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1 <?php 2 /** 3 * MyBB 1.6 4 * Copyright 2010 MyBB Group, All Rights Reserved 5 * 6 * Website: http://mybb.com 7 * License: http://mybb.com/about/license 8 * 9 * $Id: statistics.php 5304 2011-01-12 18:33:54Z Tomm $ 10 */ 11 12 // Disallow direct access to this file for security reasons 13 if(!defined("IN_MYBB")) 14 { 15 die("Direct initialization of this file is not allowed.<br /><br />Please make sure IN_MYBB is defined."); 16 } 17 18 if($mybb->input['action'] == "do_graph") 19 { 20 $range = array( 21 'start' => intval($mybb->input['start']), 22 'end' => intval($mybb->input['end']) 23 ); 24 create_graph($mybb->input['type'], $range); 25 die; 26 } 27 28 $page->add_breadcrumb_item($lang->statistics, "index.php?module=tools-statistics"); 29 30 $sub_tabs['overall_statistics'] = array( 31 'title' => $lang->overall_statistics, 32 'link' => "index.php?module=tools-statistics", 33 'description' => $lang->overall_statistics_desc 34 ); 35 36 $plugins->run_hooks("admin_tools_statistics_begin"); 37 38 if(!$mybb->input['action']) 39 { 40 $plugins->run_hooks("admin_tools_statistics_overall_begin"); 41 42 $query = $db->simple_select("stats", "COUNT(*) as total"); 43 if($db->fetch_field($query, "total") == 0) 44 { 45 flash_message($lang->error_no_statistics_available_yet, 'error'); 46 admin_redirect("index.php?module=tools"); 47 } 48 49 $per_page = 20; 50 51 // Do we have date range criteria? 52 if($mybb->input['from_year']) 53 { 54 $start_dateline = mktime(0, 0, 0, intval($mybb->input['from_month']), intval($mybb->input['from_day']), intval($mybb->input['from_year'])); 55 $end_dateline = mktime(23, 59, 59, intval($mybb->input['to_month']), intval($mybb->input['to_day']), intval($mybb->input['to_year'])); 56 $range = "&start={$start_dateline}&end={$end_dateline}"; 57 } 58 59 // Otherwise default to the last 30 days 60 if(!$mybb->input['from_year'] || $start_dateline > TIME_NOW || $end_dateline > mktime(23, 59, 59)) 61 { 62 $start_dateline = TIME_NOW-(60*60*24*30); 63 $end_dateline = TIME_NOW; 64 65 list($mybb->input['from_day'], $mybb->input['from_month'], $mybb->input['from_year']) = explode('-', date('j-n-Y', $start_dateline)); 66 list($mybb->input['to_day'], $mybb->input['to_month'], $mybb->input['to_year']) = explode('-', date('j-n-Y', $end_dateline)); 67 68 $range = "&start={$start_dateline}&end={$end_dateline}"; 69 } 70 71 $last_dateline = 0; 72 73 if($mybb->input['page'] && $mybb->input['page'] > 1) 74 { 75 $mybb->input['page'] = intval($mybb->input['page']); 76 $start = ($mybb->input['page']*$per_page)-$per_page; 77 } 78 else 79 { 80 $mybb->input['page'] = 1; 81 $start = 0; 82 } 83 84 $query = $db->simple_select("stats", "*", "dateline >= '".intval($start_dateline)."' AND dateline <= '".intval($end_dateline)."'", array('order_by' => 'dateline', 'order_dir' => 'asc')); 85 while($stat = $db->fetch_array($query)) 86 { 87 if($last_dateline) 88 { 89 $stat['change_users'] = ($stat['numusers'] - $stats[$last_dateline]['numusers']); 90 $stat['change_threads'] = ($stat['numthreads'] - $stats[$last_dateline]['numthreads']); 91 $stat['change_posts'] = ($stat['numposts'] - $stats[$last_dateline]['numposts']); 92 } 93 94 $stats[$stat['dateline']] = $stat; 95 96 $last_dateline = $stat['dateline']; 97 } 98 99 if(empty($stats)) 100 { 101 flash_message($lang->error_no_results_found_for_criteria, 'error'); 102 admin_redirect("index.php?module=tools"); 103 } 104 105 krsort($stats, SORT_NUMERIC); 106 107 $page->add_breadcrumb_item($lang->overall_statistics, "index.php?module=tools-statistics"); 108 109 $page->output_header($lang->statistics." - ".$lang->overall_statistics); 110 111 $page->output_nav_tabs($sub_tabs, 'overall_statistics'); 112 113 // Date range fields 114 $form = new Form("index.php?module=tools-statistics", "post", "overall"); 115 echo "<fieldset><legend>{$lang->date_range}</legend>\n"; 116 echo "{$lang->from} ".$form->generate_date_select('from', $mybb->input['from_day'], $mybb->input['from_month'], $mybb->input['from_year']); 117 echo " {$lang->to} ".$form->generate_date_select('to', $mybb->input['to_day'], $mybb->input['to_month'], $mybb->input['to_year']); 118 echo " ".$form->generate_submit_button($lang->view); 119 echo "</fieldset>\n"; 120 $form->end(); 121 122 echo "<fieldset><legend>{$lang->users}</legend>\n"; 123 echo "<img src=\"index.php?module=tools-statistics&action=do_graph&type=users{$range}\" />\n"; 124 echo "</fieldset>\n"; 125 126 echo "<fieldset><legend>{$lang->threads}</legend>\n"; 127 echo "<img src=\"index.php?module=tools-statistics&action=do_graph&type=threads{$range}\" />\n"; 128 echo "</fieldset>\n"; 129 130 echo "<fieldset><legend>{$lang->posts}</legend>\n"; 131 echo "<img src=\"index.php?module=tools-statistics&action=do_graph&type=posts{$range}\" />\n"; 132 echo "</fieldset>\n"; 133 134 $total_rows = count($stats); 135 136 $table = new Table; 137 $table->construct_header($lang->date); 138 $table->construct_header($lang->users); 139 $table->construct_header($lang->threads); 140 $table->construct_header($lang->posts); 141 $query = $db->simple_select("stats", "*", "dateline >= '".intval($start_dateline)."' AND dateline <= '".intval($end_dateline)."'", array('order_by' => 'dateline', 'order_dir' => 'desc', 'limit_start' => $start, 'limit' => $per_page)); 142 while($stat = $db->fetch_array($query)) 143 { 144 $table->construct_cell("<strong>".date($mybb->settings['dateformat'], $stat['dateline'])."</strong>"); 145 $table->construct_cell(my_number_format($stat['numusers'])." <small>".generate_growth_string($stats[$stat['dateline']]['change_users'])."</small>"); 146 $table->construct_cell(my_number_format($stat['numthreads'])." <small>".generate_growth_string($stats[$stat['dateline']]['change_threads'])."</small>"); 147 $table->construct_cell(my_number_format($stat['numposts'])." <small>".generate_growth_string($stats[$stat['dateline']]['change_posts'])."</small>"); 148 $table->construct_row(); 149 } 150 $table->output($lang->overall_statistics); 151 152 $url_range = "&from_month=".intval($mybb->input['from_month'])."&from_day=".intval($mybb->input['from_day'])."&from_year=".intval($mybb->input['from_year']); 153 $url_range .= "&to_month=".intval($mybb->input['to_month'])."&to_day=".intval($mybb->input['to_day'])."&to_year=".intval($mybb->input['to_year']); 154 155 echo draw_admin_pagination($mybb->input['page'], $per_page, $total_rows, "index.php?module=tools-statistics{$url_range}&page={page}"); 156 157 $page->output_footer(); 158 } 159 160 function generate_growth_string($number) 161 { 162 global $lang, $cp_style; 163 164 if($number === null) 165 { 166 return ""; 167 } 168 169 $number = intval($number); 170 $friendly_number = my_number_format(abs($number)); 171 172 if($number > 0) 173 { 174 $growth_string = "(<img src=\"./styles/{$cp_style}/images/icons/increase.gif\" alt=\"{$lang->increase}\" title=\"{$lang->increase}\" style=\"vertical-align: middle; margin-top: -2px;\" /> {$friendly_number})"; 175 } 176 elseif($number == 0) 177 { 178 $growth_string = "(<img src=\"./styles/{$cp_style}/images/icons/no_change.gif\" alt=\"{$lang->no_change}\" title=\"{$lang->no_change}\" style=\"vertical-align: middle; margin-top: -2px;\" /> {$friendly_number})"; 179 } 180 else 181 { 182 $growth_string = "(<img src=\"./styles/{$cp_style}/images/icons/decrease.gif\" alt=\"{$lang->decrease}\" title=\"{$lang->decrease}\" style=\"vertical-align: middle; margin-top: -2px;\" /> {$friendly_number})"; 183 } 184 185 return $growth_string; 186 } 187 188 function create_graph($type, $range=null) 189 { 190 global $db; 191 192 // Do we have date range criteria? 193 if($range['end'] || $range['start']) 194 { 195 $start = intval($range['start']); 196 $end = intval($range['end']); 197 } 198 // Otherwise default to the last 30 days 199 else 200 { 201 $start = TIME_NOW-(60*60*24*30); 202 $end = TIME_NOW; 203 } 204 205 $allowed_types = array('users', 'threads', 'posts'); 206 if(!in_array($type, $allowed_types)) 207 { 208 die; 209 } 210 211 require_once MYBB_ROOT.'inc/class_graph.php'; 212 213 $points = $stats = $datelines = array(); 214 if($start == 0) 215 { 216 $query = $db->simple_select("stats", "dateline,num{$type}", "dateline <= '".intval($end)."'", array('order_by' => 'dateline', 'order_dir' => 'desc', 'limit' => 2)); 217 while($stat = $db->fetch_array($query)) 218 { 219 $stats[] = $stat['num'.$type]; 220 $datelines[] = $stat['dateline']; 221 $x_labels[] = date("j/m", $stat['dateline']); 222 } 223 $points[$datelines[0]] = 0; 224 $points[$datelines[1]] = $stats[0]-$stats[1]; 225 ksort($points, SORT_NUMERIC); 226 } 227 elseif($end == 0) 228 { 229 $query = $db->simple_select("stats", "dateline,num{$type}", "dateline >= '".intval($start)."'", array('order_by' => 'dateline', 'order_dir' => 'asc', 'limit' => 2)); 230 while($stat = $db->fetch_array($query)) 231 { 232 $stats[] = $stat['num'.$type]; 233 $datelines[] = $stat['dateline']; 234 $x_labels[] = date("j/m", $stat['dateline']); 235 } 236 $points[$datelines[0]] = 0; 237 $points[$datelines[1]] = $stats[1]-$stats[0]; 238 ksort($points, SORT_NUMERIC); 239 } 240 else 241 { 242 $query = $db->simple_select("stats", "dateline,num{$type}", "dateline >= '".intval($start)."' AND dateline <= '".intval($end)."'", array('order_by' => 'dateline', 'order_dir' => 'asc')); 243 while($stat = $db->fetch_array($query)) 244 { 245 $points[$stat['dateline']] = $stat['num'.$type]; 246 $datelines[] = $stat['dateline']; 247 $x_labels[] = date("j/m", $stat['dateline']); 248 } 249 } 250 251 sort($datelines, SORT_NUMERIC); 252 253 // Find our year(s) label 254 $start_year = date('Y', $datelines[0]); 255 $last_year = date('Y', $datelines[count($datelines)-1]); 256 if(($last_year - $start_year) == 0) 257 { 258 $bottom_label = $start_year; 259 } 260 else 261 { 262 $bottom_label = $start_year." - ".$last_year; 263 } 264 265 // Create the graph outline 266 $graph = new Graph(); 267 $graph->add_points(array_values($points)); 268 $graph->add_x_labels($x_labels); 269 $graph->set_bottom_label($bottom_label); 270 $graph->render(); 271 $graph->output(); 272 } 273 ?>
Generated: Tue Oct 8 19:19:50 2013 | Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1 |