_sep,nav_bit,nav_sep_active,nav_bit_active,footer_languageselect,header_welcomeblock_member_moderator,redirect,error";
 306  $templatelist .= ",global_boardclosed_warning,global_bannedwarning,error_inline,error_nopermission_loggedin,error_nopermission";
 307  $templates->cache($db->escape_string($templatelist));
 309  // Set the current date and time now
 310  $datenow = my_date($mybb->settings['dateformat'], TIME_NOW, '', false);
 311  $timenow = my_date($mybb->settings['timeformat'], TIME_NOW);
 312  $lang->welcome_current_time = $lang->sprintf($lang->welcome_current_time, $datenow . $lang->comma . $timenow);
 314  // Format the last visit date of this user appropriately
 315  if(isset($mybb->user['lastvisit']))
 316  {
 317      $lastvisit = my_date($mybb->settings['dateformat'], $mybb->user['lastvisit']) . $lang->comma . my_date($mybb->settings['timeformat'], $mybb->user['lastvisit']);
 318  }
 320  // Otherwise, they've never visited before
 321  else
 322  {
 323      $lastvisit = $lang->lastvisit_never;
 324  }
 326  // If the board is closed and we have an Administrator, show board closed warning
 327  $bbclosedwarning = '';
 328  if($mybb->settings['boardclosed'] == 1 && $mybb->usergroup['cancp'] == 1)
 329  {
 330      eval("\$bbclosedwarning = \"".$templates->get("global_boardclosed_warning")."\";");
 331  }
 333  // Prepare the main templates for use
 334  unset($admincplink);
 336  // Load appropriate welcome block for the current logged in user
 337  if($mybb->user['uid'] != 0)
 338  {
 339      // User can access the admin cp and we're not hiding admin cp links, fetch it
 340      if($mybb->usergroup['cancp'] == 1 && $mybb->config['hide_admin_links'] != 1)
 341      {
 342          $admin_dir = $config['admin_dir'];
 343          eval("\$admincplink = \"".$templates->get("header_welcomeblock_member_admin")."\";");
 344      }
 346      if($mybb->usergroup['canmodcp'] == 1)
 347      {
 348          eval("\$modcplink = \"".$templates->get("header_welcomeblock_member_moderator")."\";");
 349      }
 351      // Format the welcome back message
 352      $lang->welcome_back = $lang->sprintf($lang->welcome_back, build_profile_link($mybb->user['username'], $mybb->user['uid']), $lastvisit);
 354      // Tell the user their PM usage
 355      $lang->welcome_pms_usage = $lang->sprintf($lang->welcome_pms_usage, my_number_format($mybb->user['pms_unread']), my_number_format($mybb->user['pms_total']));
 356      eval("\$welcomeblock = \"".$templates->get("header_welcomeblock_member")."\";");
 357  }
 358  // Otherwise, we have a guest
 359  else
 360  {
 361      switch($mybb->settings['username_method'])
 362      {
 363          case 0:
 364              $login_username = $lang->login_username;
 365              break;
 366          case 1:
 367              $login_username = $lang->login_username1;
 368              break;
 369          case 2:
 370              $login_username = $lang->login_username2;
 371              break;
 372          default:
 373              $login_username = $lang->login_username;
 374              break;
 375      }
 376      eval("\$welcomeblock = \"".$templates->get("header_welcomeblock_guest")."\";");
 377  }
 379  $pending_joinrequests = '';
 381  // Read the group leaders cache
 382  $groupleaders = $cache->read("groupleaders");
 383  if($mybb->user['uid'] != 0 && is_array($groupleaders) && array_key_exists($mybb->user['uid'], $groupleaders))
 384  {
 385      $groupleader = $groupleaders[$mybb->user['uid']];
 387      $gids = "";
 388      foreach($groupleader as $user)
 389      {
 390          if($user['canmanagerequests'] != 1)
 391          {
 392              continue;
 393          }
 395          $gids .= ",{$user['gid']}";
 396      }
 398      $query = $db->simple_select("joinrequests", "COUNT(uid) as total", "gid IN (0{$gids})");
 399      $total_joinrequests = $db->fetch_field($query, "total");
 401      $pending_joinrequests = "";
 402      if($total_joinrequests > 0)
 403      {
 404          if($total_joinrequests == 1)
 405          {
 406              $lang->pending_joinrequests = $lang->pending_joinrequest;
 407          }
 408          else
 409          {
 410              $lang->pending_joinrequests = $lang->sprintf($lang->pending_joinrequests, $total_joinrequests);
 411          }
 412          eval("\$pending_joinrequests = \"".$templates->get("global_pending_joinrequests")."\";");
 413      }
 414  }
 416  $unreadreports = '';
 417  // This user is a moderator, super moderator or administrator
 418  if($mybb->usergroup['cancp'] == 1 || $mybb->user['ismoderator'] && $mybb->usergroup['canmodcp'])
 419  {
 420      // Read the reported posts cache
 421      $reported = $cache->read("reportedposts");
 423      // 0 or more reported posts currently exist
 424      if($reported['unread'] > 0)
 425      {
 426          if($reported['unread'] == 1)
 427          {
 428              $lang->unread_reports = $lang->unread_report;
 429          }
 430          else
 431          {
 432              $lang->unread_reports = $lang->sprintf($lang->unread_reports, $reported['unread']);
 433          }
 434          eval("\$unreadreports = \"".$templates->get("global_unreadreports")."\";");
 435      }
 436  }
 438  // Got a character set?
 439  if($lang->settings['charset'])
 440  {
 441      $charset = $lang->settings['charset'];
 442  }
 443  // If not, revert to UTF-8
 444  else
 445  {
 446      $charset = "UTF-8";
 447  }
 449  // Is this user apart of a banned group?
 450  $bannedwarning = '';
 451  if($mybb->usergroup['isbannedgroup'] == 1)
 452  {
 453      // Fetch details on their ban
 454      $query = $db->simple_select("banned", "*", "uid='{$mybb->user['uid']}'", array('limit' => 1));
 455      $ban = $db->fetch_array($query);
 456      if($ban['uid'])
 457      {
 458          // Format their ban lift date and reason appropriately
 459          if($ban['lifted'] > 0)
 460          {
 461              $banlift = my_date($mybb->settings['dateformat'], $ban['lifted']) . ", " . my_date($mybb->settings['timeformat'], $ban['lifted']);
 462          }
 463          else 
 464          {
 465              $banlift = $lang->banned_lifted_never;
 466          }
 467          $reason = htmlspecialchars_uni($ban['reason']);
 468      }
 469      if(empty($reason))
 470      {
 471          $reason = $lang->unknown;
 472      }
 473      if(empty($banlift))
 474      {
 475          $banlift = $lang->unknown;
 476      }
 477      // Display a nice warning to the user
 478      eval("\$bannedwarning = \"".$templates->get("global_bannedwarning")."\";");
 479  }
 481  $lang->ajax_loading = str_replace("'", "\\'", $lang->ajax_loading);
 483  // Check if this user has a new private message.
 484  $pm_notice = '';
 485  if(isset($mybb->user['pmnotice']) && $mybb->user['pmnotice'] == 2 && $mybb->user['pms_unread'] > 0 && $mybb->settings['enablepms'] != 0 && $mybb->usergroup['canusepms'] != 0 && $mybb->usergroup['canview'] != 0 && ($current_page != "private.php" || $mybb->input['action'] != "read"))
 486  {
 487      if(!$parser)
 488      {
 489          require_once  MYBB_ROOT.'inc/class_parser.php';
 490          $parser = new postParser;
 491      }
 493      $query = $db->query("
 494          SELECT pm.subject, pm.pmid, fu.username AS fromusername, fu.uid AS fromuid
 495          FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."privatemessages pm
 496          LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."users fu ON (fu.uid=pm.fromid)
 497          WHERE pm.folder='1' AND pm.uid='{$mybb->user['uid']}' AND pm.status='0'
 498          ORDER BY pm.dateline DESC
 499          LIMIT 1
 500      ");
 502      $pm = $db->fetch_array($query);
 503      $pm['subject'] = $parser->parse_badwords($pm['subject']);
 505      if($pm['fromuid'] == 0)
 506      {
 507          $pm['fromusername'] = $lang->mybb_engine;
 508          $user_text = $pm['fromusername'];
 509      }
 510      else
 511      {
 512          $user_text = build_profile_link($pm['fromusername'], $pm['fromuid']);
 513      }
 515      if($mybb->user['pms_unread'] == 1)
 516      {
 517          $privatemessage_text = $lang->sprintf($lang->newpm_notice_one, $user_text, $pm['pmid'], htmlspecialchars_uni($pm['subject']));
 518      }
 519      else
 520      {
 521          $privatemessage_text = $lang->sprintf($lang->newpm_notice_multiple, $mybb->user['pms_unread'], $user_text, $pm['pmid'], htmlspecialchars_uni($pm['subject']));
 522      }
 523      eval("\$pm_notice = \"".$templates->get("global_pm_alert")."\";");
 524  }
 526  // Set up some of the default templates
 527  eval("\$headerinclude = \"".$templates->get("headerinclude")."\";");
 528  eval("\$gobutton = \"".$templates->get("gobutton")."\";");
 529  eval("\$htmldoctype = \"".$templates->get("htmldoctype", 1, 0)."\";");
 530  eval("\$header = \"".$templates->get("header")."\";");
 532  $copy_year = my_date("Y", TIME_NOW);
 534  // Are we showing version numbers in the footer?
 535  if($mybb->settings['showvernum'] == 1)
 536  {
 537      $mybbversion = ' '.$mybb->version;
 538  }
 539  else
 540  {
 541      $mybbversion = '';
 542  }
 544  // Check to see if we have any tasks to run
 545  $task_cache = $cache->read("tasks");
 546  if(!$task_cache['nextrun'])
 547  {
 548      $task_cache['nextrun'] = TIME_NOW;
 549  }
 550  if($task_cache['nextrun'] <= TIME_NOW)
 551  {
 552      $task_image = "<img src=\"{$mybb->settings['bburl']}/task.php\" border=\"0\" width=\"1\" height=\"1\" alt=\"\" />";
 553  }
 554  else
 555  {
 556      $task_image = '';
 557  }
 559  // Are we showing the quick language selection box?
 560  $lang_select = $lang_options = '';
 561  if($mybb->settings['showlanguageselect'] != 0)
 562  {
 563      $languages = $lang->get_languages();
 564      foreach($languages as $key => $language)
 565      {
 566          $language = htmlspecialchars_uni($language);
 567          // Current language matches
 568          if($lang->language == $key)
 569          {
 570              $lang_options .= "<option value=\"{$key}\" selected=\"selected\">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;{$language}</option>\n";
 571          }
 572          else
 573          {
 574              $lang_options .= "<option value=\"{$key}\">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;{$language}</option>\n";
 575          }
 576      }
 578      $lang_redirect_url = get_current_location(true, 'language');
 580      eval("\$lang_select = \"".$templates->get("footer_languageselect")."\";");
 581  }
 583  // DST Auto detection enabled?
 584  $auto_dst_detection = '';
 585  if($mybb->user['uid'] > 0 && $mybb->user['dstcorrection'] == 2)
 586  {
 587      $auto_dst_detection = "<script type=\"text/javascript\">if(MyBB) { Event.observe(window, 'load', function() { MyBB.detectDSTChange('".($mybb->user['timezone']+$mybb->user['dst'])."'); }); }</script>\n";
 588  }
 590  eval("\$footer = \"".$templates->get("footer")."\";");
 592  // Add our main parts to the navigation
 593  $navbits = array();
 594  $navbits[0]['name'] = $mybb->settings['bbname_orig'];
 595  $navbits[0]['url'] = $mybb->settings['bburl']."/index.php";
 597  // Set the link to the archive.
 598  $archive_url = $mybb->settings['bburl']."/archive/index.php";
 600  // Check banned ip addresses
 601  if(is_banned_ip($session->ipaddress, true))
 602  {
 603      if ($mybb->user['uid'])
 604      {
 605          $db->delete_query("sessions", "ip='".$db->escape_string($session->ipaddress)."' OR uid='{$mybb->user['uid']}'");
 606      }
 607      else
 608      {
 609          $db->delete_query("sessions", "ip='".$db->escape_string($session->ipaddress)."'");
 610      }
 611      error($lang->error_banned);
 612  }
 614  $closed_bypass = array(
 615      "member.php" => array(
 616          "login",
 617          "do_login",
 618          "logout",
 619      ),
 620      "captcha.php",
 621  );
 623  // If the board is closed, the user is not an administrator and they're not trying to login, show the board closed message
 624  if($mybb->settings['boardclosed'] == 1 && $mybb->usergroup['cancp'] != 1 && !in_array($current_page, $closed_bypass) && (!is_array($closed_bypass[$current_page]) || !in_array($mybb->input['action'], $closed_bypass[$current_page])))
 625  {
 626      // Show error
 627      $lang->error_boardclosed .= "<blockquote>{$mybb->settings['boardclosed_reason']}</blockquote>";
 628      error($lang->error_boardclosed);
 629      exit;
 630  }
 632  // Load Limiting
 633  if($mybb->usergroup['cancp'] != 1 && $mybb->settings['load'] > 0 && ($load = get_server_load()) && $load != $lang->unknown && $load > $mybb->settings['load'])
 634  {
 635      // User is not an administrator and the load limit is higher than the limit, show an error
 636      error($lang->error_loadlimit);
 637  }
 639  // If there is a valid referrer in the URL, cookie it
 640  if(!$mybb->user['uid'] && $mybb->settings['usereferrals'] == 1 && (isset($mybb->input['referrer']) || isset($mybb->input['referrername'])))
 641  {
 642      if(isset($mybb->input['referrername']))
 643      {
 644          $condition = "username='".$db->escape_string($mybb->input['referrername'])."'";
 645      }
 646      else
 647      {
 648          $condition = "uid='".intval($mybb->input['referrer'])."'";
 649      }
 650      $query = $db->simple_select("users", "uid", $condition, array('limit' => 1));
 651      $referrer = $db->fetch_array($query);
 652      if($referrer['uid'])
 653      {
 654          my_setcookie("mybb[referrer]", $referrer['uid']);
 655      }
 656  }
 658  if($mybb->usergroup['canview'] != 1)
 659  {
 660      // Check pages allowable even when not allowed to view board
 661      if(defined("ALLOWABLE_PAGE"))
 662      {
 663          if(is_string(ALLOWABLE_PAGE))
 664          {
 665              $allowable_actions = explode(',', ALLOWABLE_PAGE);
 667              if(!in_array($mybb->input['action'], $allowable_actions))
 668              {
 669                  error_no_permission();
 670              }
 672              unset($allowable_actions);
 673          }
 674          else if(ALLOWABLE_PAGE !== 1)
 675          {
 676              error_no_permission();
 677          }
 678      }
 679      else
 680      {
 681          error_no_permission();
 682      }
 683  }
 685  // Find out if this user of ours is using a banned email address.
 686  // If they are, redirect them to change it
 687  if($mybb->user['uid'] && is_banned_email($mybb->user['email']) && $mybb->settings['emailkeep'] != 1)
 688  {
 689      if(THIS_SCRIPT != "usercp.php" || THIS_SCRIPT == "usercp.php" && $mybb->input['action'] != "email" && $mybb->input['action'] != "do_email")
 690      {
 691          redirect("usercp.php?action=email");
 692      }
 693      else if($mybb->request_method != "post")
 694      {
 695          $banned_email_error = inline_error(array($lang->banned_email_warning));
 696      }
 697  }
 699  // work out which items the user has collapsed
 700  $colcookie = empty($mybb->cookies['collapsed']) ? false : $mybb->cookies['collapsed'];
 702  // set up collapsable items (to automatically show them us expanded)
 703  $collapsed = array('boardstats' => '', 'boardstats_e' => '', 'quickreply' => '', 'quickreply_e' => '');
 704  $collapsedimg = $collapsed;
 706  if($colcookie)
 707  {
 708      $col = explode("|", $colcookie);
 709      if(!is_array($col))
 710      {
 711          $col[0] = $colcookie; // only one item
 712      }
 713      unset($collapsed);
 714      foreach($col as $key => $val)
 715      {
 716          $ex = $val."_e";
 717          $co = $val."_c";
 718          $collapsed[$co] = "display: show;";
 719          $collapsed[$ex] = "display: none;";
 720          $collapsedimg[$val] = "_collapsed";
 721      }
 722  }
 724  // Run hooks for end of global.php
 725  $plugins->run_hooks("global_end");
 727  $globaltime = $maintimer->getTime();
 728  ?>

Generated: Tue Oct 8 19:19:50 2013 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1