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PHP Cross Reference of MyBB




/admin/inc/ -> class_page.php (summary)

MyBB 1.6 Copyright 2010 MyBB Group, All Rights Reserved

File Size: 921 lines (26 kb)
Included or required: 1 time
Referenced: 0 times
Includes or requires: 0 files

Defines 3 classes

DefaultPage:: (20 methods):

DefaultSidebarItem:: (4 methods):

DefaultPopupMenu:: (4 methods):

Class: DefaultPage  - X-Ref

output_header($title="")   X-Ref
Output the page header.

param: string The title of the page.

output_footer($quit=true)   X-Ref
Output the page footer.

add_breadcrumb_item($name, $url="")   X-Ref
Add an item to the page breadcrumb trail.

param: string The name of the item to add.
param: string The URL to the item we're adding (if there is one)

_generate_breadcrumb()   X-Ref
Generate a breadcrumb trail.

output_success($message)   X-Ref
Output a success message.

param: string The message to output.

output_alert($message, $id="")   X-Ref
Output an alert/warning message.

param: string The message to output.
param: string The ID of the alert/warning (optional)

output_inline_message($message)   X-Ref
Output an inline message.

param: string The message to output.

output_error($error)   X-Ref
Output a single error message.

param: string The message to output.

output_inline_error($errors)   X-Ref
Output one or more inline error messages.

param: array Array of error messages to output.

show_login($message="", $class="success")   X-Ref
Generate the login page.

param: string The any message to output on the page if there is one.
param: string The class name of the message (defaults to success)

show_lockedout()   X-Ref
Generate the lockout page

show_lockout_unlock($message="", $class="success")   X-Ref
Generate the lockout unlock page

param: string The any message to output on the page if there is one.
param: string The class name of the message (defaults to success)

add_menu_item($title, $id, $link, $order=10, $submenu=array()   X-Ref
Add an item to the primary navigation menu.

param: string The title of the menu item.
param: string The ID of the menu item. This should correspond with the module the menu will run.
param: string The link to follow when the menu item is clicked.
param: int The display order of the menu item. Lower display order means closer to start of the menu.
param: array Array of sub menu items if there are any.

_build_menu()   X-Ref
Build the actual navigation menu.

_build_submenu($title, $items)   X-Ref
Build a navigation sub menu if we have one.

param: string A title for the sub menu.
param: array Array of items for the sub menu.

get_alt_bg()   X-Ref
Switch between two different alternating background colours.

output_tab_control($tabs=array()   X-Ref
Output a Javascript based tab control on to the page.

param: array Array of tabs in name => title format. Name should correspond to the name of a DIV containing the tab content.
param: boolean Whether or not to run the event onload or instantly
param: string The ID to use for the tabs for if you run multiple instances of the tabbing control in one html page

output_nav_tabs($tabs=array()   X-Ref
Output a series of primary navigation tabs for swithcing between items within a particular module/action.

param: array Nested array of tabs containing possible keys of align, link_target, link, title.
param: string The name of the active tab. Corresponds with the key of each tab item.

output_confirm_action($url, $message="", $title="")   X-Ref
Output a page asking if a user wishes to continue performing a specific action.

param: string The URL to be forwarded to.
param: string The confirmation message to output.
param: string The title to use in the output header

build_codebuttons_editor($bind, $editor_language)   X-Ref
Build a clickable MyCode editor for the Admin CP.

param: string The ID of the textarea to bind the editor to.
param: string The language string for the editor.
return: string The build MyCode editor Javascript.

Class: DefaultSidebarItem  - X-Ref

A class for generating side bar blocks.

__construct($title="")   X-Ref
Constructor. Set the title of the side bar block.

param: string The title of the side bar block.

add_menu_items($items, $active)   X-Ref
Add menus item to the side bar block.

param: array Array of menu items to add. Each menu item should be a nested array of id, link and title.
param: string The ID of the active menu item if there is one.

set_contents($html)   X-Ref
Sets custom html to the contents variable

param: string The custom html to set

get_markup()   X-Ref
Fetch the HTML markup for the side bar box.

Class: DefaultPopupMenu  - X-Ref

Generate a Javascript based popup menu.

__construct($id, $title='')   X-Ref
Initialise a new popup menu.

add_item($text, $link, $onclick='')   X-Ref
Add an item to the popup menu.

param: string The title of this item.
param: string The page this item should link to.
param: string The onclick event handler if we have one.

fetch()   X-Ref
Fetch the contents of the popup menu.

return: string The popup menu.

output()   X-Ref
Outputs a popup menu to the browser.

Generated: Tue Oct 8 19:19:50 2013 Cross-referenced by PHPXref 0.7.1