\n"; $form .= $this->generate_hidden_field("my_post_key", $mybb->post_code)."\n"; if($return == false) { echo $form; } else { $this->_return = true; $this->construct_return = $form; } } /** * Generate and return a hidden field. * * @param string The name of the hidden field. * @param string The value of the hidden field. * @param array Optional array of options (id) * @return string The generated hidden */ function generate_hidden_field($name, $value, $options=array()) { $input = ""; $textarea .= htmlspecialchars_uni($value); $textarea .= ""; return $textarea; } /** * Generate a radio button. * * @param string The name of the radio button. * @param string The value of the radio button * @param string The label of the radio button if there is one. * @param array Array of options for the radio button (id, class, checked) * @return string The generated radio button. */ function generate_radio_button($name, $value="", $label="", $options=array()) { $input = " val format. * @param mixed Either a string containing the selected item or an array containing multiple selected items (options['multiple'] must be true) * @param array Array of options for the select box (multiple, class, id, size) * @return string The select box. */ function generate_select_box($name, $option_list, $selected=array(), $options=array()) { if(!isset($options['multiple'])) { $select = "\n"; return $select; } /** * Generate a forum selection box. * * @param string The name of the selection box. * @param mixed Array/string of the selected items. * @param array Array of options (pid, main_option, multiple) * @param boolean Is this our first iteration of this function? * @return string The built select box. */ function generate_forum_select($name, $selected, $options=array(), $is_first=1) { global $fselectcache, $forum_cache, $selectoptions; if(!$selectoptions) { $selectoptions = ''; } if(!isset($options['depth'])) { $options['depth'] = 0; } $options['depth'] = intval($options['depth']); if(!isset($options['pid'])) { $options['pid'] = 0; } $pid = intval($options['pid']); if(!is_array($fselectcache)) { if(!is_array($forum_cache)) { $forum_cache = cache_forums(); } foreach($forum_cache as $fid => $forum) { $fselectcache[$forum['pid']][$forum['disporder']][$forum['fid']] = $forum; } } if($options['main_option'] && $is_first) { $select_add = ''; if($selected == -1) { $select_add = " selected=\"selected\""; } $selectoptions .= "\n"; } if(isset($fselectcache[$pid])) { foreach($fselectcache[$pid] as $main) { foreach($main as $forum) { if($forum['fid'] != "0" && $forum['linkto'] == '') { $select_add = ''; if(!empty($selected) && ($forum['fid'] == $selected || (is_array($selected) && in_array($forum['fid'], $selected)))) { $select_add = " selected=\"selected\""; } $sep = ''; if(isset($options['depth'])) { $sep = str_repeat(" ", $options['depth']); } $style = ""; if($forum['active'] == 0) { $style = " style=\"font-style: italic;\""; } $selectoptions .= "\n"; if($forum_cache[$forum['fid']]) { $options['depth'] += 5; $options['pid'] = $forum['fid']; $this->generate_forum_select($forum['fid'], $selected, $options, 0); $options['depth'] -= 5; } } } } } if($is_first == 1) { if(!isset($options['multiple'])) { $select = "read('usergroups'); foreach($groups_cache as $group) { $selected_add = ""; if(is_array($selected)) { if(in_array($group['gid'], $selected)) { $selected_add = " selected=\"selected\""; } } $select .= ""; } $select .= ""; return $select; } /** * Generate a submit button. * * @param string The value for the submit button. * @param array Array of options for the submit button (class, id, name, dsiabled, onclick) * @return string The generated submit button. */ function generate_submit_button($value, $options=array()) { $input = "generate_radio_button($name, $yes_value, $lang->yes, $yes_options); $no = $this->generate_radio_button($name, $no_value, $lang->no, $no_options); return $yes." ".$no; } /** * Generate an on/off radio button choice. * * @param string The name of the on/off choice field. * @param string The value that should be checked. * @param boolean Using integers for the checkbox? * @param array Array of options for the on checkbox (@see generate_radio_button) * @param array Array of options for the off checkbox (@see generate_radio_button) * @return string The generated on/off radio button. */ function generate_on_off_radio($name, $value=1, $int=true, $on_options=array(), $off_options = array()) { global $lang; // Checked status if($value == "off" || (int) $value !== 1) { $off_checked = 1; $on_checked = 0; } else { $on_checked = 1; $off_checked = 0; } // Element value if($int == true) { $on_value = 1; $off_value = 0; } else { $on_value = "on"; $off_value = "off"; } // Set the options straight if(!isset($on_options['class'])) { $on_options['class'] = ''; } if(!isset($off_options['class'])) { $off_options['class'] = ''; } $on_options['class'] = "radio_on ".$on_options['class']; $on_options['checked'] = $on_checked; $off_options['class'] = "radio_off ".$off_options['class']; $off_options['checked'] = $off_checked; $on = $this->generate_radio_button($name, $on_value, $lang->on, $on_options); $off = $this->generate_radio_button($name, $off_value, $lang->off, $off_options); return $on." ".$off; } function generate_date_select($name, $day="",$month="",$year="") { global $lang; $months = array( 1 => $lang->january, 2 => $lang->february, 3 => $lang->march, 4 => $lang->april, 5 => $lang->may, 6 => $lang->june, 7 => $lang->july, 8 => $lang->august, 9 => $lang->september, 10 => $lang->october, 11 => $lang->november, 12 => $lang->december, ); // Construct option list for days $days = array(); for($i = 1; $i <= 31; ++$i) { $days[$i] = $i; } if(!$day) { $day = date("j", TIME_NOW); } if(!$month) { $month = date("n", TIME_NOW); } if(!$year) { $year = date("Y", TIME_NOW); } $built = $this->generate_select_box($name.'_day', $days, intval($day), array('id' => $name.'_day'))."   "; $built .= $this->generate_select_box($name.'_month', $months, intval($month), array('id' => $name.'_month'))."   "; $built .= $this->generate_text_box($name.'_year', intval($year), array('id' => $name.'_year', 'style' => 'width: 100px;')); return $built; } /** * Output a row of buttons in a wrapped container. * * @param array Array of the buttons (html) to output. * @return string The submit wrapper (optional) */ function output_submit_wrapper($buttons) { global $plugins; $buttons = $plugins->run_hooks("admin_form_output_submit_wrapper", $buttons); $return = "
\n"; foreach($buttons as $button) { $return .= $button." \n"; } $return .= "
\n"; if($this->_return == false) { echo $return; } else { return $return; } } /** * Finish up a form. * * @return string The ending form tag (optional) */ function end() { global $plugins; $plugins->run_hooks("admin_form_end", $this); if($this->_return == false) { echo ""; } else { return ""; } } } /** * Generate a form container. */ class DefaultFormContainer { private $_container; public $_title; /** * Initialise the new form container. * * @param string The title of the forum container * @param string An additional class to apply if we have one. */ function __construct($title='', $extra_class='') { $this->_container = new Table; $this->extra_class = $extra_class; $this->_title = $title; } /** * Output a header row of the form container. * * @param string The header row label. * @param array TODO */ function output_row_header($title, $extra=array()) { $this->_container->construct_header($title, $extra); } /** * Output a row of the form container. * * @param string The title of the row. * @param string The description of the row/field. * @param string The HTML content to show in the row. * @param string The ID of the control this row should be a label for. * @param array Array of options for the row cell. * @param array Array of options for the row container. */ function output_row($title, $description="", $content="", $label_for="", $options=array(), $row_options=array()) { global $plugins; $pluginargs = array( 'title' => &$title, 'description' => &$description, 'content' => &$content, 'label_for' => &$label_for, 'options' => &$options, 'row_options' => &$row_options, 'this' => &$this ); $plugins->run_hooks("admin_formcontainer_output_row", $pluginargs); $row = $for = ''; if($label_for != '') { $for = " for=\"{$label_for}\""; } if($title) { $row = "{$title}"; } if(isset($options['id'])) { $options['id'] = " id=\"{$options['id']}\""; } else { $options['id'] = ''; } if($description != '') { $row .= "\n
\n"; } $row .= "
\n"; $this->_container->construct_cell($row, $options); if(!isset($options['skip_construct'])) { $this->_container->construct_row($row_options); } } /** * Output a row cell for a table based form row. * * @param string The data to show in the cell. * @param array Array of options for the cell (optional). */ function output_cell($data, $options=array()) { $this->_container->construct_cell($data, $options); } /** * Build a row for the table based form row. * * @param array Array of extra options for the cell (optional). */ function construct_row($extra=array()) { $this->_container->construct_row($extra); } /** * return the cells of a row for the table based form row. * * @param string The id of the row. * @param boolean Whether or not to return or echo the resultant contents. * @return string The output of the row cells (optional). */ function output_row_cells($row_id, $return=false) { if(!$return) { echo $this->_container->output_row_cells($row_id, $return); } else { return $this->_container->output_row_cells($row_id, $return); } } /** * Count the number of rows in the form container. Useful for displaying a 'no rows' message. * * @return int The number of rows in the form container. */ function num_rows() { return $this->_container->num_rows(); } /** * Output the end of the form container row. * * @param boolean Whether or not to return or echo the resultant contents. * @return string The output of the form container (optional). */ function end($return=false) { global $plugins; $hook = array( 'return' => &$return, 'this' => &$this ); $plugins->run_hooks("admin_formcontainer_end", $hook); if($return == true) { return $this->_container->output($this->_title, 1, "general form_container {$this->extra_class}", true); } else { echo $this->_container->output($this->_title, 1, "general form_container {$this->extra_class}", false); } } } ?>