get_tree(); if(!is_array($tree) || !is_array($tree['theme'])) { return -1; } $theme = $tree['theme']; // Do we have MyBB 1.2 template's we're importing? $css_120 = ""; if(is_array($theme['cssbits'])) { $cssbits = kill_tags($theme['cssbits']); foreach($cssbits as $name => $values) { $css_120 .= "{$name} {\n"; foreach($values as $property => $value) { if(is_array($value)) { $property = str_replace('_', ':', $property); $css_120 .= "}\n{$name} {$property} {\n"; foreach($value as $property2 => $value2) { $css_120 .= "\t{$property2}: {$value2}\n"; } } else { $css_120 .= "\t{$property}: {$value}\n"; } } $css_120 .= "}\n"; } } if(is_array($theme['themebits'])) { $themebits = kill_tags($theme['themebits']); $theme['properties']['tag'] = 'properties'; foreach($themebits as $name => $value) { if($name == "extracss") { $css_120 .= $value; continue; } $theme['properties'][$name] = $value; } } if($css_120) { $css_120 = upgrade_css_120_to_140($css_120); $theme['stylesheets']['tag'] = 'stylesheets'; $theme['stylesheets']['stylesheet'][0]['tag'] = 'stylesheet'; $theme['stylesheets']['stylesheet'][0]['attributes'] = array('name' => 'global.css', 'version' => $mybb->version_code); $theme['stylesheets']['stylesheet'][0]['value'] = $css_120; unset($theme['cssbits']); unset($theme['themebits']); } if(is_array($theme['properties'])) { foreach($theme['properties'] as $property => $value) { if($property == "tag" || $property == "value") { continue; } $properties[$property] = $value['value']; } } if(empty($mybb->input['name'])) { $name = $theme['attributes']['name']; } else { $name = $mybb->input['name']; } $version = $theme['attributes']['version']; $query = $db->simple_select("themes", "tid", "name='".$db->escape_string($name)."'", array("limit" => 1)); $existingtheme = $db->fetch_array($query); if($options['force_name_check'] && $existingtheme['tid']) { return -3; } else if($existingtheme['tid']) { $options['tid'] = $existingtheme['tid']; } if($mybb->version_code != $version && $options['version_compat'] != 1) { return -2; } // Do we have any templates to insert? if(!empty($theme['templates']['template']) && !$options['no_templates']) { if($options['templateset']) { $sid = $options['templateset']; } else { $sid = $db->insert_query("templatesets", array('title' => $db->escape_string($name)." Templates")); } $templates = $theme['templates']['template']; if(is_array($templates)) { // Theme only has one custom template if(array_key_exists("attributes", $templates)) { $templates = array($templates); } } $security_check = false; $templatecache = array(); foreach($templates as $template) { if(check_template($template['value'])) { $security_check = true; break; } $templatecache[] = array( "title" => $db->escape_string($template['attributes']['name']), "template" => $db->escape_string($template['value']), "sid" => $db->escape_string($sid), "version" => $db->escape_string($template['attributes']['version']), "dateline" => TIME_NOW ); } if($security_check == true) { return -4; } foreach($templatecache as $template) { // PostgreSQL causes apache to stop sending content sometimes and // causes the page to stop loading during many queries all at one time if($db->engine == "pgsql") { echo " "; flush(); } $db->insert_query("templates", $template); } $properties['templateset'] = $sid; } // Not overriding an existing theme if(!$options['tid']) { // Insert the theme $theme_id = build_new_theme($name, $properties, $options['parent']); } // Overriding an existing - delete refs. else { $db->delete_query("themestylesheets", "tid='{$options['tid']}'"); $db->update_query("themes", array("properties" => $db->escape_string(serialize($properties))), "tid='{$options['tid']}'"); $theme_id = $options['tid']; } // If we have any stylesheets, process them if(!empty($theme['stylesheets']['stylesheet']) && !$options['no_stylesheets']) { // Are we dealing with a single stylesheet? if(isset($theme['stylesheets']['stylesheet']['tag'])) { // Trick the system into thinking we have a good array =P $theme['stylesheets']['stylesheet'] = array($theme['stylesheets']['stylesheet']); } foreach($theme['stylesheets']['stylesheet'] as $stylesheet) { if(substr($stylesheet['attributes']['name'], -4) != ".css") { continue; } if(!$stylesheet['attributes']['lastmodified']) { $stylesheet['attributes']['lastmodified'] = TIME_NOW; } $new_stylesheet = array( "name" => $db->escape_string($stylesheet['attributes']['name']), "tid" => $theme_id, "attachedto" => $db->escape_string($stylesheet['attributes']['attachedto']), "stylesheet" => $db->escape_string($stylesheet['value']), "lastmodified" => intval($stylesheet['attributes']['lastmodified']), "cachefile" => $db->escape_string($stylesheet['attributes']['name']) ); $sid = $db->insert_query("themestylesheets", $new_stylesheet); $css_url = "css.php?stylesheet={$sid}"; $cached = cache_stylesheet($theme_id, $stylesheet['attributes']['name'], $stylesheet['value']); if($cached) { $css_url = $cached; } $attachedto = $stylesheet['attributes']['attachedto']; if(!$attachedto) { $attachedto = "global"; } // private.php?compose,folders|usercp.php,global|global $attachedto = explode("|", $attachedto); foreach($attachedto as $attached_file) { $attached_actions = explode(",", $attached_file); $attached_file = array_shift($attached_actions); if(count($attached_actions) == 0) { $attached_actions = array("global"); } foreach($attached_actions as $action) { $theme_stylesheets[$attached_file][$action][] = $css_url; } } } // Now we have our list of built stylesheets, save them $updated_theme = array( "stylesheets" => $db->escape_string(serialize($theme_stylesheets)) ); $db->update_query("themes", $updated_theme, "tid='{$theme_id}'"); } update_theme_stylesheet_list($theme_id); // And done? return $theme_id; } /** * Parse theme variables in a specific string. * * @param string The string to parse variables for * @param array Array of variables * @return string Parsed string with variables replaced */ function parse_theme_variables($string, $variables=array()) { foreach(array_keys($variables) as $variable) { $find[] = "{{$variable}}"; $replace[] = $variables[$variable]; } return str_replace($find, $replace, $string); } /** * Caches a stylesheet to the file system. * * @param string The theme ID this stylesheet belongs to * @param string The name of the stylesheet * @param string The contents of the stylesheet */ function cache_stylesheet($tid, $filename, $stylesheet) { global $mybb; $filename = str_replace('/', '', $filename); $tid = intval($tid); // If we're in safe mode save to the main theme folder by default if($mybb->safemode) { $theme_directory = "cache/themes"; $filename = $tid."_".$filename; } // Does our theme directory exist? Try and create it. elseif(!is_dir(MYBB_ROOT."cache/themes/theme{$tid}")) { if(!@mkdir(MYBB_ROOT."cache/themes/theme{$tid}")) { $theme_directory = "cache/themes"; $filename = $tid."_".$filename; } else { // Add in empty index.html! $fp = @fopen(MYBB_ROOT."cache/themes/theme{$tid}/index.html", "w"); @fwrite($fp, ""); @fclose($fp); $theme_directory = "cache/themes/theme{$tid}"; } } // Seems like we're all good else { $theme_directory = "cache/themes/theme{$tid}"; } $theme_vars = array( "theme" => $theme_directory ); $stylesheet = parse_theme_variables($stylesheet, $theme_vars); $stylesheet = preg_replace_callback("#url\((\"|'|)(.*)\\1\)#", create_function('$matches', 'return fix_css_urls($matches[2]);'), $stylesheet); $fp = @fopen(MYBB_ROOT."{$theme_directory}/{$filename}", "wb"); if(!$fp) { return false; } @fwrite($fp, $stylesheet); @fclose($fp); return "{$theme_directory}/{$filename}"; } function resync_stylesheet($stylesheet) { global $db; // Try and fix any missing cache file names if(!$stylesheet['cachefile'] && $stylesheet['name']) { $stylesheet['cachefile'] = $stylesheet['name']; $db->update_query("themestylesheets", array('cachefile' => $db->escape_string($stylesheet['name'])), "sid='{$stylesheet['sid']}'", 1); } // Still don't have the cache file name or is it not a flat file? Return false if(!$stylesheet['cachefile'] || strpos($stylesheet['cachefile'], 'css.php') !== false) { return false; } if(!file_exists(MYBB_ROOT."cache/themes/theme{$stylesheet['tid']}/{$stylesheet['name']}") && !file_exists(MYBB_ROOT."cache/themes/{$stylesheet['tid']}_{$stylesheet['name']}")) { if(cache_stylesheet($stylesheet['tid'], $stylesheet['cachefile'], $stylesheet['stylesheet']) !== false) { $db->update_query("themestylesheets", array('cachefile' => $db->escape_string($stylesheet['name'])), "sid='{$stylesheet['sid']}'", 1); update_theme_stylesheet_list($stylesheet['tid']); if($stylesheet['sid'] != 1) { $db->update_query("themestylesheets", array('lastmodified' => TIME_NOW), "sid='{$stylesheet['sid']}'", 1); } } return true; } else if($stylesheet['sid'] != 1 && @filemtime(MYBB_ROOT."cache/themes/theme{$stylesheet['tid']}/{$stylesheet['name']}") > $stylesheet['lastmodified']) { $contents = unfix_css_urls(file_get_contents(MYBB_ROOT."cache/themes/theme{$stylesheet['tid']}/{$stylesheet['name']}")); $db->update_query("themestylesheets", array('stylesheet' => $db->escape_string($contents), 'lastmodified' => TIME_NOW), "sid='{$stylesheet['sid']}'", 1); return true; } return false; } function fix_css_urls($url) { if(!preg_match("#^([a-z0-9]+\:|/)#i", $url) && strpos($url, "../../../") === false) { return "url(../../../{$url})"; } else { return "url({$url})"; } } function unfix_css_urls($url) { return str_replace("../../../", "", $url); } /** * Build a theme based on the specified parameters. * * @param string The name of the theme * @param array Array of theme properties (if blank, inherits from parent) * @param int The parent ID for this theme (defaults to Master) * @return int The new theme ID */ function build_new_theme($name, $properties=null, $parent=1) { global $db; $new_theme = array( "name" => $db->escape_string($name), "pid" => intval($parent), "def" => 0, "allowedgroups" => "all", "properties" => "", "stylesheets" => "" ); $tid = $db->insert_query("themes", $new_theme); if($parent > 0) { $query = $db->simple_select("themes", "*", "tid='".intval($parent)."'"); $parent_theme = $db->fetch_array($query); if(count($properties) == 0 || !is_array($properties)) { $parent_properties = unserialize($parent_theme['properties']); if(!empty($parent_properties)) { foreach($parent_properties as $property => $value) { if($property == "inherited") { continue; } $properties[$property] = $value; if($parent_properties['inherited'][$property]) { $properties['inherited'][$property] = $parent_properties['inherited'][$property]; } else { $properties['inherited'][$property] = $parent; } } $inherited_properties = true; } } if(count($stylesheets) == 0) { $parent_stylesheets = unserialize($parent_theme['stylesheets']); if(!empty($parent_stylesheets)) { foreach($parent_stylesheets as $location => $value) { if($location == "inherited") { continue; } foreach($value as $action => $sheets) { foreach($sheets as $stylesheet) { $stylesheets[$location][$action][] = $stylesheet; $inherited_check = "{$location}_{$action}"; if($parent_stylesheets['inherited'][$inherited_check][$stylesheet]) { $stylesheets['inherited'][$inherited_check][$stylesheet] = $parent_stylesheets['inherited'][$inherited_check][$stylesheet]; } else { $stylesheets['inherited'][$inherited_check][$stylesheet] = $parent; } } } } $inherited_stylesheets = true; } } } if(!$inherited_properties) { $theme_vars = array( "theme" => "cache/themes/theme{$tid}" ); $properties['logo'] = parse_theme_variables($properties['logo'], $theme_vars); } $updated_theme['stylesheets'] = $db->escape_string(serialize($stylesheets)); $updated_theme['properties'] = $db->escape_string(serialize($properties)); if(count($updated_theme) > 0) { $db->update_query("themes", $updated_theme, "tid='{$tid}'"); } return $tid; } /** * Generates an array from an incoming CSS file. * * @param string The incoming CSS * @return array Parsed CSS file as array, false on failure */ function css_to_array($css) { // Normalise line breaks $css = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\n", "\r"), "\n", $css); /** * Play with the css a little - just to ensure we can parse it * * This essentially adds line breaks before and after each } not inside a string * so it's parsed correctly below */ $stripped_css = preg_replace('#(?\*\.\#\,\s\(\)\|~|@\^]+)(\s*)\{(.*?)\}\n#msi', $stripped_css, $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER); $total = count($matches[1]); for($i=0; $i < $total; $i++) { $name = $description = ''; $class_name = $matches[3][$i]; $class_name = trim($class_name); $comments = $matches[1][$i]; preg_match_all("#Name:(.*)#i", $comments, $name_match); if(isset($name_match[count($name_match)-1][0])) { $name = trim($name_match[count($name_match)-1][0]); } preg_match_all("#Description:(.*)#i", $comments, $description_match); if(isset($description_match[count($description_match)-1][0])) { $description = trim($description_match[count($description_match)-1][0]); } $class_id = md5($class_name); if(isset($already_parsed[$class_id])) { $already_parsed[$class_id]++; $class_id .= "_".$already_parsed[$class_id]; } else { $already_parsed[$class_id] = 1; } $values = trim($matches[5][$i]); $values = preg_replace("#/\*(.*?)\*/#s", "", $values); $parsed_css[$class_id] = array("class_name" => $class_name, "name" => $name, "description" => $description, "values" => $values); } return $parsed_css; } function get_selectors_as_options($css, $selected_item="") { $select = ""; if(!is_array($css)) { $css = css_to_array($css); } $selected = false; if(is_array($css)) { uasort($css, "css_selectors_sort_cmp"); foreach($css as $id => $css_array) { if(!$css_array['name']) { $css_array['name'] = $css_array['class_name']; } if($selected_item == $id || (!$selected_item && !$selected)) { $select .= "\n"; $selected = true; } else { $select .= "\n"; } } } return $select; } function css_selectors_sort_cmp($a, $b) { if(!$a['name']) { $a['name'] = $a['class_name']; } if(!$b['name']) { $b['name'] = $b['class_name']; } return strcmp($a['name'], $b['name']); } function get_css_properties($css, $id) { if(!is_array($css)) { $css = css_to_array($css); } if(!isset($css[$id])) { return false; } return parse_css_properties($css[$id]['values']); } /** * Parses CSS supported properties and returns them as an array. * * @param string Value of CSS properties from within class or selector * @return array Array of CSS properties */ function parse_css_properties($values) { if(!$values) { return; } $values = explode(";", $values); foreach($values as $value) { $value = trim($value); if(!$value) continue; list($property, $css_value) = explode(":", $value, 2); $property = trim($property); switch(strtolower($property)) { case "background": case "color": case "width": case "font-family": case "font-size": case "font-weight": case "font-style": case "text-decoration": $css_bits[$property] = trim($css_value); break; default: $css_bits['extra'] .= "{$property}: ".trim($css_value).";\n"; } } return $css_bits; } /** * Inserts an incoming string of CSS in to an already defined document. If the class ID is not found, the CSS is appended to the file. * * @param string CSS we wish to insert at this location * @param string The selector for this piece of CSS * @param string The existing CSS if we have any * @param string (Optional) The optional friendly class id value just incase the CSS is not found in the file */ function insert_into_css($new_css, $selector="", $css="", $class_id="") { $new_css = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\n", "\r"), "\n", $new_css); // Build the new CSS properties list $new_css = explode("\n", $new_css); foreach($new_css as $css_line) { $generated_css .= "\t".trim($css_line)."\n"; } // Parse out the CSS if($css) { $parsed_css = css_to_array($css); } if(!$class_id) { $class_id = $parsed_css[$selector]['class_name']; } // The specified class ID cannot be found, add CSS to end of file if(!$css || !$parsed_css[$selector]) { return $css."{$class_id}\n{\n{$generated_css}\n}\n\n"; } // Valid CSS, swap out old, swap in new else { $css = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\n", "\r"), "\n", $css); $css = preg_replace('#(?\*\.\#\,\s\(\)\|~\^]+)(\s*)\{(\n*)#isu", "\n$1 {\n", $css); $css = preg_replace("#\s{1,}\{#", " {", $css); $existing_block = $parsed_css[$selector]; $break = strrpos($selector, "_"); if($break !== false) { $actual_occurance = intval(substr($selector, ($break+1))); } if(!$actual_occurance) { $actual_occurance = 1; } $occurance = 1; $pos = 0; do { $pos = strpos($css, "\n".$existing_block['class_name']." {", $pos); if($pos === false) { break; } if($occurance == $actual_occurance) { // This is the part we want to replace, now we need to fetch the opening & closing braces $opening = strpos($css, "{", $pos); $closing = strpos($css, "}", $pos); $css = substr_replace($css, "\n".$generated_css."\n", $opening+1, $closing-$opening-1); break; } ++$occurance; ++$pos; } while($occurance <= $actual_occurance); } $css = preg_replace("#{\n*#s", "{\n", $css); $css = preg_replace("#\s*\}\s*#", "\n}\n\n", $css); return $css; } function copy_stylesheet_to_theme($stylesheet, $tid) { global $db; $stylesheet['tid'] = $tid; unset($stylesheet['sid']); foreach($stylesheet as $key => $value) { $stylesheet[$db->escape_string($key)] = $db->escape_string($value); } $sid = $db->insert_query("themestylesheets", $stylesheet); return $sid; } function update_theme_stylesheet_list($tid) { global $db; $stylesheets = array(); $child_list = make_child_theme_list($tid); $parent_list = make_parent_theme_list($tid); if(!is_array($parent_list)) { return false; } $tid_list = implode(',', $parent_list); // Get our list of stylesheets $query = $db->simple_select("themestylesheets", "sid,cachefile,attachedto,tid,lastmodified,name", "tid IN ({$tid_list})", array('order_by' => 'tid', 'order_dir' => 'desc')); while($stylesheet = $db->fetch_array($query)) { if(!$stylesheets[$stylesheet['name']]) { if($stylesheet['tid'] != $tid) { $stylesheet['inherited'] = $stylesheet['tid']; } $stylesheets[$stylesheet['name']] = $stylesheet; } } foreach($stylesheets as $name => $stylesheet) { $sid = $stylesheet['sid']; $css_url = "css.php?stylesheet={$sid}"; foreach($parent_list as $theme_id) { if(file_exists(MYBB_ROOT."cache/themes/theme{$theme_id}/{$stylesheet['name']}") && filemtime(MYBB_ROOT."cache/themes/theme{$theme_id}/{$stylesheet['name']}") >= $stylesheet['lastmodified']) { $css_url = "cache/themes/theme{$theme_id}/{$stylesheet['name']}"; break; } } $attachedto = $stylesheet['attachedto']; if(!$attachedto) { $attachedto = "global"; } // private.php?compose,folders|usercp.php,global|global $attachedto = explode("|", $attachedto); foreach($attachedto as $attached_file) { $attached_actions = array(); if(strpos($attached_file, '?') !== false) { $attached_file = explode('?', $attached_file); $attached_actions = explode(",", $attached_file[1]); $attached_file = $attached_file[0]; } if(count($attached_actions) == 0) { $attached_actions = array("global"); } foreach($attached_actions as $action) { $theme_stylesheets[$attached_file][$action][] = $css_url; if($stylesheet['inherited']) { $theme_stylesheets['inherited']["{$attached_file}_{$action}"][$css_url] = $stylesheet['inherited']; } } } } // Now we have our list of built stylesheets, save them $updated_theme = array( "stylesheets" => $db->escape_string(serialize($theme_stylesheets)) ); $db->update_query("themes", $updated_theme, "tid='{$tid}'"); // Do we have any children themes that need updating too? if(count($child_list) > 0) { foreach($child_list as $id) { update_theme_stylesheet_list($id); } } return true; } function make_parent_theme_list($tid) { static $themes_by_parent; $themes = array(); if(!is_array($themes_by_parent)) { $theme_cache = cache_themes(); foreach($theme_cache as $key => $theme) { if($key == "default") { continue; } $themes_by_parent[$theme['tid']][$theme['pid']] = $theme; } } if(!isset($themes_by_parent[$tid])) { return false; } reset($themes_by_parent); reset($themes_by_parent[$tid]); $themes = array(); foreach($themes_by_parent[$tid] as $key => $theme) { $themes[] = $theme['tid']; $parents = make_parent_theme_list($theme['pid']); if(is_array($parents)) { $themes = array_merge($themes, $parents); } } return $themes; } function make_child_theme_list($tid) { static $themes_by_child; $themes = array(); if(!is_array($themes_by_child)) { $theme_cache = cache_themes(); foreach($theme_cache as $key => $theme) { if($key == "default") { continue; } $themes_by_child[$theme['pid']][$theme['tid']] = $theme; } } if(!is_array($themes_by_child[$tid])) { return; } $themes = array(); foreach($themes_by_child[$tid] as $theme) { $themes[] = $theme['tid']; $children = make_child_theme_list($theme['tid']); if(is_array($children)) { $themes = array_merge($themes, $children); } } return $themes; } function cache_themes() { global $db, $theme_cache; if(empty($theme_cache) || !is_array($theme_cache)) { $query = $db->simple_select("themes", "*", "", array('order_by' => "pid, name")); while($theme = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $theme['properties'] = unserialize($theme['properties']); $theme['stylesheets'] = unserialize($theme['stylesheets']); $theme_cache[$theme['tid']] = $theme; if($theme['def'] == 1) { $theme_cache['default'] = $theme['tid']; } } } // Do we have no themes assigned as default? if(!$theme_cache['default']) { $theme_cache['default'] = 1; } return $theme_cache; } function build_theme_list($parent=0, $depth=0) { global $mybb, $db, $table, $lang, $page; // Global $table is bad, but it will have to do for now static $theme_cache; $padding = $depth*20; // Padding if(!is_array($theme_cache)) { $themes = cache_themes(); $query = $db->query(" SELECT style, COUNT(uid) AS users FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."users GROUP BY style "); while($user_themes = $db->fetch_array($query)) { if($user_themes['style'] == 0) { $user_themes['style'] = $themes['default']; } if($themes[$user_themes['style']]['users'] > 0) { $themes[$user_themes['style']]['users'] += intval($user_themes['users']); } else { $themes[$user_themes['style']]['users'] = intval($user_themes['users']); } } // Restrucure the theme array to something we can "loop-de-loop" with foreach($themes as $key => $theme) { if($key == "default") { continue; } $theme_cache[$theme['pid']][$theme['tid']] = $theme; } $theme_cache['num_themes'] = count($themes); unset($themes); } if(!is_array($theme_cache[$parent])) { return; } foreach($theme_cache[$parent] as $theme) { $popup = new PopupMenu("theme_{$theme['tid']}", $lang->options); if($theme['tid'] > 1) { $popup->add_item($lang->edit_theme, "index.php?module=style-themes&action=edit&tid={$theme['tid']}"); $theme['name'] = "".htmlspecialchars_uni($theme['name']).""; // We must have at least the master and 1 other active theme if($theme_cache['num_themes'] > 2) { $popup->add_item($lang->delete_theme, "index.php?module=style-themes&action=delete&tid={$theme['tid']}&my_post_key={$mybb->post_code}", "return AdminCP.deleteConfirmation(this, '{$lang->confirm_theme_deletion}')"); } if($theme['def'] != 1) { $popup->add_item($lang->set_as_default, "index.php?module=style-themes&action=set_default&tid={$theme['tid']}&my_post_key={$mybb->post_code}"); $set_default = "post_code}\">style}/images/icons/make_default.gif\" alt=\"{$lang->set_as_default}\" style=\"vertical-align: middle;\" title=\"{$lang->set_as_default}\" />"; } else { $set_default = "style}/images/icons/default.gif\" alt=\"{$lang->default_theme}\" style=\"vertical-align: middle;\" title=\"{$lang->default_theme}\" />"; } $popup->add_item($lang->force_on_users, "index.php?module=style-themes&action=force&tid={$theme['tid']}&my_post_key={$mybb->post_code}", "return AdminCP.deleteConfirmation(this, '{$lang->confirm_theme_forced}')"); } $popup->add_item($lang->export_theme, "index.php?module=style-themes&action=export&tid={$theme['tid']}"); $table->construct_cell("
"); $table->construct_cell(my_number_format($theme['users']), array("class" => "align_center")); $table->construct_cell($popup->fetch(), array("class" => "align_center")); $table->construct_row(); // Fetch & build any child themes build_theme_list($theme['tid'], ++$depth); } } // returns an array which can be sent to generate_select_box() function build_theme_array($ignoretid = null, $parent=0, $depth=0) { global $mybb, $lang, $list; static $theme_cache; if(!is_array($theme_cache)) { $themes = cache_themes(); // Restrucure the theme array to something we can "loop-de-loop" with foreach($themes as $key => $theme) { if($key == "default") { continue; } $theme_cache[$theme['pid']][$theme['tid']] = $theme; } unset($theme); } if(!is_array($theme_cache[$parent]) || $ignoretid === $parent) { return; } foreach($theme_cache[$parent] as $theme) { if($ignoretid === $theme['tid']) { continue; } $list[$theme['tid']] = str_repeat("--", $depth).$theme['name']; // Fetch & build any child themes build_theme_array($ignoretid, $theme['tid'], $depth+1); } if(!$parent) { return $list; } } function upgrade_css_120_to_140($css) { // Update our CSS to the new stuff in 1.4 $parsed_css = css_to_array($css); if(!is_array($parsed_css)) { return ""; } foreach($parsed_css as $class_id => $array) { $parsed_css[$class_id]['values'] = str_replace('#eea8a1', '#ffdde0', $array['values']); $parsed_css[$class_id]['values'] = str_replace('font-family: Verdana;', 'font-family: Verdana, Arial, Sans-Serif;', $array['values']); switch($array['class_name']) { case '.bottommenu': $parsed_css[$class_id]['values'] = str_replace('padding: 6px;', 'padding: 10px;', $array['values']); break; case '.expcolimage': $parsed_css[$class_id]['values'] .= "\n\tmargin-top: 2px;"; break; case '.toolbar_normal': case '.toolbar_hover': case '.toolbar_clicked': case '.pagenav': case '.pagenavbit': case '.pagenavbit a': case '.pagenavcurrent': case '.quote_header': case '.quote_body': case '.code_header': case '.code_body': case '.usercpnav': case '.usercpnav li': case '.usercpnav .pmfolders': case '.usercpnav li': case '.usercpnav li': unset($parsed_css[$class_id]); break; default: } } $to_add = array( md5('.trow_selected td') => array("class_name" => '.trow_selected td', "values" => 'background: #FFFBD9;'), md5('blockquote') => array("class_name" => 'blockquote', "values" => "border: 1px solid #ccc;\n\tmargin: 0;\n\tbackground: #fff;\n\tpadding: 4px;"), md5('blockquote cite') => array("class_name" => 'blockquote cite', "values" => "font-weight: bold;\n\tborder-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;\n\tfont-style: normal;\n\tdisplay: block;\n\tmargin: 4px 0;"), md5('blockquote cite span') => array("class_name" => 'blockquote cite span', "values" => "float: right;\n\tfont-weight: normal;"), md5('.codeblock') => array("class_name" => '.codeblock', "values" => "background: #fff;\n\tborder: 1px solid #ccc;\n\tpadding: 4px;"), md5('.codeblock .title') => array("class_name" => '.codeblock .title', "values" => "border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;\n\tfont-weight: bold;\n\tmargin: 4px 0;"), md5('.codeblock code') => array("class_name" => '.codeblock code', "values" => "overflow: auto;\n\theight: auto;\n\tmax-height: 200px;\n\tdisplay: block;\n\tfont-family: Monaco, Consolas, Courier, monospace;\n\tfont-size: 13px;"), md5('.subject_new') => array("class_name" => '.subject_new', "values" => "font-weight: bold;"), md5('.highlight') => array("class_name" => '.highlight', "values" => "background: #FFFFCC;\n\tpadding: 3px;"), md5('.pm_alert') => array("class_name" => '.pm_alert', "values" => "background: #FFF6BF;\n\tborder: 1px solid #FFD324;\n\ttext-align: center;\n\tpadding: 5px 20px;\n\tfont-size: 11px;"), md5('.red_alert') => array("class_name" => '.red_alert', "values" => "background: #FBE3E4;\n\tborder: 1px solid #A5161A;\n\tcolor: #A5161A;\n\ttext-align: center;\n\tpadding: 5px 20px;\n\tfont-size: 11px;"), md5('.high_warning') => array("class_name" => '.high_warning', "values" => "color: #CC0000;"), md5('.moderate_warning') => array("class_name" => '.moderate_warning', "values" => "color: #F3611B;"), md5('.low_warning') => array("class_name" => '.low_warning', "values" => "color: #AE5700;"), md5('div.error') => array("class_name" => 'div.error', "values" => "padding: 5px 10px;\n\tborder-top: 2px solid #FFD324;\n\tborder-bottom: 2px solid #FFD324;\n\tbackground: #FFF6BF\n\tfont-size: 12px;"), md5('.high_warning') => array("class_name" => '.high_warning', "values" => "color: #CC0000;"), md5('.moderate_warning') => array("class_name" => '.moderate_warning', "values" => "color: #F3611B;"), md5('.low_warning') => array("class_name" => '.low_warning', "values" => "color: #AE5700;"), md5('div.error') => array("class_name" => 'div.error', "values" => "padding: 5px 10px;\n\tborder-top: 2px solid #FFD324;\n\tborder-bottom: 2px solid #FFD324;\n\tbackground: #FFF6BF;\n\tfont-size: 12px;"), md5('div.error p') => array("class_name" => 'div.error p', "values" => "margin: 0;\n\tcolor: #000;\n\tfont-weight: normal;"), md5('div.error p em') => array("class_name" => 'div.error p em', "values" => "font-style: normal;\n\tfont-weight: bold;\n\tpadding-left: 24px;\n\tdisplay: block;\n\tcolor: #C00;\n\tbackground: url({$mybb->settings['bburl']}/images/error.gif) no-repeat 0;"), md5('div.error.ul') => array("class_name" => 'div.error.ul', "values" => "margin-left: 24px;"), md5('.online') => array("class_name" => '.online', "values" => "color: #15A018;"), md5('.offline') => array("class_name" => '.offline', "values" => "color: #C7C7C7;"), md5('.pagination') => array("class_name" => '.pagination', "values" => "font-size: 11px;\n\tpadding-top: 10px;\n\tmargin-bottom: 5px;"), md5('.tfoot .pagination, .tcat .pagination') => array("class_name" => '.tfoot .pagination, .tcat .pagination', "values" => "padding-top: 0;"), md5('.pagination .pages') => array("class_name" => '.pagination .pages', "values" => "font-weight: bold;"), md5('.pagination .pagination_current, .pagination a') => array("class_name" => '.pagination .pagination_current, .pagination a', "values" => "padding: 2px 6px;\n\tmargin-bottom: 3px;"), md5('.pagination a') => array("class_name" => '.pagination a', "values" => "border: 1px solid #81A2C4;"), md5('.pagination .pagination_current') => array("class_name" => '.pagination .pagination_current', "values" => "background: #F5F5F5;\n\tborder: 1px solid #81A2C4;\n\tfont-weight: bold;"), md5('.pagination a:hover') => array("class_name" => '.pagination a:hover', "values" => "background: #F5F5F5;\n\ttext-decoration: none;"), md5('.thread_legend, .thread_legend dd') => array("class_name" => '.thread_legend, .thread_legend dd', "values" => "margin: 0;\n\tpadding: 0;"), md5('.thread_legend dd') => array("class_name" => '.thread_legend dd', "values" => "padding-bottom: 4px;\n\tmargin-right: 15px;"), md5('.thread_legend img') => array("class_name" => '.thread_legend img', "values" => "margin-right: 4px;\n\tvertical-align: bottom;"), md5('.forum_legend, .forum_legend dt, .forum_legend dd') => array("class_name" => '.forum_legend, .forum_legend dt, .forum_legend dd', "values" => "margin: 0;\n\tpadding: 0;"), md5('.forum_legend dd') => array("class_name" => '.forum_legend dd', "values" => "float: left;\n\tmargin-right: 10px;"), md5('.forum_legend dt') => array("class_name" => '.forum_legend dt', "values" => "margin-right: 10px;\n\tfloat: left;"), md5('.success_message') => array("class_name" => '.success_message', "values" => "color: #00b200;\n\tfont-weight: bold;\n\tfont-size: 10px;\n\tmargin-bottom: 10px;"), md5('.error_message') => array("class_name" => '.error_message', "values" => "color: #C00;\n\tfont-weight: bold;\n\tfont-size: 10px;\n\tmargin-bottom: 10px;"), md5('.post_body') => array("class_name" => '.post_body', "values" => "padding: 5px;"), md5('.post_content') => array("class_name" => '.post_content', "values" => "padding: 5px 10px;"), md5('.invalid_field') => array("class_name" => '.invalid_field', "values" => "border: 1px solid #f30;\n\tcolor: #f30;"), md5('.valid_field') => array("class_name" => '.valid_field', "values" => "border: 1px solid #0c0;"), md5('.validation_error') => array("class_name" => '.validation_error', "values" => "background: url(images/invalid.gif) no-repeat center left;\n\tcolor: #f30;\n\tmargin: 5px 0;\n\tpadding: 5px;\n\tfont-weight: bold;\n\tfont-size: 11px;\n\tpadding-left: 22px;"), md5('.validation_success') => array("class_name" => '.validation_success', "values" => "background: url(images/valid.gif) no-repeat center left;\n\tcolor: #00b200;\n\tmargin: 5px 0;\n\tpadding: 5px;\n\tfont-weight: bold;\n\tfont-size: 11px;\n\tpadding-left: 22px;"), md5('.validation_loading') => array("class_name" => '.validation_loading', "values" => "background: url(images/spinner.gif) no-repeat center left;\n\tcolor: #555;\n\tmargin: 5px 0;\n\tpadding: 5px;\n\tfont-weight: bold;\n\tfont-size: 11px;\n\tpadding-left: 22px;"), ); foreach($to_add as $class_id => $array) { if($already_parsed[$class_id]) { $already_parsed[$class_id]++; $class_id .= "_".$already_parsed[$class_id]; } else { $already_parsed[$class_id] = 1; } $array['name'] = ""; $array['description'] = ""; $parsed_css[$class_id] = $array; } $css = ""; foreach($parsed_css as $class_id => $array) { if($array['name'] || $array['description']) { $theme['css'] .= "/* "; if($array['name']) { $array['css'] .= "Name: {$array['name']}"; if($array['description']) { $array['css'] .= "\n"; } } if($array['description']) { $array['css'] .= "Description: {$array['description']}"; } $array['css'] .= " */\n"; } $css .= "{$array['class_name']} {\n\t{$array['values']}\n}\n"; } return $css; } ?>